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Here’s a post out of Gloucester that’s been making the rounds….
So as you know, we are always very skeptical of these unconfirmed Facebook anecdotes that slam small businesses. On the other hand, how do you explain this?
Bold move right there.
I assumed this was the work an angry Greek pizzeria owner. I mean, statistically speaking there was a pretty good shot it was an angry Greek pizzeria owner. I say this out of love, but there’s one thing you don’t do is fuck with angry Greek pizzeria owners. These people resisted communism for 45 years, and they didn’t move to America to be nice to you. That’s just a scientific fact.
Turns out it’s owned by two white guys with no social media presence named Chris and Corey Moody. Just a bunch of basic Americans with no filter and no fucks left to give.
As you can see from their halfway knee high socks and designer clothes from Savers, these are guys who obviously care about their physical appearance and reputation.
Whichever one of them wrote the check obviously doesn’t understand how the Internet works. Look, you could write a check to a 15 year old and make it out to Shithead in 1995. Happened all the time. But you can’t do it in the age of the Internet, because you’re basically asking for this to happen. Just look at their Facebook page:
They’re getting murdered by an online mob. That tends to happen when you make a check out to Shithead for a 15 year old because he didn’t want you to exploit child labor laws.
They hardly ever post on Facebook, but this was their most recent….
LOL. Must be 18 or older. Then they went and hired a 15 year old. Went over like a queef in the pool.
And I know these are just anecdotes from strangers, but where there’s smoke, there’s fire….
Just sayin. And a bunch of people who used to work there started sharing their “you’re fired” texts….
He spells lose, “loose.”
He readily admits that he and his brother Corey are “alcaholics.”
He feels the need to point out that the multiple allegations of being sexually harassing drug addicts are just rumors.
He shits on a former employee’s parents on the way out the door.
He doesn’t mind the fact that this behavior will destroy his businesses’ online rating.
I already know everything I need to know about him.
It’s just amazing that this is their business plan – shit on everyone and be as unprofessional as possible. Yet they proudly brag about winning some sort of north shore election…
I’m sorry, but this pie looks like the Fall River Guttermuppet’s lady bits.
Have some standards people.
In fairness, they kind of outlined the type of business owners they were in their mission statement on their website….
“We strive not only to be the best at what we do, but to be the only at what we do.”
Because….fuck spelling and grammar. No big deal. It’s just your website. No one really uses the Internet anyway. I will give them this – they do strive to be the “only at what we do.” And by that they mean, “act like vapid triggered twatwaffles while leaving a trail of destruction and jilted former employees.”
This woman seems to be the sole person defending their honor….
Depravation of character. That’s a new one. Not quite as egregious as deformation of character, but serious nonetheless. It’s like how Twitter only used to let you have 140 letters. Deprivation of characters.
Anyway, look at the bright side on this one kid – Shithead Davy is the greatest nickname a 15 year old could ever be granted. Wear it with pride Shithead.
5 Comment(s)
That’s chris number 978-559-1318 they are terrible people let them know enjoy.
Did they previously work at a used car dealership in Westport?
I live in Gloucester and my step son knows the kid and we will never get food from there.
Definitely shocked they weren’t old and Greek. But hey – ratchets gonna ratchet.
Is the kid’s name really Davy Lavy?