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Turtleboy isn’t exactly a Hillary Clinton fan. But the fact of the matter is that she’s gonna get the democratic nomination with her eyes closed because the other tow white guys are morons. Personally I cannot stand her terrible commercials and incessant whining about wage gaps while she rambles on in her bright orange pant suits. But I have to admit, the move she pulled in Saturday night’s debate was one of the greatest power moves I’ve ever seen, and I can’t help but respect her for it.
The debate took a quick commercial break, and when they came back only Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders were on stage. So where was Hillary?
As you can see, she clearly was taking an earth shattering smash and couldn’t be bothered to come back. And I absolutely LOVE it. Bernie and Martin are jokes. Hillary could’ve rushed out of there and debated on with these two losers, but why should she? There’s no worse feeling than being rushed when you’re taking a dump. She’s a former first lady and the surefire presidential nominee for a major political party. Why should she not get that last nugget out? Why should she be rushed? Why should she have to drop silent but deadly farts on the stage for the rest of the debate? She’s Hillary Goddamn Clinton. She buries anyone who gets in her way, just ask Vince Foster. She’ll come out of that bathroom when she damn well pleases.
P.S. I’d LOVE to watch her try this shit on Trump. Zero point zero percent chance he wouldn’t ask her if she double flushed it.
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13 Comment(s)
Trump isn’t worth the dump she took during this debate.
She is above lowly people Americans should be grateful she even takes the time to praise us as the next president. Obama already passed the torch so Trump should just give up he’s just a noisy loser. Trump is not fit to be Hillary’s foot stool let alone president. Besides Hillary Clinton is beautiful and beyond sexy.
I do believe you meant this to be sarcasm.
No I did not I’m a lower middle class worker so I’ll never be worthy to kiss the ground she walks on I’m just grateful to be under the rule of auch a classy sexy and brilliant woman. The reason she got away with the emails is because as the future president she is above the law. I can’t wait until she whips you loser into good servants like us.
Inside report says it was a Triple Flusher.
Word has it that she refused to use the bathroom with a Bernie Sanders staffer.
Yet another fine example fo Hillary’s “too good for the lowly people” attitude that she cant use the bathroom unless its all to herself or is the staffer just too lowly for her to share the same room with?
Or was it because of the sniper fire she was under from the bathroom window. Who knows for sure.
Shallow fat liar.
Trump wouldn’t wash his hands
Always knew Hillary was full of it, now proof positive!!!!
Since her chief of staff is Huma Albedin whos parents founded the muslim brotherhood, maybe Hilary was taking a radical shiite.
We FINALLY found something Hilary is good at!
I think she has toilet paper stuck on her shoe