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So this is happening in Worcester on Saturday:
Wait a minute, hold on. A candidate for President of the United States of America is coming to Worcester, and he’s holding a rally in a high school gymnasium? Trump just filled the DCU Center, and Bernie is going to a high school gym. This is the most Bernie Sanders thing that has ever happened. I gotta give it to the Bern though, he’s the first guy to have a Presidential campaign financed via a GoFundMe.
Oh yea, and is there a more perfect place for him to speak than North High School? I guarantee Lisa Dyer is feeling the Bern. Remember, this is a principal who thinks it is racist to use the term “color-blind,” because her PC friends in Cultural Competency 101 have told her that it’s offensive. Bernie and Martin O’Malley have completely bought into this line of thinking, because just like Lisa Dyer, they don’t mind getting pushed around by these domestic terrorists.
Exhibit A: Bernie Sanders ALLOWS HIS RALLY in Seattle to get interrupted by two assholes:
You know who this would never happen to?
Hillary. Both of those chicks would be eating soil with Vince Foster right now. Those crazy babes actually took over his rally and demanded a 4.5 minute moment of silence, and Bernie gave it to them. Anyone who thinks a real candidate for President would ever let something like that happen isn’t living in grown up world.
Exhibit B: Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley ALLOW the terrorists to take over a democratic candidate forum in Phoenix:
LOL. Martin O’Malley says, “black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter,” and immediately gets booed. Classic. Then him and Bernie let these morons take the microphone from them and run the rally themselves.
You know who doesn’t let that happen? Someone who has any desire to be President of the United States. You know, like Hillary Clinton. Worcester’s own Orange Julius Jones tried to get past secret service and quickly found out that wouldn’t be happening. So he had to wait backstage like a little beyoch, and hope that Hillary would ALLOW HIM to let him rant for a couple minutes. Hillary GRANTED him this time, and emasculated him for the world to see:
Here’s how you can sum up that conversation:
Hilllary: Tell me what you want me to do to fix your problem.
OJJ: That’s racist.
Hillary: You’re a fucking idiot.
What I wanna know is, how long until Julius Jones and his fantastic friends make this rally all about them? Because I can’t imagine a situation in which OJJ doesn’t play open mic night at North High on Saturday. It’s the perfect back drop. A school with two police officers who arrest students when they commit crimes, a principal who is fully on board with all his bullshit, and a presidential candidate who will just let you take over his rally if you yell loud enough. How can he possibly resist the urge? If he doesn’t take over this rally then I have lost complete faith in hippies. It will mean that Turtleboy has DESTROYED their souls.
I will say this though – if OJJ does take it over, he should be arrested. And when he does, he needs to go to jail. Because I for one am sick of him and his crime spree/reign of terror. This is a guy who is awaiting trial for blocking Kelley Square, got kicked out of two City Council meetings, and thinks he can pretty much do whatever he wants in the name of free speech.
Let me make this clear about Bernie – he has a 0.0% chance of winning. I just wanna establish that before we got any further. Zero point zero. Because a lot of people seem to be under the impression that the Democratic nomination is up for grabs. It’s not. It belongs to Hillary and has since she lost to Obama in one of the most competitive primaries ever in 2008. That’s why no real candidates stepped up to run against her – because the DNC has made their choice already. It’s the reason Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and any other democrat who isn’t an elderly man that sounds like Larry David, chose not to run.
Now that that’s out of the way, I get why this guy is so appealing to the crowd he’s catering to. No one wants to pay their bills and Bernie’s gonna make your dreams come true. But I dig that on Bernie’s part, because politics is just a collection of lies and false promises anyway. They’re all liars. They’re all full of shit. All of them.
A lot of people will tell you that Trump is the guy who “tells it like it is.” But I got news for you – Trump is just telling right wingers what they wanna hear, the same way Bernie is telling college kids what they wanna hear. He’s not gonna take your guns. He’s gonna build a magical wall that’s gonna fix illegal immigration. He’s gonna rape and pillage ISIS. He’s gonna hang Bowe Bergdahl’s skull from the tree tops.
But they’re all disingenuous. I will say this in defense of Trump – he’s no different from Hillary or Bernie when it comes to rhetoric. You can hate on him all you want because he wants to ban Muslim immigration. I agree, that’s ridiculous, unconstitutional, disingenuous, and unenforceable.
But at the same time, it’s no more disingenuous than these never ending commercials form Hillary about the imaginary war on women or the wage gap, or the never ending talk from Bernie about how he’s gonna tax the rich and fix everything. It’s all just hyperbole, meant to get you riled up. But at the end of the day it doesn’t even really matter who wins. Because my life in Worcester is a million times more affected than Ed Augustus than it is by Barrack Obama or whoever the President is.
P.S. If OJJ does take over the Bernie rally then I hope he admits that “Turtle bigot” runs this city, just like he did at the Mosaic audit meeting:
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2 Comment(s)
I thought Muslims and Jews can’t be president,oh Boston strong.lol
Worcester needs more sanders on the roads