Joe Early Thinks You Are Stupid: Denies Ordering Alli Bibaud’s Arrest Report Be Altered After Admitting To Attorney General That He Had The Report Altered

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Last week we called for Worcester County District Attorney Joe Early to resign after it was revealed that he initiated contact with disgraced State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, and asked him several times to alter his friend Judge Tim Bibaud’s daughter’s embarrassing arrest report. But alas, Early will not resign, instead he’s doubled down and is now claiming that the Attorney General’s report is a lie:

Worcester County District Attorney Joe Early vehemently denies any wrongdoing in the recent State Police scandal involving the arrest report of a judge’s daughter. Early denies his office did anything wrong, even after a recent report claims the DA was involved. Boston 25 News reporter Bob Ward confronted the DA on Monday afternoon, inquiring into his office’s involvement in the scandal.

When asked if it was a mistake to ask for the report to be redacted and why he did it, Early replied, “First off, no one asked for the report to be redacted, all the employees at the district attorney’s office acted properly and lawfully.”

Stop right there. No one asked for the report to be redacted? The report specifically says that you advised Colonel McKeon to redact the report:

According to your own phone records, you messaged Colonel McKeon about it, and after he initially had cold feet, you persisted by reassuring him that it was OK to remove the “offensive” language, which was really just a statement of what Alli Bibaud actually said:


In fact, the ONLY reason McKeon ordered the report to be changed was because of Early:

Had he never made contact on behalf of his good friend Tim Bibaud, McKeon never would’ve even known about the report:


Not only that, McKeon said he felt pressured to do it because Joe Early was his boss:


Early even told the AG’s office WHY he wanted the statements removed:

Yet he told Fox 25 News that he’s flat out denying it:

The DA, however, denies he or his office did anything wrong. When asked if the order or the request to redact came from the colonel and not his office, Early said, ‘We did not ask anyone to change the report.’

This guy is a flat out liar. Not only did you admit to the AG that you did in fact persuade McKeon that it was the appropriate thing to do to change the report:

You fully admit that YOU brought it to his attention, and he didn’t know anything about it:


Then there’s the fact that the Colonel would’ve had no way of knowing about this arrest if someone didn’t bring it to his attention. And Joe Early just so happens to be good friends with Alli’s pa dukes:

What a coincidence!!!

This is how dumb Joe Early thinks the voters are. Then again, this is Worcester. A city where the mayor literally called protesters that were supporting him “morons,” “stupid,” and “uneducated” on a hot mic:

Apologized for it the next day.

And then the day after that held an INSANE press conference in which he claimed his apology was a lie, because if he didn’t apologize it would make people sad, and that a second shooter/moron was the one who called these people morons.

And the morons re-elected him.

So I guess I can’t blame Early for what he’s doing. He understands that his supporters are brain dead idiots who will vote for anyone with a D in front of their name. Most of them are older people who vote for him because his Daddy was a “good guy,” while being an entrenched congressman for 18 years. He can literally say anything and it won’t matter to them.

Luckily he has an opponent in November – independent candidate Blake Rubin. A former ADA for Joe Early. And he’s come out firing:

“Early’s subsequent denial of these facts insults the intelligence of the public.”

Bingo. The only way to believe him is to be stupid. He’s banking on you being stupid.

I love it. There needs to be more of this. People should be DEMANDING that this clown resign. Why should he keep his job? He has two major fuck ups in the last 2 years:

  • He said “jail wasn’t working” for Jorge Zambrano, let him out prison, and then Zambrano murdered Auburn Police Officer Ron Tarentino.
  • He ordered the MSP to alter a police report in order to do his friend/Judge a solid.

In one case a man died, but you could argue that he did not intentionally do this. The shitty job he did led to it happening, but his actions were not malicious.

The same cannot be said about Alli Bibaud. In this case he knew he was asking his underlings to break the law. He knew it was unethical. But he did it anyway because he doesn’t fear losing election.

And when Fox 25 News asked him about resigning, this is what he said:

“I’m running a campaign. I look forward to a fact based, positive campaign.”

This is insane. He just got busted in a major scandal and he’s talking about campaigning. Meanwhile he’s the district FREAKING attorney!! Ya know what he should’ve said there?

“I need to get back to doing the work of the people by holding criminals accountable in a court of law.”

Because that’s his job. Instead he’s talking about his CAMPAIGN!! His “fact based” campaign, which apparently will be built on LIES and mistruths that he doesn’t get cops killed, and doesn’t order arrest reports to be redacted.

We’d love to have Blake Rubin on the Turtleboy podcast soon to discuss his vision for the DA’s office. Follow Blake Rubin on Twitter.

15 Comment(s)
  • Sonny's Mom
    May 1, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    So now Joe Early thinks he can throw Maura Healey under the bus? You’re walking into the lion’s den, Mr Early. You have NO IDEA what awaits you when Democrats decide you’re no longer “one of us”.

    May 1, 2018 at 2:16 pm

    Who cares about Early…..he’s a nobody…a little fish.

    The real question is why aren’t we calling for the resignation of Atty. General Maura Healey who has watched all of these scandals unfold without any charges from her office for these hacks.

    • bigdaddy
      Maura Healey
      May 1, 2018 at 2:19 pm

      I have been busy filing frivolous law suits against the president but when I do get a free moment I will look into that

      • M H
        May 1, 2018 at 9:01 pm

        That joke just keeps getting funnier.

  • Dean Wormer
    May 1, 2018 at 1:47 pm

    What’s the old saying? “Be careful what you wish for because it may come true”?
    That’s how Blake Rubin should be viewed, I’m not sticking up for the DA but take a long hard look at Mr. Rubin. Slimy lawyer with no honor or integrity. There has to be another option out there… please

  • bigdaddy
    Joe Early
    May 1, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Just to prove how dumb you voters are You will still vote for me because I have the all important D after my name

  • bigdaddy
    Steve Quists tiny penis
    May 1, 2018 at 12:48 pm

    You should see the message board at the Turtlegram All the usual libwits supporting Earlys corruption. And of course that asshole Q brings up Trump

    • KimberlyS
      May 1, 2018 at 1:36 pm

      Didn’t you get the memo? Everything leads back to Trump. I’m pretty sure he’s single-handedly responsible for the Holocaust, and the bombing of Hiroshima.

    • Fo Sho
      May 1, 2018 at 8:14 pm

      Can’t believe this POS has the balls to flat out contradict his sworn testimony……must have greased Maura’s carpet with a few shekels.

  • bigdaddy
    May 1, 2018 at 12:44 pm

    Joe is just like his father I real chip of the old blockhead

    • Rich
      May 1, 2018 at 1:33 pm

      You beat me to it.

    • Fo Sho
      May 1, 2018 at 8:20 pm

      What da ya expect from a POS who treats constituents wakes as campaign stops……..glad handin his way thru the line.

  • Unfortunately
    May 1, 2018 at 12:14 pm

    His assessment of the intelligence of the electorate here in Massachusetts is largely accurate as evidenced by who holds the highest elected positions.

    • Ray Patriarca
      Democrats lie
      May 1, 2018 at 12:23 pm

      Another lying Democrat hack. Your assessment is correct. People in this state seem to be masochists, as they keep electing the same useless hacks. Remember… it’s all about the (D) !

      • Kevi
        May 1, 2018 at 3:43 pm

        It’s true! We love the D! Can’t get enough of the D! DDD!!!!

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