Inspirational Story Of The Day: Grafton Legend Chaz Davis Runs 1st Race Since Becoming Legally Blind

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Here’s your Sunday inspirational story of the day. Chaz Davis was one of the better runners in the state throughout his high school career (2008-2012) at Grafton High School. He was heavily recruited and ended up choosing the University of Hartford to continue his running career. Since then he has developed a rare genetic disease that has left him legally blind. It came suddenly.

Chaz didn’t wanna give up though, and tried to continue running despite his deteriorating vision. From the Worcester Telegram and Gazette:

Despite deteriorating depth perception, Davis kept training with the Hartford’s cross-country team last fall. He decided he’d compete in a race at Central Connecticut State, a 5K event. But just after the midway point, there was a sudden downhill, too tough for Davis to make an adjustment. It was disheartening when he fell, a sign his college race days may be over. But in character, he popped up and finished the race. 

His roommate and high school rival Bryan Quitadomo from Auburn High School has been there to support him…

“I look at him and see how he’s coping with it,” said Quitadamo, a junior media and broadcasting major who is taking the indoor and outdoor track seasons off to recover from injuries. “His attitude is always positive. It’s amazing to me, considering what he’s going through. I tell him anything he needs to let me know.” 

Well yesterday Chaz just inspired the pants off of me and my magical turtle. He ran his first race since contracting this rare disease, but not without the help of Quitadomo….




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So there ya go. This is one of the most inspiring things these eyes have ever seen. That should be all the motivation you need today to get your ass off the couch and get some exercise. You think running two miles is hard? Think about what it’s like to grow up seeing the beauty of the world, and then have it taken from you suddenly, through not fault of your own. If you’re reading this then you’re fortunate to be able to take something for granted that Chaz would do anything for. So get out there, enjoy the beautiful day, and do it for Chaz.

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1 Comment(s)
  • Mary
    May 4, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    Such an amazing and inspirational story 🙂

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