This Day In Turtleboy

Horde Of Ratchet Worcester Single Moms And Sex Offenders Raid School Bus Blair Witch Style, Assault Bus Driver, Traumatize Crotch Fruits, Refuse To Follow Procedures


Six years ago one of the most Worcester videos of all time, depicting ratchet parents invading their kids’ school bus after refusing to follow procedure, went viral.

This is why Worcester can’t have nice things.

First of all, I just wanna say that anyone who holds their iPhone vertically while taping something is a scourge on society. Please, for the love of God, HOLD YOUR PHONE HORIZONTALLY WHILE TAPING VIDEO!!! This video could’ve been a million times better if it could actually take up my whole computer screen. There was just so much fantastic Worcester chaos going on that I wanted to soak it all up.

Anyway, when I first saw this video I didn’t really know how to feel. I was leaning towards the parents’ side. I thought what we had was an insane bus driver on a power trip.

Boy, am I glad I took time to think this one over, because my initial instinct couldn’t possibly have been more wrong. This is 110% on the parents. This video is extremely misleading. We kind of missed the most important part didn’t we? You know, the part that would explain why the driver wasn’t letting the kids off the bus. Turns out there was a pretty good reason why (courtesy of the Telegram and Gazette):

A preliminary investigation reveals that the bus driver was attempting to allow the kindergarten students off of the bus first. Some parents became impatient and forced their way onto the bus and removed their children. During the incident, parents yelled profanities at the bus driver and made threats.

A 16-year-old female entered the bus and punched the bus driver in the face, the report states. She will be summoned to court for assault and battery.

According to Superintendent of Schools Melinda Boone, the driver of the bus was following school department policy that dictates that during the first few days of school, drivers must ensure that kindergarten students are released to the proper parent or guardian when they get off a school bus. As such, the driver was seeking to dismiss those students from the bus first, the superintendent said.

“Some of the adults were impatient and just wanted the students released,” Ms. Boone said. “Some attempted to board the bus to take the students, at which point the driver closed the door with the idea of stabilizing the situation.”

At that point, Ms. Boone said, the driver requested police assistance.

My question to anyone who blames the driver, is why the hell would the driver wanna hold these kids hostage? Do you think she wanted to sit there on a hot bus, with a bunch of crying kids, surrounded by a bunch of Rhodes Scholars with pitchforks? She must’ve felt like Davey Crocket in the Alamo.

I’m sure these obviously very rational people would be perfectly cool-headed if one of their kids got nabbed up by a meth head when the bus driver didn’t follow protocol. Because lower Vernon Hill is a really safe neighborhood. No crackheads or gang bangers down there, that’s for sure.

These nudniks want rules that will protect their children. They just don’t want to be inconvenienced for one second. As long as they get their way immediately, they’ll be on their best behavior. Clearly these people will be late for work if their kids don’t get off the bus immediately. Because they all definitely have jobs.

Newsflash – you’re getting a free service that you don’t have to use. You’re more than welcome to pick your kids up in your 92 Sentra. When your kids ride the bus, you are both subject to the rules of the bus company and the school.


Sure they could’ve just been patient and calm in order to let the driver make sure the kids got home safely. But that’s not enough for these magnificent creatures. Why should they have to wait? Why should they have to follow rules and procedures? When in doubt, flip the fuck out! I want my way NOW!!! Following the procedure probably would’ve ended this whole thing before it began. But that’s not nearly as exciting as declaring Jihad on a school bus filled with five year olds.

The video got kind of repetitive and I was almost getting bored with it (especially when she starts playing with the dog) until right around the 5:30 part. That’s when this turned into the Worcester Blair Witch Project. When the driver starts the bus and tries to get out of there, this quickly turned into reality TV – Angry Single Moms Of Vernon Hill. 

I also love how these parents of the year think the driver was going to kidnap their kids or something? Ummm, please explain to me how a school bus is gonna make a clean getaway on Perry Ave. And then what was the driver’s plan after that? Bring them to her secret bus driver lair and make them learn how to read? High tail it to Canada? Maybe, just maybe she tried to leave because she was crapping her pants. Perhaps she realized she had other kids on the bus who needed to get off at another stop and didn’t want to worry their parents too.  Nah. She was trying to kidnap them and turn them into child soldiers.

These poor kids are screwed. I’d like to adopt all of them and send them to the Turtleboy school of manners so we can begin to undo the damage that five years on earth with these savages has done to their poor little brains. Unless these kids pull a Good Will Hunting they’ll end up exactly like the adults around them. Because that’s what kids do. They model themselves after what they see. God help us all.

So what did the kids learn from this? Well, they learned a lot of new words. Like at 6:00 when the All-Star Mom screams, “Don’t leave with my fucking kid.” Or at 7:00 when the Dad in the double XL white t-shirt yells, “Get your mother fucking ass off the bus.” Or at 8:30 when the camera lady says to the driver, “I should beat your fucking ass.” Unfortunately for the kids academic future, none of these new words will appear on the MCAS.

