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Well known Worcester racist Michael Jerry shared an article on Facebook today with his friend and SC candidate Dante Comparetto, about an alleged incident of racism that occurred at City Hall between a person of color and a city employee:
The headline is clear –
Not “allegedly” calls man “n word” – definitively called him the “n” word. It happened as a matter of fact. That’s what this headline is saying. It’s a pretty serious allegation so we wanted to see what sort of facts were offered. Here’s what they had in the article:
So glad there’s no racism in Worcester! So glad that the racism that people complain about in Worcester is all a scheme for people to prey on white guilt! Wait…… What was that? You mean to tell me that racism is a problem? Even with City employees? Stop the press!
There was an incident recently and this was presented to me.
“So I pulled up in front of midtown mall on front street to drop off my mom and aunts, I didn’t notice where I had stop was blocking the ramp to go into the City halls garage, I look up as my mom and them get out and I see this very nice BMW with its signal light just chilling there at that point I noticed that I was blocking the ramp, so I tell them hurry up get out, I drive forward and as I pass the BMW the guy says fucking asshole nigger. At that point I’m like really, so I pulled over in a actual parking spot, walked down the ramp and I saw the guy walking into the building, I stopped him by asking him what is your name, he said that’s non of your business, I then asked him do you work here in City Hall, he repeated non of your business, so that happened a couple more times and then I said that’s fine I’ll just follow you to where your going, he then said how about I go get a copy, I said yes please let’s, he the declined to look for a cop and told me to stop stalking him, I said fine you want to do this the hard way, I went over to where his car was parked, I took a picture of his car and the place he parked, at that point I noticed it was an assigned parking spot #12, I went to the mayors office they sent me to the city managers office, who sent me to HR, who sent me to the law office, who referred me back to the city managers office but this time to speak with the chief of staff of the city managers office, About 30 minutes after telling her what happened I got a call from an investigator that works for the city inviting me to city hall to talk to her and the city’s diversity officer”
So obviously this did not really happen. A city employee in a BMW obviously did not drive up to a black man and call him a “fucking asshole n word.” Obviously. Only a complete moron would actually believe that story. But an illiterate man who struggles with such complicated words as “none,” said it did. Therefore it happened exactly like he said it did. The linked article continued, including an image of the alleged racist person’s vehicle parked in the City Hall garage:
So this is the car that was driven by the City employee who decided to call someone a nigger ALLEGEDLY. The driver was followed into City Hall and the right people were notified. So let’s see how the City of Worcester responded to the allegation…
In other words, they put the new Chief Diversity Officer to work and she conducted an investigation which determined that nothing that was alleged could be proven. Therefore, fuck off. The linked article wasn’t buying it though, because they obviously prefer to live in a world where racism runs rampant:
Riight. So there’s enough evidence that something offensive was said, but not enough that the racial remark was said. Know why. Because if something racist was said someone would have to answer with their job. But since something bad was said “allegedly” this could be kept under wraps. Tune into Voice of the voiceless today at 12pm where they discuss these allegations and try to uncover more on this incident. But bes believe no one who works for OUR city is going to get away with calling a citizen a “nigger.”
Hey here’s a thought. Maybe the employee was mad that someone was blocking him from getting into the parking lot, he got mad and told him to get out of the way. Then the driver of the car who blockaded him didn’t care for this guy’s tone so he decided to embellish it with a little racism. But first he decided he would follow the man into the building, harass him relentlessly, and cause a huge scene. Because making up baseless allegations of racism is almost standard procedure at this point.
Nah, that scenario makes too much sense.
Guess who the first person Crazy ol’ Gordon Davis blamed was:
Ahh yea, Gordon Davis. The MORON who is suing a nonexistent company called “Turtleboy Sports INC” for $153,000 of business he can’t document that he lost as a result of Turtleboy accurately pointing out that his actions as a public figure could be considered “crazy” by most people.
A man who is being sued by Michael Gaffney for making up a story about someone dressing up in blackface at a Gaffney campaign fundraiser:
And then tried to find out afterwards if there was any truth to the lie he pulled out of thin air:
This local idiot believes that this made up, undocumented allegation of racism by a city employee is evidence of the “Michael Gaffney” effect. And to an extent he is right. Mike Gaffney went after fraudulent organizations like Mosaic, and in the face of indisputable evidence that they were cheating the system, the only retorts we heard from people close to Mosaic were baseless, undocumented allegations of racism against Gaffney. Kind of like this parking lot incident. This is what the Michael Gaffney effect looks like – liars and cheats playing the race card because they don’t have actual facts to back up their assertions.
