
Introducing The Turtleboy Ticket For Worcester City Council

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Tuesday September 8th is the primary election for Worcester City Council. Although primaries typically only see half the voter turnout as general elections do, this one could be pretty telling. We wanna see Turtleboy endorsed candidates dominate so we can send the message to the establishment that we’re coming for them in November. Their reign of terror is officially over.

Look, the formula is simple – show up and vote the Turtleboy Ticket and you get your city back. Because no one votes in this city, so it’s pretty easy to change things just by showing up. Last election the voter turnout was 14%. Joe Petty was the top vote getter with under 9,000 votes. Compare that to the 1991 election in which Jordan Levy received over 21,000 votes!! Throughout the Ray Mariano era those numbers remained high. People showed up back then because those guys were leaders who gave you a reason to show up. But people like Joe Petty are boring and they don’t take stands. As a result no one bothers to show up.

But this election season you actually have a reason to. Turtleboy Sports has exposed blatant corruption and mismanagement. We don’t think it’s appropriate for the city to be spending $90K on a Chief Diversity Officer when schools are underfunded. We don’t think the city should’ve offered to drop the charges against the Kelley Square 4. We don’t think the city should’ve wasted taxpayer money on Mosaic, the DOJ discussions, or diversity training for city employees. These are things that the current administration favors, and they must be destroyed.

The at-large City Council field of 16 will be whittled down to 12 on September 8. Additionally, District 2 has four candidates vying for the seat that Phil Palmieri is voluntarily giving up as he makes a run for an at-large seat.

Today we are going to make all of our endorsements. We sent out a questionnaire to every candidate for office, asking the questions that the people demand answers to. The questions were straight forward yes or no inquiries. There were right and wrong answers to each one. Here’s what we asked them. (correct answers in bold)

1. Do you approve of Ed Augustus’ lack of transparency in regards to the plan to allow Worcester State to build a parking lot in the Chandler Magnet Ballfields? No. 

2. Do you believe it was necessary for the Department of Justice to come to Worcester for discussions on race? No. 

3. Do you believe the discussions on race accomplished anything? No.

4. Do you believe the city of Worcester should have spent taxpayer money on venue costs, food, and other expenses in order to host the DOJ discussions on race? No.

5. Do you believe the City of Worcester should be a “sanctuary city” for undocumented immigrants? No.

6. Should the city of Worcester adopt a treatment program, rather than arrest drug users, like the town of Gloucester has done? Yes. 

7. Do you believe the Worcester Police are racially biased? No.

8. Do you believe the city of Worcester should invest in a “Chief Diversity Officer” rather than spend that money on more pressing needs? No.

9. Do you believe the city should encourage non-profits like Mosaic Cultural Complex to own property in the city? No.

10. Do you believe the four activists who are being charged for blockading Kelley Square on January 19 should have the charges dropped against them? No.

11. Do you agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to allow panhandling to continue? No. 

12. Do you agree with Ray Mariano’s plan that forces public housing residents to work at least 25 hours per week? Yes. 

13. Should the city have spent $800,000 for a TV studio in City Hall? No.

14. Should the city have a designated dog park? Yes. 

15. Do you believe city funds should be used for diversity training for all city employees? No. 

16. Do you believe Superintendent Melinda Boone needs a “communications specialist” who is paid $50,000 per year? No. 

17. Do you believe there should be a stronger relationship between the secondary schools and the WPD – particularly police officers in each of the high schools? Yes. 

18. Do you believe that Turtleboy Sports is an important forum for the expression of diverse ideas by Worcester citizens? Yes. 

19. Do you believe that Turtleboy Sports is a “racist” blog? No. 

20. If you had a choice between funding diversity training or an extra classroom teacher, which do you think would better serve the citizens of Worcester? Teacher in the classroom. 

