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As Turtleboy is writing this he’s watching Bill Clinton speak at the DNC. I don’t give a shit what you think of this man, but his brilliance, swagger, and charisma are undeniable. This man is cool. This man is relatable. This man is funny. There is a reason he took down a sitting President with high approval ratings, and then destroyed a well known Senator and WW2 veteran four years later. There’s a reason he has been able to overcome scandal after scandal and only grow in popularity. Because he’s amazing at what he does.
And quite frankly, it’s almost unfair that he gets to speak, while the spouse of the other candidate probably wants nothing to do with politics and plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech. Teams are slaughter.
Slick Willie’s speech tonight proved something Turtleboy has been saying since day one about Hillary Clinton – if she wins then she should NOT count as the first female President. The first female President should be the first woman who became President entirely through her own merits. Literally any female politician – Sarah Palin, Liz Warren, Michelle Bachman, Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Eldridge – could be called the the first female President if they ever attained the office. Because even though Turtleboy doesn’t care for any of them, all of those women ran campaigns for smaller office, gained notoriety, built their brand, and became big names on the national stage.
All Hillary did was bang the President and stay with him despite amounts of infidelity that would make Carmela Soprano feel bad for her. That’s it. She married Bill Clinton and looked the other way because she wanted to ride his hard work back to the White House. If she didn’t do that then she’d just be another angry feminist lawyer from New York. That’s not an opinion, it’s a scientific fact.
She became Senator of New York because she was already known from her time as First Lady. It doesn’t matter who the republicans nominate for Senator in the state of New York. If you’re nominated by the democrats then you’re gonna win. So she basically did nothing to earn that.
The only reason she ran for Senate in a state where she is not originally from is so she could run for President in 2008. When she lost to Obama he gave her a pity trophy position of Secretary of State, and managed to fuck that up in ways that no other SOS ever has.
In 2016 she got the nomination for President simply because it was her turn. We’ve known she was gonna do that since Obama was reelected in 2012. The race was over before it started because she was handed it by the DNC.
So yea, you can call Hillary the first female President if she’s elected, but she’s really not. She’d be the first wife of a President to move back into the White House. Nothing more, nothing less.
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21 Comment(s)
The first female president should be a woman who is healthy. Hillary Clinton is ill. Mentally and physically. Google hillary Clinton collapses at 911 ceremony. Look at all the video evidence caught on tape of her declining health. 2008 she’s caught having coughing fits on tape. So we know her coughing attacks have been going on for years. It’s not from allergies. She’s also fallen many times and injured herself. Is this a woman fit to lead the USA? No, it’s not. She’s a close alcoholic. She’s has blood clotting issues for which she takes meds. She’s suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2012. She’s on camera talking to supporters when she suddenly spaces out. Another time she’s rolling her eyes back and presenting with hyper exaggerated starole responses indicative of underlying neurological damage. Shes a pathological liar. And enjoys beating the FBI with her lies. And thinks the public is stupid. She secretly resents her supporters because ages a sociopath who deep down inside hates the dumb people who never confront her with her lies. She enjoys the fact you would be so dumb to vote for her. But karma is catching up with her. Nobody can beat bad health with lies and luster for money and power. Hillary Clinton is old, tired and mentally and physically I’ll. We need to wait for the next election in 4 years to see the real choice for a woman president. She’s coming, but it’s not Hillary Clinton.
BobnMic imposter = ASSCLOWN my apologies
No I understand Dave. No need to apologize. I hate whoever is doing that too. They just unfortunately do it pretty well. One way to pick them out is if they post something outrageous that goes up against the grain of what most people in here subscribe to then you know it is not me. And that is usually the case 100% of the time. It happens to other posters as well. What can you do? Haters. Trolls. They’re everywhere.
I could have sworn I saw the cameras roll past Trigglypuff, and Jennie Chenkin in the crowd at the DNC last night during the CSPAN coverage. Very freaky yet not that surprising.
Wasn’t me Dave. An imposter trolling here. If anyone knows me they know I believe in the total opposite. Trump yes. Hillary go away.
TB is spot on. She has always ridden Bill’s coat tails. On her own she has accomplished nothing.
BobnMic, the only one building walls is Hillary’s DNC.
Nope Trump wants to build walls. He’s a racist. He doesn’t like immigrants, well, except for his wife and their family. That’s because they don’t have brown skin. He’s a fucking racist. Hillary for President!
Wanting to keep out illegal invaders does not make one a racist.
I can’t believe there are so many anti-Hillary here. So people are willing to vote for a wall building racist married to an immigrant? Hillary for President!
She’s been a failure at everything she does. Was fired during a Watergate investigation, had a failed marriage in the fact it’s a sham, brought up national healthcare to Congress, was laughed out of the Capitol, renowned throughout the Secret Service as the nastiest person/First Lady, carpetbagged into the Senate, not one bill has her name attached, lost a primary in 2008 to a community organizer/first term biracial senator, a joke of a Secretary of State.
A vile, evil person who’s only success has been through cheating and riding coattails
Did you see the DNC put up a fence around arena to keep bernie protesters out….. how freaking ironic is that.
if you want to see a preview of a billary Clinton presidency, I suggest you watch wbz news titled flash mob robbery in Roslindale.
Bill was a good father,wait no,good husband,no not that,graduated from Oxford,no wait was thrown out for rape went to Yale rape is more acceptable there. Good president,no illegal war in Kosovo,liar,and impeached. Geez you break it down he was only good at raping and sexual assaults.They might have to put a sex offender sign on the White House grounds.
The fix was in back in ’08 when she conceded to Obama. I can virtually guarantee she went to the DNC and made it known that the ONLY way that she would step aside and campaign actively for Obama is that she be given some position of notoriety in order to keep her name out there, and then have the nominating process corrupted to guarantee her the nomination in 2016. It’s not like this has never happened before, and it’s certainly not out of the realm of the Clinton’s past behavior. Big party, machine politics at its best…
Turtleboysports. Y u no write about sports???
Another controversy yet to be made public. Hillary broke into Dr. Evil’s closet and stole all of his suits. News at 11.
All in all I’m going to vote for her anyway. I would never vote for a racist like Trump. Come on we all know Hillary, although a woman, is the better candidate.
I’m the real Bobnmic. This muckraking imposter is a big goober
Corrupt, lying, ugly, cackling, Marxist lesbian. A load that should have been swallowed. Anyone who plans to vote for her needs counseling. I’d vote for my mailbox before him, err, her, err, WTF is that bag?