If Could Be Worse: You Could Be Crushed To Death By This 7/11 Sign While Scratching Lotto Tickets In Your Parked Car In Worcester
If you’re having a bad day, just look at the bright side – at least a gigantic 7/11 sign didn’t smash into you while you sat in your parked vehicle:
Yea, so that happened in Worcester yesterday on the corner of June and Chandler Streets. And this is why you don’t buy scratch tickets. Because if the person who parked that car there bought scratch tickets, they would’ve been sitting in their car scratching away, hoping to win $5 so they can go right back in the store and get five more $1 tickets, sending all their money to the Statehouse so these crooks can vote themselves another pay raise, and next thing you know – BOOM – killed by the 7/11 sign. Pretty shitty way to go out I would assume. This is a sign from God that you everyone should stop playing the lottery.
Luckily it appears as if the person who owns the car was not in the vehicle, and if they’re lucky then they do business JJM Insurance and they’ll have a nice rental car to drive around in while their pinto gets fixed.
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9 Comment(s)
Just think if had not parked half on the side walk and in the actual parking lot his/her car would still be in one piece
I won’t shop at a 711. It doesn’t add up.
Anyone who does business with any of the places that advertise here have to be poor.
I only do business with places that carry extra small condoms anyways.
If one buys more than 10 dollars a day of scratch tickets, is retarded and needs help.
From the looks of it, that piece of shit car took about $50 in improvements.
I’m a gimp and I like it in my ass.
As you can see, I really really really really really really like it in the ass.
All i see is Diego doing the happy dance all the way to legal aid to sue 7/11 cuz of the fucking wind. Thats it. The only up side is that no one can say their neck hurts. But they will say i ALMOSt got killed. And almost will have a monetary value. Fact. Wtf