21. Were you satisfied with the job done by the DPW in clearing our roads of snow during this past winter? No. 

These questions will obviously separate the politicians who wanna fight for the people, and those who wanna give into the hippies. And since most politicians are gutless, we only heard back from a few. That’s OK though. They’ll see in November what a mistake it was to poo-poo the Turtleboy Ticket and in 2017 we’ll probably be hearing back from a lot more people. These are the 16 candidates:

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Here is who Turtleboy Sports is endorsing:

Michael Gaffney – City Councilor and Mayor

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Obviously. Some people call Gaffney opportunistic for using the anarchy and lawlessness in Worcester as the backbone of his campaign. We call it doing the will of the people. He’s been right on everything during his freshman campaign in office. He want rigorous policing, less money allocated for unnecessary wastes of time like a Chief Diversity Officer and DOJ discussions. He led the push to have Mosaic audited, despite being harassed, bullied, and called a racist by Worcester’s most infamous hippies. If elected mayor he would be the chairman of the School Committee and would vote to buy out Melinda Boone’s contract for her inept failure as a superintendent. Most importantly, he has guts and isn’t afraid to associate himself with a blog that spineless politicians read only as a guilty pleasure, but would never admit they do so publicly. He MUST get first place by a large margin in the primaries in order to send a message that change is coming in November.

Konnie Lukes


We don’t always agree with Konnie Lukes, but we like what she represents. For instance, she actually emailed us back and told us she wasn’t going to answer our questions because she doesn’t seek endorsements. Which is fine, because her record speaks for itself and we’re gonna endorse her anyway. She’s the check on the establishment and has been for 20 years. She’s not afraid to take a stand on an issue that the gutless ones wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. It was her idea to pass a resolution praising the Worcester Police after the hippies started branding the WPD as a bunch of racists back in December. She won Turtleboy’s vote the second she called out Boom-Boom Conner and crew and told them that if they don’t like that she supports cops, then replace her. We hope she doesn’t run for Mayor because that could take votes away from Gaffney, but she plays an important role on the Council.

Rob Sargent

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There’s a lot to like about Rob Sargent. He’s young (29), he’s a teacher at Worcester’s most challenging school (Worcester East Middle), he comes from a family of public servants (his father is deputy chief of police and his brother is a cop), and he has a vision to make Worcester a better place. He’s motivated by the fact that a lot of people his age are fleeing the city, and his goal is to make Worcester a place where normal people aren’t afraid to buy a house and make a life for themselves. His answers to all of our questions were the correct ones. He believes time and resources should be allocated towards our schools and law enforcement, rather than towards special interest groups. Because he is new to the political landscape and he is a teacher, he wasn’t as visible as professional politicians like Joe Petty until the summer. We HIGHLY recommend that you vote for Rob Sargent on the September 8 primary.

That’s it. We’re only endorsing three. This is called bullet voting. Gaffney and Lukes are going to win anyway, but by encouraging people to vote for Sargent and no one else, you are increasing his chances of getting elected. A ballot that includes him and another one of the candidates, effectively cancels out the vote for him. Rob is new and he is going to need your support to get elected.

However, we would not be opposed if you voted for the following candidates:

Carmen Carmona. She hasn’t been as visible a campaigner, but she is one of the few candidates who responded to us, and she had good answers on a lot of issues. The bottom line is that she is pro police and favors more money invested in schools and less money invested in hippie adventures.


Moe Bergman. It’s hard to get a good read on Moe Bergman. He is the one who wanted metal detectors installed in schools, which was voted down. So you know he’s concerned with school safety. On the other hand he’s always aligning himself with Joe Petty. We don’t mind seeing him on the council though, and he almost always votes the right way.

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Here’s why you shouldn’t vote for the other 11 candidates:

Kate Toomey. Gutless. NEVER takes a controversial stand until she sticks her thumb in the air and sees which way the wind is blowing. She admits reading Turtleboy but she won’t do so publicly. She never responded to us, because more than likely she’s waiting to see if the Turtleboy Ticket will really work. Today she put up a Facebook status in which she pretended to be a bad ass pro-police candidate.

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But at the end of the day she’s just a professional politician who should be replaced by someone with a backbone.

Joe Petty. Obviously you should never vote for Joe Petty. He’s been wrong on every issue imaginable, and as chairman of the School Committee has been Melinda Boone and Lisa Dyer’s personal cheerleader. He stands for nothing. He’s spineless. He can’t control a meeting. He yells at female school committee members but lets hippies make a mockery of council meetings. He must go now.


Phil Palmieri. I’ve never seen a faker person in my life. The man carries himself like he’s a greasy NFL franchise owner. He’s running at-large because District 2 got redistricted and he knows he can’t win. He’s lost several elections for state office because he’s only electable in certain parts of Worcester where old women who grow grapes in their backyards will vote for whoever the Italian guy on the ballot is because it reminds them of the old days. He literally stands for nothing and associates himself with racists like Nathan Pickens.

