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So lost in all the chaos in Baton Rouge was another incident of violence directed at the police in Worcester this weekend:
First of all, it’s a joke that they can’t release the perps name because it’s a “domestic” dispute. He stabbed a cop in the face. He was the aggressor. He was violating a restraining order. He is a common and dangerous criminal and the public has the right know who he is so he can be publicly shamed and ridiculed on Turtleboy Sports.
Just shows you that even a routine domestic call can end up with a cop getting stabbed in the face by some local muff. This is yet another example of how the WPD do a remarkable job. It was less than two years ago that a Worcester cop chose to put his life on the line by using non-lethal force to subdue an armed and dangerous criminal who was trying to inflict harm upon him. Naturally when the City Council decided to give him an award and praise the WPD, the black lives matter terrorists showed up to protest this racist police force.
Once again, these officers would have been within their full legal rights to have shot the man who stabbed the police officer in the face. The world would undoubtably be a better place with one less domestic abuser who was no regard whatsoever for authority. But this story will not be covered in the mainstream media, and will not be mentioned by Julius Jones, Sonya Conner, Kevin Ksen, or any of the other agenda driven anti-cop rabble rousing losers in Worcester.
And as usual there always has be one turd in the punch bowl:
This guy is a real winner:
Cop gets stabbed in the face? Better accuse them of violating Matt Cornwell’s constitutional rights and announce to the world that the officer probably deserved it. Ya know, just to let everyone know that your ex-girlfriend cheated on you with a cop. Nice couch and finger tattoos though. Things are obviously going great for Matt Cornwell!!!
It just so happens that this nudnik is from the mean streets of Grafton!!! He doesn’t call the cops probably because Grafton is one of the safest towns in the area. Well, that and the fact that he keeps it real yo!!! That’s just how gangstas roll in G-town!!!
The bottom line is that the police do a thankless job every day. They’ve been under attack by the media who continues to only highlight rogue police officers who get caught doing bad things. They don’t talk about the police officers who put their lives on the line every day in order to make sure that the lowest rungs of society get to stay alive.
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22 Comment(s)
Funny story you all are going to like. So I am commenting on an acquaintance’s Facebook post when Matt Cornwell chimes in and says how “working under the table is the best: he doesn’t pay taxes and he doesn’t get drug tested.” I don’t know what possessed me, but I respond to him and explain the obvious drawbacks of working under the table. Things like the lack of worker’s compensation in the event of a work injury, unemployment benefits should he lose his job, no social security when he is too old to work etc etc. He responds to me that he is anti-government and he isn’t going to let them “rob him.” He then goes on to tell me how he doesn’t want to live that long anyway. He launches into some sort of tin foil hat diatribe about a “one world government and one world currency,” and finishes it all with “you aren’t very bright are you? huh”
Sorry bro, I’m not the one who announced I was being paid illegally “by my close friend” on a public Facebook post.
I decide to do a Google search on the clown I am conversing with, and low and behold, this story comes up. It all makes so much sense now.
“First of all, it’s a joke that they can’t release the perps name because it’s a “domestic” dispute.”
The purpose of this is to protect the identity of the victim until after the perp’s court date and allow the state enough time to build a case before info is released to the public. Its also a way to encourage the victims to actually press charges against their abuser and cooperate as a witness. The law has a lot to do with case against Jared Remy (Sox announcer Jerry Remy’s son) who killed his girl friend Jennifer Martel. Jared Remy was arrested on a domestic before her murder. She had initially cooperated with law enforcement and the prosecutor but it wasn’t long before the media picked up the story. The intense pressure from main stream media caused her to stop cooperating, Jared Remy was released and he ended up killing her.
All the real thugs of Worcester know the truth, the WPD put up with so much on a daily basis, and never “accidentally” shoot anyone. Worcester lowlifes have it good compared to other places. Yet it’s always some wanna be loser, with no actual experience with cops, that says cops get what they deserve. Worcester police have my ultimate respect. This crack den couch idiot will be the first to call the police, just like miss plus size wanna be model.
He has the old Richard Speck ink on his knuckles. Both had the same brain obviously !
He’s the guy from the “Vote No on Legalizing Weed” ad.
I’d be very surprised if he graduated high school.
Ink on the fingers nice touch. Is this one of the trash that live in the mill houses ?
We used to blame the availability of horse tranquilizers with all of the Grafton stables….
Is this co lou?
Suburban tough guy wanna be goofball. We’re all laughing at you loser
What “Right” did the cop violate? An assholes right to tune up his women? Of course this wanna-be rapper from “Big G” looks like Cornholeio’s brother
Section 8 at it’s finest
Hes got 911 on speed dial whos he kiddin wat a clown!
Dude’s probably the biggest snitch in G-town.
POS’s like this, BLM, and ISIS are going to destroy this country in short order if the government and citizens don’t wake up pretty soon. It may already be too late. The current Washington DC slugs certainly won’t do anything except propagate anything to get reelected even if it means the end of the country. What is going to happen when all the working people have had enough and stop working to feed all the leeches. We have roach and mouse traps, why don’t we have leech traps. Stop welfare and SNAP. Why weren’t some of the SNAP cheater arrested and charged? Why can’t domestic abusers be named, to protect the reputation of shitheads?
Haha what a classless useless piece of shit this kid is. Grow up, Dude. You know damn well you’ll call the cops, crying like a little douche some day if you haven’t already. Lame-o.
Why is this jackass still allowed to consume oxygen?
Lol this guy is such a fkn turd. He lives in big bad grafton? Dude, get outta here. Youre not a bad ass, youre a punk. Youve never needed to call the police? Be grateful. Dont be a punk. So sick of the cops getting assaulted. Assaulting a cop doesnt make you a tough guy, it makes you a punk in need of a slap upside the head. You dont assault cops. Thats just stupid. Cops are bad guys? Ummm ya gtfo of here with that stupidness.
OK, so by Matt’s logic, and I use that term loosely, if my Constitutional rights are violated by some knucklehead I can stab him in the face?
This waste if oxygen would never call police be cause he’s likely guilty of something and blames cops for his woes. That’s how thugs think.
Nice couch.
He’s not a thug. He’s a wannabe and a pussy