Stop What You’re Doing And Vote For Turtleboy Sports For Best Local News Outlet In The Worcester Magazine Best Of Worcester Awards
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Every year like clockwork Turtleboy Sports overwhelmingly wins the Worcester Magazine “Best of Worcester” award for best local blog. Obviously. But since there’s no competition they got rid of the category altogether in this year’s voting. It’s all good though, because now we’ll just have to win new categories.
So we need you to support the turtle by voting in this year’s poll, and you can do so when you click here.
Remember, you have to vote for 20 different categories, or your ballot will not count. Use whatever email address you want. I understand that many of you are not from the Worcester area and you wouldn’t know who or what to vote for for the other categories, so allow us to help you out……
Let’s start from the top with the most important one – best local news source:
Can’t stress how important that one is. We all know Turtleboy is the best place for local news, but this will make it official. We don’t just want to win this. We want and need a Roman triumph.
While you’re at it you can write Uncle Turtleboy in for best radio personality on The Pike:
And write in South Shore Turtlegirl for best columnist:
LOL. The fact that Worcester Magazine is running this and three of their columnists make up the 4 choices is hilarious.
This was the toughest one:
And it’s kind of a bullshit category. If you get a DUI or you were falsely accused of a serious crime, you’d go with Anthony Salerno. No brainer. If you’re going through a divorce, or you get hit by some moron texting while driving, you go with Gaffney. But Margaret Melican is like chameleon of lawyers in Worcester. Need to buy a house? She can do that. Need to defend yourself from a $153,000 libel lawsuit? She’s undefeated. So we don’t wanna step on anyone’s toes, but if you do vote for this category, vote for one of those three. Your choice.
Just keep in mind that we’re gonna make sure Gaffney wins this one:
Talk about a no-brainer. I actually understand why Sarai would end up on this list. Because there’s some fucked up people in Worcester who dig her insanity. But Kate Toomey? She redefines useless. She’s nothing but Joe Petty’s henchwoman and she’s gonna get voted out in November.
Obviously vote for Turtleboy advertisers whenever possible:
Even when you have to write them in:
We also have nothing but love from ghosts of advertising past:
Turtleboy gets his haircut at The Buzz and they sell turtle gear there, so you could write them in. But if you want to pick one that’s on the list, vote for these guys:
Because we’ve delivered Turtleboy t-shirts there, and they ride the turtle hard.
Salvage yard –
Because this is the vending machine at Standard Auto Wrecking:
They can smash my junk box any day!!
Radio station:
WAAF is out of Boston, which makes TONS of sense. WXLO and The Pike are all part of the same organization, so vote for them.
Gift shop:
Hair and Salon and Spa:
Because Paul Conzo is a great business that was attacked by a cyber mob last year.
Because the thought of a Bigger Mac right now is getting me aroused:
Casa Vallarta is on Route 9, right by the Christmas Tree Shop. Bomb Mexican food, made by real Mexicans.
Because my boy Barry goes there every week for cupcake Wednesday and can’t get enough.
This is one I’m passionate about. If Belsito’s doesn’t win best grinders than this whole thing is a sham. They’re the best and it’s not even really close. Didn’t even know about this place until turtle nation clued us is. Hooked now. Best Italian you’ve ever had.
Because Derek Grimm has been riding the turtle since before it was cool to ride the turtle.
Because their waitresses give zero fucks and the food is great.
Hot Dogs:
Because Hot Dog Annie’s is the same exact thing as Coney Island except they grill the buns.
Because you’ll never feel so good about blowing $100 for dinner as you will at Bocado.
There’s so many good breakfast places to choose from in Worcester. Lou Roc’s and Eller’s are great too. Eller’s is nominated for a bunch more stuff though, so they’ll probably make it. Eller’s is great. But yea, Livia’s Dish. The Turtleboy family LOVES Livia’s Dish, and Turtleboy Jr. can’t stop talking about it.
And the rest……
Once again, here’s the link to vote. Remember, if you don’t vote for at least 20 categories, your vote will not register. Vote early, vote often, vote Turtleboy.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
11 Comment(s)
what about Bling Bling for best clothing boutique???
Best radio station?
WAAF would’ve have got my vote before that STUPID Matt & Nick show started airing on the afternoons. They used to play good music on the drive home, now it’s two boring-ass losers talking about boring stuff.
YAWN. WXLO will get it. But Jim Polito gets best personality.
Sorry T.B., but having dined at both Urban Smokestack and B.T’s Smokehouse it is a clear choice. B.T’s is WAY above and beyond the better choice.
I am writing in least kid friendly and crappiest restaraunt is wicked wings on w boylston st. I had the worst birthday for a friend there ever and have emailed the owners twice. The first email was nice and explained my multiple complaints waited awhile and nothing. So the second was not so nice and clearly they dont give a single fuck. But i wont be dropping $300.00 plus there ever again and neither will any of the other 8 adults and some kids. So they should keep in mind bad word of mouth goes a lot farther than good word of mouth. And all they had to do was acknowledge my concerns. So now i want them to fail.
One columnist from best selling local newspaper. And it was not Clivitoris.
Jennie Chenkin might win best massage @ Chenkin HJ if enough people vote for her.
Well, that was immensely fun. Not. It must speak to how bored I am or stubborn that I decided to stick with it despite how convoluted it was to go back and forth between ballot and this site for answers that weren’t even in order. For what? I know it helps you but , Christ!, what do I get? A handjob, a t-shirt, a gift certificate for a handjob or t-shirt? You’re welcome.
I agree. Sucky hassle to follow. I had to write them all done and then take the exam. I feel like I just passed Summer school again.
Best Plastic Surgeon:
OMG I couldn’t keep a straight face if I were to see Dr. Bentkover! That had me laughing so hard!
Is there a category for website with most outrageously excessive pop up ads? One for most redirects per page? Start writing your acceptance speech now cuz you’ve def got those fucking locked up. And yeah I know ad block blah blah something something. GTFO
I wouldn’t let any of those ambulance chasers carry my briefcase.