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Juan Gomez. I wanted to like this guy, but he’s shown in the campaign season that he’s a complete sellout by the crowd he associates with. If he gets elected he’ll just be more of the same – a rubber stamping establishment ass kisser.

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Tina Zlody. Absolutely not. She is the one who approved of the $1,500 that went to RBG’s poetry slam at the Sahara Restaurant. She’s gone out of her way to associate herself with Joe Petty as much as possible. If she gets on the City Council we’re all fucked.


Bill Coleman. I used to like this guy because he never gave up and his big campaign issue used to be painting American flags on fences. But in the past nine months he has made it clear that he is 150% with the hippies and race baiters. He’ll do what he does best – lose. We’d love nothing more than seeing Worcester’s Kool-aid shaped version of Ralph Nader not make the top 12 in the primary.

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Linda Parham. Part of TB likes Linda Parham and wants to know more about her. She was homeless at one point, so she’s probably got some interesting perspectives. She seems to be fair when it comes to issues of policing. But she’s also the head of a non-profit, and at this point we don’t trust any non-profits, thanks to what groups like Mosaic are using them to do. She’s also on a bunch of committees that contain every buzzword that has been associated with hippies from day one. Can’t endorse someone like that.11329785_1668117713423247_7536460320766517820_n

Khrystian King. Once again, we wanna like this guy, but we don’t know enough about what his intentions are. Sure he’s a city guy who played hoops for the Napoleans and serves the community as a social worker. But he’s also being backed by Gladys Rodriguez, the quarterback of the Jim McGovern establishment machine. Where he really lost us is when he said that he supports a civilian review board that would investigate patterns of racial profiling by police. We trust police and we know that this is code word for “I’m with the hippies.”

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Matt Wally. We wanted to like this guy because he’s a young family man who is invested in the city. But it’s become clear over time that the McGovern crime family machine is running his campaign and he will take orders from them if elected. Most importantly though, he said this:

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Under no circumstances can we afford to have someone dumb enough to say that the DOJ meetings were a good thing, serving on the City Council.

Ronald O’Clair. This guy’s big claim to fame is that he got 100,000 hits on his Youtube channel. Other than that we don’t know anything about him, besides the fact that he writes for the InCityTimes and rambles in a boring, monotone voice about absolutely nothing.

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George Fox. Who the hell is this guy?

Prediction: We predict the candidates will finish the preliminary election in the following order: 1. Gaffney, 2. Bergman, 3. Lukes, 4. Toomey, 5. Petty, 6. Sargent, 7. Wally, 8. Gomez, 9. Palmieri, 10. Parham, 11. King, 12. Carmona, 13. Zlody, 14. Coleman, 15. O’Clair, 16. Fox.

District 1 

Cindy Nguyen.

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She’s a recent graduate of Doherty High School and Holy Cross. She answered almost all of our questions in the right way – she thinks the DOJ meetings were a waste of time, she doesn’t wanna continue to fund fake non-profits, and she favors law and order. Tony Economou seems decent, but at the end of the day she had the fortitude to respond to us with all the right answers, and Economou gave us the cold shoulder. Vote Cindy if you live in the high voter turnout District 1.

District 2

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Turtleboy. Candy Carlson and Jennithan Cortes will probably survive the primary. The other two we know nothing about. Either way we’re fucked. No net loss though, since whoever wins is replacing Phil Palmieri. I guess I’d rather pick Carlson, simply because Cortes stood with Brenda Jenkins and crew at the press conference in which he vocally opposed police at North High School. He’s also bad mouthed Turtleboy Sports and has sent several emails to TBS sponsors, threatening to boycott them for doing business with us. Can’t go wrong by writing in Turtleboy on this one.

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District 3

Turtleboy. George Russell is running unopposed. George Russell is also a professional asshole. He laughed at Gaffney for auditing Mosaic. Then we filed a Freedom of Information Act and found out the audit was 100% legit. Turtleboy should be able to beat this caricature lardo on a write in campaign.

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District 4

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Jackie Kostas.

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Obviously. There is no one worse on the City Council than Sarai Rivera. She is the QUEEN BEE of the hippie movement and their voice on the council. She is 100% anti-police, masquerades as a pastor, calls Turtleboy racist, and is a regular at Mosaic planning meetings. Jackie Kostas just so happens to have the exact opposite views as Sarai, but even if she was an aardvark we’d still vote for her. This is by far the lowest voter turnout district. A couple hundred people can easily swing this election. We all know Kevin Ksen is gonna be picking up strays in his rape van to vote for Sarai, so if you live there please get out and vote for Jackiet. Taking down Sarai would be the ultimate victory for the TBS Revolution.

