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Last year Rosie O’Donnell started dating this junior smokeshow Worcester cop from the mounted horse unit:
People got really mad when we pointed out the fact that this gorgeous woman dating an aging washed up “comedian,” was an obvious gold digging situation. There’s just no way anyone, gay or straight, could ever be physically or emotionally attracted to Rosie O’Donnell. She is unloveable. Nevertheless people was mad!!
I miss the days of exit speeches. We hardly get those anymore since they got rid of our Facebook page. Sigh.
Anyway, this is now a thing that is happening:
Well, there goes the neighborhood. I assume she’s gonna remain a cop, which means Rosie will be coming to her from New York and not vice versa. Rosie promised us all she was moving to Canada if Trump won. Turns out she meant Shrewsbury.
This should work out well. I’m sure they really love each other, especially since this is Rosie’s third wife, each of who seems to get dumped after they turn 40.
Their wedding pictures are gonna look like Officer Trophywife visiting Grandma in the old folks home.
This is just sad man. If I was into chicks and I looked like Officer Trophywife I’d like to think I could could do better than that. Does anyone honestly think she is in any way, shape, or form, actually attracted to this?
Scissor me timbers!! Officer Trophywife should get a medal of bravery just for agreeing to come home to that every night.
Does this offend you? I apologize for nothing. Rosie O’Donnell is a piece of trash who has no problem demeaning anyone she doesn’t agree with. She’s also filthy rich and gets her pick of smoking hot 33 year old blondes even though she’s closing in 60. If you’re worried about her feelings you’re doing the Internet wrong.
I have nothing but respect for the Worcester Police and the work this officer does when she’s clocked in. She’s free to do as she pleases. But I reserve the right to point out how this is a pathetic and empty money grab, because no one in their right mind actually believes she would have any interest in Rosie O’Donnell if it weren’t for the fact that she’s a multi-millionaire.
30 Comment(s)
Smoke show or smoked ham???
Her parents have to be saying to themselves, even if they are ultra left moon bats, Where did we go wrong?
The most recent picture makes Officer Boxbreath look as big as ugly Rosie. Must be a lot of calories in Va Jay jay. She’s really let herself go.
Office likes to cuddle with animals …. hence her pics of cuddling with the kitten, the horse and the beast ….
There’s no accounting for taste.
She’s worth 120 million net. According to various online sources. Guessing the marriage will never happen!
CUNY’s eating cunts. You are what you eat
Alex I will take Star Trek for $400
A- Going down on Rosie O’donnell
Q What is ” to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
We need to bring back billy club beatings these coppers are getting flabby arms, maybe she left hers at home in rosies snatch.
Rosie’s got that “I smell a refried bean fart” look down pat…….. does the moll blame it on the horse???
Move them to Alaska, and we can call them Klondykes
And if it was some old wealthy dude marrying a younger woman, there’d be none to very few getting huffy about mentioning gold digging
In order to pleasure Rosie, she must have hands the size of an A2000.
Best glove ever made
If you want to hit below the belt locally, why doesn’t TBS report on the MCAS and political endorsement cover-ups going on in Worcester. Lie after lie after lie. Ohhh wait…I remember. Turtleboy adores Mrs. Binienda, so he won’t report anything too scathing, will he? So much for reporting the “facks.”
Hey buttcrunch… everyone adores Mrs. Binienda. She’s the most straight up lady to take the helm of the WPS system since…
Maureen B may try to sugar coat the mess, but I bet my left nut she had nothing to do with it. She’ll do whatever she needs to do … and whatever is best… for the children of Worcester.
That is a fact. I’m not related, but I’ve worked with her for eons. I 100% trust her.
Look back at the blogs. There most certainly was a story about MCAS cover up at chandler elementary.
And the cop got a nice prenup from Rosie and I have it on good authority that she’s moving to New York.
In the words of our Commander and Chief: Rosie is a loooser.
Buzz, your girlfriend…woof
I’m sure the reason Rosie o’dildo is on her third wife is because they figure out what a vile person she is after the starstruck honeymoon is over (can’t figure why anybody would be starstruck by this thing) anyway the wormtown cop isn’t too bad for a lipstick lesbian but i’ll refrain from calling her a smokeshow. And she’s gotta be dumber than a potato to hook up with this ogre, after two previous wives (I’m using the term loosely)she’s not goona get squat in the pre-nup. coupla frikkin pukes
For chrissakes if your going to lift Barstools “smokeshow” monikor find some pics that actually smoke…
Rosie is not only ugly on the outside but on the inside as well.
Rosie being in Turtleboy territory sounds hilarious, though.
Junior smoke show? Looks like a plus size to me.
This cop looks like an OT for the Raiders, at least in the first pic. Spanx all the way.
How many felonies did this cop commit before she was hired?
No adult male who uses “LOLz” non-ironically does either, unless it’s his sister or cousin.
I’ll be watching the news – she’ll suddenly demand a divorce after being married long enough to Rosie to be able to grab her estate. Just watch.
You’re so jealous that Rosie gets to actually touch women and you don’t.
Your opinion already didn’t matter. Now you’re just pathetic.