Perhaps the worst part about this is that they have now openly named this employee:
Michael Traynor. Big racist according local racist Michael Jerry. Here’s the best part about that – Michael Traynor was the one who approved the $1,500 that was spent to send Robert Blackwell-Gibbs to Oakland for a poetry slam!!! Ya got that? This is Ed Augustus’ buddy, who has catered to these morons since the beginning, and this is how he is repaid for it:
This is what an online lynch mob looks like. None of them were there, yet all of them are convinced that a man they’ve never met before called a man they don’t know a “fucking asshole n word” because…..they want to believe it. It doesn’t matter that this man’s reputation will be permanently destroyed. It doesn’t matter that falsely being called a racist is a hurtful thing to do to another human being. The fact of the matter is that he is useful to them now because they need a white guy in a BMW to be the poster child for racism in Worcester. It fits their agenda too well.
Isn’t Ed Augustus sick of these ding-dongs yet? He tries sooooo hard to kiss their ass. He created a position of “chief diversity officer,” just to throw them a bone. He gave them all free food at the Department of Justice Race Discussions. He holds public vigils for the Charleston Massacre victims. He does photo ops with the racists who run the “Stand Against Racism” campaign. He wrote Mosaic sooooo many checks over the years. He offered to drop the charges against the Kelley Square blockade protesters, only to be called a racist for asking them not to do it again.
And this is how he is repaid. Because it’s never enough. Ever. This is how they do you Ed. I kind of feel bad for him, because he’s probably realizing what we realized a long time ago – these are professional race baiting assholes who only care about themselves. They will sell anyone down the river it benefits them. They will make up and believe any lie that fits their agenda. Just look at some of the reactions from the Social Justice Warrior prize patrol:
There was a 0.0% chance WANDA was missing out on this one. And we all know that WANDA is a completely rational, balanced, and sane individual.
Then the white guilt, models for human fitness showed up to chime in with their support:
Strong points fat boy. Strong. What was the city supposed to do exactly? Fire this guy because one guy said that he called him a “fucking asshole n word?” This is the country we want to live in? A place where you can lose your job because one guy said you did something without any sort of corroborating evidence?
And hey Cara Berg Powers, why do we think someone would make this up? Why don’t you look at your morbidly obese husband first. Remember when this man right here,
made up a lie that that Turtelboy called your 2-year old daughter a “white piece of shit” and openly started calling our sales director “Turtleboy,” and made up lies about him being “sexually abusive to minor children at a Bills game”:
There is a prime example of someone lying about a racial incident. I can’t tell you why someone would lie like this, or use your 2 year old daughter as a pawn in your sick and twisted game of racism. It takes a sick individual to do this Cara, but you married him and he does it all the time. You sleep next to someone who does it on the regular. We promised your husband Jordan that we would shut down the blog forever if he could point us to the blog where we called your daughter a white piece of shit. Naturally he could not do this because he made it all up:
The thing is, Google Cache never goes away. If we printed it on the internet, it is there forever. We don’t have the power to get rid of it. If your husband were telling the truth he would have produced the evidence. But he’s lying and so is this asshole accusing Michael Traynor of calling him a “fucking asshole n word.”
But hey, keep on destroying the man’s reputation. Make him a pariah in the community. Protest at his house. Do whatever you wanna do, because the truth ultimately doesn’t matter, only the agenda does. Honestly, Michael Traynor probably deserves it. He’s another one of Ed Augustus’ overpaid, do-nothing cronies. He drives a Goddamn BMW. City workers should not be driving BMW’s. Now he can clean up the mess he helped create and foster.
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30 Comment(s)
“Cara Lisa Berg Powers – “I’m having trouble opening the link. What happened?”
Were the Bissells using the computer again?
Who gives a fuck if someone calls you a name. Grow the fuck up. And next time don’t be a dick and stop in the road wherever you feel like it. Is it just me or do these people just bring this on themselves?