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District 5 

Gary Rosen.

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He’s running unopposed and earned your vote the second he attached his name to the Mosaic audit and yelled at the hippies. Then he actually used the acronym “RBG” in an email to the City Manager, demanding to know why were paying for some vagrant to go to Oakland for a poetry slam. He’s earned your vote.

So there you go. That’s the Turtleboy Ticket for City Council. School Committee is coming shortly. Now obviously you’re a grown adult and you don’t have to take your marching orders from Turtleboy. Vote for whoever you see fit. But if you’re part of the TBS Revolution, then the candidates we just endorsed are the ones stand with you and I. Take your city back. Vote the Turtleboy ticket on September 8.

Want to have your business advert seen by over 900,000 people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.

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Get your Turtleboy Sports Revolution tank tops before they’re all gone. Click on the pic!!!
















14 Comment(s)
  • Wayne Carter
    November 2, 2015 at 10:08 am

    I Respect your endorsements don’t get me wrong, but Khrystian King is a great guy and I wish you wouldn’t dismiss him like that! Hope other readers consider him tomorrow while filling out their ballot.

  • Woo the Vote
    August 26, 2015 at 6:15 am

    Economu, Bergman and Palmieri deserve the endorsement. They are common sense, bright guys who get it. They of course have to navigate the PC waters, but ignore their words and look at their actions.

    For example,, Bergman was the ONLY councilor who actually read the City’s proposed tax valuation plan to prepare for the council hearing on it and uncovered a big error that skewed the tax plan. That’s having the taxpayer’s back.

    Economu and Palmieri have spent countless hours trying to trim tax rates and cut waste of tax dollars.

    • Timothy
      August 26, 2015 at 7:29 am

      Seems to me that Economu votes to raise my real estate taxes like clock work. His campaign rhetoric says it all, ‘I will vote for the lowest tax.’ A vote for a tax, is a vote for a tax. It doesn’t matter how low it is. Cutting here, and raising there is not how you help us.

  • Ula
    August 26, 2015 at 1:27 am

    Moe is a man w principles. I’ve watched him on Rosen’s Round Table (CH 194) and he gives thoughtful answers/opinions.

  • BobnMic
    August 25, 2015 at 11:50 pm

    I would vote for Bugs Bunny. Although a fictional character, who is to say that our current city leadership are not cartoon characters macerating as a real person? So we have BB (Bugs Bunny) with his carrot asking, “what’s up Doc?” Now is this a bad thing? I mean at least he is attentive to a particular important issue/s that could affect us all and is asking questions. Answers come from questions. That’s how this world works and carrots are awesome in blue cheese.

  • The Rev. An etymologist here
    August 25, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    Nothin to say on politics here. I just wanted to say that like s. Rivera too am a reverend. You can become one too. It is easy to become a legit ordained minister on the net. You can even perform marriages if ou fill out all the right paper work.

    TB you should become an ordained minister too. Rev. Turtleboy. Just imagine all the undies you would out in a bunch.

  • HeatherLyn
    August 25, 2015 at 4:14 pm

    Gaffney, Gaffney Gaffney.
    I live in D2, so probably Carlson.
    can’t wait for the school commitee endorsements.

  • Timothy
    August 25, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    And to think, I was going to write Cindy off. Maybe I’ll give her another chance. She still needs to grow up a little, though. Maybe she regrets working for Warren over Brown. The reason she gave me for doing so wasn’t respectable.

  • Z
    August 25, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    You need to start making sure the information that you report is fucking accurate! Matt Wally is running for school committee you dolt….

    • Z
      August 25, 2015 at 2:45 pm

      Never mind my incompetence. I insulted the blogger when I had my facts wrong…

  • Boss Tweed
    August 25, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    Remember people. DO NOT use all six votes. Vote for the ones you really want. do not waste votes. If you vvote for 3 instead of six it’s like give yur favorite 2 votes.

  • Buntanyo
    August 25, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    This is fucking awesome TB!I think this should be a full page add in the Worcester Magazine every week until the election. I’m sure you could get enough support from the TB revolutionaries to fund this.

    • Hoov
      August 25, 2015 at 12:20 pm

      … or we could all just tell our friends!

  • August 25, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Making friends I see! haha

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