And by the way, in case you couldn’t tell, the woman filming this is very dignified. Right around 8:50 she says, “Look what you did you stupid f….I don’t even wanna swear. There’s too many kids.” Because her kids have obviously been brought up in a cultured environment where they learn to respect authority, follow rules, and no one ever swears around them. Ever.

The woman who shot the video is named Jessica Jiminez. Ironically she posted this video thinking everyone would support her. The selfie game is strong with the one.

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If that isn’t the face of a person whose home is filled with leather bound books, then I don’t know what is. Here are some of the brilliant things she’s had to say on the comments of her video:

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Does anyone in this city know how to spell? She just made the chinese buffet rant seem like Dostoyovsky wrote it. How do these people graduate from second grade? The bis? She wrote that TWICE! Are these people at all vaguely familiar with the concept of a period, or maybe even a comma?

Then there was this gem:

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Good Lord. Hopefully you our not a high school graduate Jessica Jimenez. I could go on and on with all the things she posted, but it will just give you a headache. Let’s look at what her genius friends and supporters on Facebook had to say about the video:

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Well, April Melendez sounds like a great Mom!! Because everyone knows that the best parents are the ones who brag about how they hypothetically would’ve kicked the bus driver’s ass in front of their five year old child. If this isn’t the face of a Mom who is saving for her kids to go to college…


then I don’t know what is.

According to April’s Faebook she graduated from South High in 1995. Obviously her diploma is paying dividends.. Here’s the thing – if she graduate in 1995, that would make her about 37. And there is absolutely nothing about this face that says “37” or “high school diploma”:


I’ve never met April before but I will bet my horse ranch in Nantucket on one thing – she’s got a pack of Newports in her back pocket as we speak.

Jessica Jimenez’ video brought out more of her parent friends from the neighborhood gardening club:

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Gedude Pierce is a professional badass. He will totally kick your ass if you try to harm his kid by making them stay on a school bus. You think a little stroke is gonna stop him from beating the shit out of a female bus driver? Think again. This right here is the image of a stone-faced killer


I hate to say it Gedude, but if I was a bus driver and I saw you waiting outside of the bus for little children to get off, I would probably close the door too. No offense, but you look like the the dude from every Amber alert ever.

And Leona Martinez – what can you say about her? She seems…….nice….

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Then the hardo Patriot Billy Leger chimed in.

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Yea you pansies!! Why didn’t any of you do your patriotic duty and beat the shit out of the bus driver with the door?? You call that parenting?

Then Missy Doyle made her entrance. In the Vernon Hill circle of friends, they refer to her as “the smart one.” She’s even figured out the complex rules involving periods and capitalization!!

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Yea, these poor kids are gonna be traumatized and it’s all the bus driver’s fault. NONE OF THIS trauma is going to be a result of watching their parents yell vulgarities at their bus driver, break in the emergency exit, and then beat the shit out of said bus driver.

Missy Doyle is also VERY high profile:

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She’s got PLENTY of news contacts. She even met Kevin Shea one time. And clearly she has a firm grasp of the law too. Because anyone who watched that video realizes those kids were in grave danger before the parents stormed the bus and beat the shit out of the driver.

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Yea, those kids were literally about to die. Thank God the parents got there in the nick of time to smash all those bus windows which were clearly open the entire duration of the video.

Missy was determined to get to the bottom of this.

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I don’t “no” either Jessica. Missy’s on it though.

If you’re one of the people who think the parents were in the right, at least you’re in good company with these winners.

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Yea, the bus driver clearly was due for an ass kicking. Because that’s how normal, civilized human beings handle disputes. Kids are definitely better off in the hands of parents like Derek who throw down first and ask questions later. If you don’t think this guy is fit to be a father

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then you need to get your ass beat!! I wish I had a Dad who threatened to kick people’s ass on Facebook, never smiled for fear of not coming across as a bad ass, and dressed like a 15 year old emulating hip hop culture. Instead I was stuck with some lame guy who did dumb shit, like read to me and go to parent teacher conferences.

Oh yea, and did we mention that this guy probably shouldn’t go anywhere near school buses since he’s a level 3 sex offender?

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Turns out he’s into raping kids. Thank God people like him are around to keep bus driver’s in line!!

And Jenna Scott seems….nice. Sure she can’t spell and has a mouth like a trucker, but who has time to learn how to read and write when they’re perfecting their selfie game like a champ?

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Keep doing you girlfriend!

Last but not least is Jessica’s baby daddy Kris Leduc. Together he and Jessica are one of the happiest couples you will ever see:


As you can tell from the picture, Kris Leduc is a learned scholar. High school for him just wasn’t challenging enough so he went a different route.

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Clearly it paid off, because his grasp of the English language is second to none:

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I count six separate sentences in that post, including one that says “I’m always nice.” Which we already could tell because of pictures like this.


This upstanding individual is clearly fit to reproduce. Thank God he’s raising a new generation of children.

One thing I know about living in Worcester is there will be always be plenty more material for blogs like this as time goes on. Keep doing you Worcester. Keep doing you!!