Who still shops at the midtown mall?! I’m the least racist person, but you know what, if you are loitering around downtown, waiting for your dealer to drop off an 8 ball, and you are blocking the entrance to the parking garage, someone is bound to call you out of your name! And the fact that you had so much time to investigate this incident, tells me you were not dashing off to work, lol.
What do you think will happen next? I read a threat in the comment here: “But bes believe no one who works for OUR city is going to get away with calling a citizen a “nigger.” ”
That’s the thing with sjw’s, they can’t let anything go
That string of swears didn’t flow therefore it’s BS. The rules of swearing in anger are that your swears flow like, ” you fing ahole”, “stupid fing moron ” or ” you stupid Fuck.”
I sense another clive McFarlane’s venomous tirade on the “turtlegram”.
That’s why my subscription expired and is not being renewed. Useless drivel fills that rag now.
I don’t have much sympathy for the City on this one. You created and catered to the monster, and now it’s eating you.
What goes around comes around, I guess. Maybe next time there is a search for a new City Manager of Chief Development Officer, we can not only interview respected administrative candidates from outside of the currently existing pool of Worcester employees, but actually hire one.
It worked well with Thomas R. Hoover 1993 – 2004 who was from Michigan I believe? I could be wrong where he was from but things around here were going pretty well under Mr. Hoover’s watch. He brought an All-American City status to the Woo during his tenure.
All America City is a BFJ. G-Vegas got that 40 years ago. And G-Vegas is a dump.
That’s as big an honor as Who’s Who Among American College Students.
Hey Kid dope head. You are a BFJ. Go O.D. and do the world a favor.
Don’t you mean the currently existing cesspool of employees? I’d be willing to bet if the Chief Diversity Officer wasn’t working under the same roof as the person accused of racism and that he’s probably a Fast Eddie hack than the findings would be totally different, if not just to justifies the exisitance of a useless position.
It’s the game Telephone on steroids.
The guy in the BMW is a pussy. Big man when he is in his car but he can’t run away fast enough after calling someone an ahole from behind a steering wheel. Run away little fucker run away. And how cute TB standing up for the total ahole.
How can you prove it? It’s one person’s word against another’s. No other witnesses. A very weak case.
Can someone tell me what is up with the so-called city ordinance that dog owners can’t write “black labs matter” on a blog. This is the 2nd time I have seen this referenced.
I happen to know for a fact that anyone who drives a BMW is a Dick. Not necessarily a racist. Absolutely a self important dick.
They read Turtleboy’s bus article and said “Crap! We need to invent some racism, fast!”
They are obviously trying a different tactic because the “Mosiac” cash cow had dried up. It’s a shame that when a real racist issue comes up that nobody will take it serious.
The race who cried wolf, wonder why I don’t care when something actually racist happens
Are you going to finish making me that pot, or what?
Does this happen all the time in Worcester? Kinda sounds like it. Makes me glad I live in a small town. I think I’d go nuts having to listen to so many local SJW freaks on a daily basis.
They’re all worthless blacks. Live in an all-white town and all of a sudden there are no problems.
Thank God for TB for continuing to advance the white race.
That’s not what I meant – It just seems like there are a lot of loud mouth SJWs in the area and there is a constant level of ‘victimhood’ that is being pushed. It’s coming from all races.
That’s the part that doesn’t infiltrate the small town, I think.
I lived in Worcester for 11 years and was very active in the schools and in the community and I never heard anyone complain about “victimhood.” I moved to the suburbs in 2012 (after they cut all our trees down). So unless this SJW movement is only 4 years old, I doubt it’s as bad as TB makes it out to be.
I still go into the city all the time for things and I interact with folks of all ethnicities and I’ve never had any kind of racial tension with anyone. So I don’t know where people like Mike Jerry and Nate Pickens hang out but I’ve never had to deal with them.
^^^What’s that douche-bag from New Hampshire’s name again??^^^
This was a lie from the first sentence, literally no one has gone to the midtown mall in the past 10 years.
I might cut through when it’s raining. But I try not to because of the stank.
HA!!! thats the same thing i thought too. hahaha
“… literally no one has gone to the midtown mall in the past 10 years.”
That was my first thought, followed by “You dropped your MOM and AUNTS off at the Midtown Mall?”