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Manny Moniz is probably the most well known poster on The Brockton Hub. And we get a shitload of content to blog about from this cesspool of humanity, especially when Manny posts something controversial, which is every time he posts. In fact, Manny was the guy that shared the pictures of the Brockton assrag junkbox who killed the father of three flipping off the courtroom the other week, upset over how disrespectful it was. Now, we don’t necessarily agree with everything Manny posts, nor is this an endorsement of him. But the fact of the matter is that he means well, and he is a human being. And it sucks that any human being has to deal with ALS:
I aksed Uncle Turtleboy about sharing this GoFundMe yesterday and he was iffy about it because he’s afraid it will open up a door of people asking us to share their GFM’s. Plus, Manny says some crazy shit sometimes.
But today he messaged me and gave me the green light for unexplained reasons. So here’s a link to Manny’s GFMif you’re interested in donating.
In case you’re like me and aren’t really sure what ALS does to a person just that it’s really, really terrible here’s some handy dandy FAX about the disease that I borrowed from the ALS Association’s website:
Who Gets ALS?
ALS is a disorder that affects the function of nerves and muscles. Based on U.S. population studies, a little over 6,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year. (That’s 15 new cases a day.) It is estimated there are more than 20,000 Americans have the disease at any given time. According to the ALS CARE Database, 60% of the people with ALS in the Database are men and 93% of patients in the Database are Caucasian.
Most people who develop ALS are between the ages of 40 and 70, with an average age of 55 at the time of diagnosis. However, cases of the disease do occur in persons in their twenties and thirties. Generally though, ALS occurs in greater percentages as men and women grow older. ALS is 20% more common in men than in women. However with increasing age, the incidence of ALS is more equal between men and women.
There are several research studies – past and present – investigating possible risk factors that may be associated with ALS. More work is needed to conclusively determine what genetics and/or environment factors contribute to developing ALS. It is known, however, that military veterans, particularly those deployed during the Gulf War, are approximately twice as likely to develop ALS.
Half of all people affected with ALS live at least three or more years after diagnosis. Twenty percent live five years or more; up to ten percent will live more than ten years.
There is some evidence that people with ALS are living longer, at least partially due to clinical management interventions, riluzole and possibly other compounds and drugs under investigation.
Facts You Should Know
- ALS is not contagious.
- Although the life expectancy of a person with ALS averages about two to five years from the time of diagnosis, this disease is variable, and many people can live with the disease for five years and more. More than half of all people with ALS live more than three years after diagnosis.
- Once ALS starts, it almost always progresses, eventually taking away the ability to walk, dress, write, speak, swallow, and breathe and shortening the life span. How fast and in what order this occurs is very different from person to person. While the average survival time is 3 years, about twenty percent of people with ALS live five years, 10 percent will survive ten years and five percent will live 20 years or more.
- Progression is not always a straight line in an individual either. It is not uncommon to have periods lasting weeks to months where there is very little or no loss of function. There are even very rare examples in which there is significant improvement and recovery of lost function. These ALS “arrests” and “reversals” are unfortunately usually transient. Less than 1% of patients with ALS will have significant improvement in function lasting 12 months or more.
- Approximately 6,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year. The incidence of ALS is two per 100,000 people, and it is estimated there are more than 20,000 Americans may be living with ALS at any given time.
- ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic boundaries and can affect anyone.
- Military veterans are approximately twice as likely to develop ALS.
- The onset of ALS often involves muscle weakness or stiffness as early symptoms. Progression of weakness, wasting and paralysis of the muscles of the limbs and trunk as well as those that control vital functions such as speech, swallowing and later breathing generally follows.
- There can be significant costs for medical care, equipment and home health caregiving later in the disease. It is important to be knowledgeable about your health plan coverage and other programs for which you may be eligible, including Social Security Disability, Medicare, Mediciad and Veteran Affairs benefits.
Jesus tap dancing Christ, guys. That blows man. Dude has worked his whole life, even owning his own painting business, has a family and this disease takes his life (like so many others) and hucks it into the shitter. And he still hops on The Hub everyday to basically say the first thing that comes to his mind about everything. We don’t always agree with everything he says (we sometimes do) but you have to respect the way he gets people riled up and talking. Love him or hate him, he brings out Brockton’s finest ratchets every time he posts. And we just sit back and watch the show.
I think the thing that changed Uncle Turtle’s feels about this post was that pesky 5 years life expectancy thing. That’ll get you every time because that’s all the time Manny gets. If you’re so inclined to help a fellow human out with the outrageous costs of care that comes along with this disease, please click right here to donate to Manny’s GoFundMe that was set up for him.
Please, no more sad stuff this week in my inbox. My quota is full up. Manchesterturtlette@gmail.com or on Facebook as Esther Manch, I’m the one with the purple Turtle face.
8 Comment(s)
God bless you Manny Mo!! You are the main reason I even bother to read the Brockton Hub on the rare occasions I do. Calling out Brockton Creeps since day one.
My good man Manny!
P.s. Way too many ppl from Brockton getting ALS! What gives?
I was diagnosed with ALS in April 2017 and I decided to fight this naturally by better diet, natural herbs, organic food, and eliminating all toxins in my life. I can gladly say my fight is over, after using ALS herbal remedy I purchased from Best Health Herbal Centre, the herbal remedy drastically slowed my progression the first week of usage and reversed my ALS the last week of usage. I used the ALS herbal remedy for only six weeks.
I am a man of faith and I believe that when HOPE is lost ALS wins. Believe you can beat this disease naturally and have faith that nothing is bigger than God.
Fuck him, he’s a piece of shit.
Fuck you for being a deplorable asshole.
When I went on the go fund me to donate, I also read the comments. Patrick Perry for you to actually write “hahaha” like this is something this man deserves its fkn sick. I watched my sister in law die of this disease when she was 27 years old. She left behind a child and a husband. Her suffering was unimaginable. She often said she would rather take her own life then slowly die, but for her daughter she fought as long as she could. Then after TB writes this blog your all of a sudden “sorry” you posted that and they won’t let you delete it? Then call them and ask them too. Find away. They delete comments all the time. Your a piece of shit. And I doubt you will donate one penny to this man. You only wrote that to save face, but it’s too late. You proved what a piece of shit you really are. Go fk yourself. And watch out for karma I’m sure it will be coming.
You gave 10$ after laughing at the mans illness on his go fund me page. Wow… you broke out the big bucks didn’t you. Every penny counts. But from someone who found it so funny to hear that someone has a terminal illness and thought it was appropriate to laugh at, you would think you would actually make a real donation. You should feel proud of yourself now.
I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. That sounds absolutely terrible and devastating, and she sounds like she was an incredibly strong woman.
Who is Patrick Perry and what did he do exactly? That kind of behavior is unacceptable, deplorable and if I’m reading what you said correctly, he should be exposed for being a complete asshole. You can email me about it at Manchesterturtlette@gmail.com. I keep all my sources 100% confidential.
What a tragedy. Manny has collected gifts and passed them out to familys who had zero for Christmas.. like literally no presents for there kids. Mannys has brought familys thanksgiving turkeys with the whole spread. Not once asking for praise. The world will be worse with out his generosity.