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18 Comment(s)
  • Chip Striker
    July 7, 2020 at 1:58 am


    • Had enough
      July 7, 2020 at 8:26 am

      Agreed and while we are at it, not one fucking penny of federal money to rebuild the damage caused because Democrat government officials in said shithole cities didn’t want to stop the violence and damage. Fuck you, pay for it yourself, welcome to Mogadishu.

  • Guinea Geisha
    July 7, 2020 at 12:34 am

    If they were as thin as their patience… perhaps they wouldn’t be single mothers.

  • Rags
    July 6, 2020 at 11:25 pm

    Hahaha the “stone cold killa” has an old Cellular One / Motorola dpc 550 (OG) flip phone in his pocket. I haven’t seen one of those since the 80’s. Hahahaha. What is he gonna do? Shoot microwaves at us? Hahahahahaha

    • WTF
      July 7, 2020 at 9:30 am

      Its because this story is 6 years old.

      • Rags
        July 7, 2020 at 10:46 am

        That phone is 30 years old. Gordon Gekko had one. Remember? Greed is good. The biggest problem
        This moron will have is if he drops
        That brick on his foot! Hahaha

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    July 6, 2020 at 9:21 pm

    As we enter Phase 3 here in Massachusetts, It’s high time to bring back Drag Queen Story Hour! Let’s put our beautiful queens back to work!

    • Snarky Pete
      July 7, 2020 at 10:26 am

      You start. Dress up like a woman and tell stories to kids.

  • Orion
    July 6, 2020 at 8:31 pm

    From what horror stories I’ve heard about being a bus driver, I wouldn’t want that job for a million goddamn dollars. Fuck that. These people are such a pile of worthless shit, it’s really a shame the purge wasn’t legal.

  • Noontime Sports #ItsAlwaysNoontime
    July 6, 2020 at 8:28 pm

    The Intercity Baseball League (ICL) announced earlier today, both on its dumb website and faggy fuckin Facebook page, that the 2020 season has been canceled.

    The ICL, which has been playing baseball in the Greater Boston area since 1950, mostly by drunk construction workers holding on to past glory, hoped to provide its nine-team league with an eight-game schedule followed by a tournament with the winner getting a free dildo. But the Board of Directors decided last night during a remote meeting on SpankBang that it was best to cancel the season and return to the field next year. If there even is a next season cuz who gives a shit.

    Here is the statement from the ICL regarding its decision to cancel the 2020 season:

    “After usually being too drunk to explore every avenue for months, the ICL has made the extremely difficult decision to cancel the 2020 season. The Intercity League has enjoyed an outstanding and continuous tradition in Massachusetts amateur baseball since 1950 and we look forward to coming back stronger than ever in 2021. We make this decision out of an abundance of caution and after careful consideration of all factors. The safety of our players, their families, their mistresses, their rottenn kids, managers, coaches, umpires, administrators, and fans, remained paramount in all of our discussions. This was an exceedingly difficult choice, but we felt it was the best decision at this time. Given the ongoing situation and the ever-growing time constraints, we felt the window to conduct a meaningful ICL season this summer has become too narrow.”

    While fans of the ICL and their hooligans will have to wait a bit longer to see their favorite team return to the diamond, they are still encouraged to show up at the ballparks to drink beer and swear at each other. The league did announce the Lexington Blue Sox are organizing a tournament to honor a pair of former players, including Pete Frates, who lost his courageous battle with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) last year.

    The league plans to announce more information regarding the tournament later this week.

  • whatevuh
    July 6, 2020 at 8:09 pm

    what a collection of fucking low-life scumbags

  • Weekend Body Count
    July 6, 2020 at 7:53 pm

    Between Monday, June 29, and Sunday, July 5, the city saw 74 shooting incidents with 101 victims, the sources said. That’s compared to 26 shootings with 33 victims during that time last year.

    Twelve people were shot, one of them fatally, in Baltimore during the holiday weekend, police said.

    More than 100 people were shot in Chicago over the long Independence Day weekend as a deadly wave of violence once again rocked the massive city besieged by unrelenting gun crime. At least 14 of the gunshot victims died, police said Wednesday.

    • Weekend Body Count
      July 6, 2020 at 8:04 pm

      From Friday through Sunday, police said there were 31 confirmed shooting victims in 11 incidents. Five of those victims were killed, according to spokesman Officer Steve Avery.

      At least 21 people have been shot, with five dead in just a six-hour span Sunday, according to homicide detectives. One of the victims was a child.

      32 shot since July 1st, 7 dead. 4 shot in Somerville housing project.

  • Ralphs Diner
    July 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    The dregs of society…

  • randiguy2006
    This shit again?
    July 6, 2020 at 5:57 pm

    Oh good regurgitated content.
    Always the sign of a top notch blog.

    Didn’t any blacks do anything bad today?
    Or are even YOU getting tired of it?

    • Bob
      July 6, 2020 at 7:39 pm

      Blacks??? Most of the content on this website is about ratchet white people

  • Snarky Pete
    July 6, 2020 at 5:54 pm

    You won’t have to do this story again in September. Parents won’t show up to claim their kids after the first day of school. They’ll be too busy moving far away with fake credentials. No forwarding address either.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    July 6, 2020 at 5:09 pm

    They went out da back dough!

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