
Joe Petty’s $500 Per Person Fundraiser For Rich White Guys, Congressman And Senators Will Be At Worcester Club Tomorrow

Will you be going to Joe Petty’s fundraiser tomorrow at the Worcester Club? Maybe if you’re a well connected white guy with $500 to spare and you don’t have to work on a Wednesday!!

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No matter what happens three weeks from today on election day, the Turtleboy Sports Revolution has been an unmitigated success. If Michael Gaffney wins the mayoral race then we have successfully orchestrated a non-violent political coup. If Jumpin Joe Petty wins then at least we made him sweat like he never has before. Seriously, look around Worcester. There’s Petty shit everywhere. I’ve never seen so many yard signs, standouts, fundraisers, etc. Well tomorrow Jumpin Joe is calling in the big guns for a fundraiser at the Worcester Club:


Yea, keep telling me that there’s no political machine in Worcester. Keep telling Jim Polito that he’s a blowhard for labeling this group of chiselers as the “McGovern Crime Family.” You know they’re shitting their pants when the mayor of a city, which has a strong city manager form of government, has to call in a United States Senator, a U.S. Representative, four state reps, and two state senators, in order to beat a freshman city councilor who doesn’t have close to the connections that Petty has. Plus, Markey and McGovern have anything better to do. It’s not like they have to run our country’s government in Washington D.C. or anything like that. Everyone knows Congress doesn’t work on Wednesdays.

The Worcester Club is the venue for this shakedown. Ever been there? No? That’s because you’re probably just a hard working sap who gets their property taxes raised every couple of years by the Petty Klan. It was created during the Gilded Age so that the ultra wealthy would have a place to piss away all their money because the the income tax didn’t exist yet. This is where the guy who is going to “bring us together” is electing to have a rally.

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Conversely Michael Gaffney had a fundraiser last week at Rocky’s Food and Spirits on Water Street – a blue collar establishment that was serving $2 Rolling Rocks and mouth watering burgers. That area has been decimated economically as a result of the gun violence that dominated the summer of love. After all, who wants to go eat lunch at Kelley Square when there’s two guys shooting at each other while driving down Harding Street?

You can come down to Joe Petty’s rally at the Worcester Club tomorrow if you would like. You just have to make sure you’re not working on a Wednesday morning and you have between $125-$500 to hand over to Paul Giorgio at the door.

There are 45 names on that list. Six of them are women, and none of them are black. This is what “progressives” look like in Worcester. Petty is the same guy who just bragged about how successful the race dialogues were in Worcester, and how he’d do them again in a heartbeat. One of the topics of discussion was how to increase minority involvement in local politics. And what does Petty do to show us how successful these dialogues were? He holds a rally for connected, rich white guys so they can donate money to each other and scratch each other’s backs to make sure they all stay in power. Petty will return the favor when Dan Donahue, Jim O’Day, McGovern, and Markey need to get reelected, and they will all stay in power together. This is how a machine works.

Meanwhile the Rally at Rocky’s had more diversity than any Petty gathering the machine has ever put together. While Joe Petty is drinking wine spritzers and eating goat cheese with his wealthy white male west side and Holden friends, Gaffney’s rally had pasta and meat balls on paper plates with multiple minority candidates for elected office (Bill Coleman, Jackie Kostas, Mesfin Beshir), School Committee candidate Nick D’Andrea, and veterans of American wars.


And unlike Joe Petty’s campaign there was no shakedown at the door for a minimum donation of $125. The suggested donation was $25, but Gaffney has paid for almost all of his campaign out of his own pocket.

The bottom line is Mike Gaffney NEEDS your support. To say this is an uphill battle is an understatement. This is what freedom is up against right now – a well financed and coordinated attempt by the powers that be to make sure their guy stays in office. Mike needs your help, especially on election day. One of the tricks the Petty people have been using is having workers make calls to registered voters on election day to get them to the polls. You’d be surprised how many people need reminders. Mike needs people to man the phone banks that day to offset this. Send him a message on Facebook and he will gladly accept your help.

Take your city back. Vote the Turtleboy Ticket.


Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.

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12 Comment(s)
  • fordsnharleys
    October 14, 2015 at 7:36 am

    Here is how we defeat rides to the polls. All the voting worcester turtleriders need to call for a ride. They will be so busy transporting Gaffney voters that it will neutralize that strategy. At the very least we can say funds raised at this breakfast gave us all free cab rides.

  • October 13, 2015 at 11:28 pm

    Well gaff is very cheap we all know petty is better,masters of usury.

  • judyB
    October 13, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    “One of the tricks the Petty people have been using is having workers make calls to registered voters on election day to get them to the polls. ”

    Don’t forget also about the local politicians who give rides to the polls to folks…not to make people sound clueless, but how many voters then feel at least somewhat obligated to vote for _______ because his/her people gave them a ride to the polls?

    In short, don’t forget to tell folks about Gaffney and the others (point out the Dem party ain’t the party of JFK anymore), but also go one more and offer your father-in-law, grandmother, etc. to ride to the polls. Help them out before the Dem Machine does and guilts them into a vote.

    • judyB
      October 13, 2015 at 10:46 pm

      One more thing…true confession time – I used to be one of the uninformed, lazy voters – I’d vote but not investigate anyone much beforehand. If there was a race I didn’t know about, I’d vote on name recognition.

      Those days are behind me but I mention it because there are others out there who still do that. So, get some yard signs, slap on some bumper stickers…get “your” candidates’ names out there and you never know, a few people might say, “Ive seen a lot of signs for Gaffney…people must think he’s pretty good. I’ll give him a shot.”

  • Wormtown Refugee
    October 13, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    Does the Worcster Club still have its separate, back door entrance for women? You know, so that the “white men only” veneer can be maintained, even while fake “progressives” and hypocritical Democrats can laugh at actual working people who have a job to go to? How come Clive isn’t on the list?

  • Sab
    October 13, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    ALL pols, local, state, and federal should be held to term limits! Two terms and GO HOME, thanks for your service.

  • Wabbitt
    October 13, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    Sarai Rivera will be the darkest one in the room, and she’s whiter than me.

    Betcha his buddies Keesha, Brenda, and Joyce will be nowhere to be found.

    Meanwhile, Gaffney is the “racist.”

    • Wabbitt
      October 13, 2015 at 6:38 pm

      And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that anyone donating less than five hundy isn’t allowed within fifty feet of Petty or Don McGovern.

      On this, the day of his daughter’s wedding…

  • MS
    October 13, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    Ed Markey, that is enough reason right there to stay away

  • RSoxGuy
    October 13, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    $125-$500 to schmooze for an hr and 15 minutes at 745am-9am? Isnt that when working people have a job to go t on a Wednesday?

    Where is race Bait Clive and Old Balls crying about these haughty taughty Dems pricing the lower class right out of the room? Not a fucking sound. Absolute silence.

  • Clive's not a racist, just ask him
    October 13, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    Has Jive Clive slid into obscurity now that his BFF Boone is out of town?

  • Nanny
    October 13, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Matthews isn’t listed, but he’s the Dem King. Brissette, Murray, Murray, Murray, Merrill, Diaz, Irish… that’s half of my neighborhood.

    My invitation was probably lost in the mails.

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