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If you thought we were gonna let woman abuser Moses Dixon get away with his crimes then you don’t know Turtleboy very well. We are a family feminist blog and we have zero tolerance for men who put their hands on women. They are gutless cowards, and they ALWAYS do it again. However, the women who are their victims often don’t pursue the charges because they have to relive the abuse by testifying against their abusers. It can be traumatic, especially when a crafty defense attorney rips them apart on the stand and slut shames them. That’s why it’s not really surprising to see a headline like this:
An attorney for Kristal Hansley, the woman who in 2012 filed a restraining order against state representative candidate Moses Dixon, released a statement Friday affirming that the domestic violence allegations were unfounded. Hansley, now a Washington, D.C. resident, said that Dixon has proven himself qualified to serve the 17th District of Worcester and has dedicated his life to being a public servant. “My client is confident that Mr. Dixon will continue that dedication by serving the constituents of the 17th Worcester District with grace and fortitude,” Hansley’s attorney, Andrew O. Clarke, said in a statement.
Wait……what?? Is this a statement from the victim or a commercial for Moses Dixon? And just to be clear, Kristal Hansley signed a restraining order under the penalties of perjury, alleging that Moses Dixon choked her until her body was covered in red marks:
HER LAWYER is saying that this never happened, which means he is calling his client a liar and a perjurer. This literally NEVER happens. Lawyers don’t call their clients liars. Notice she didn’t have anything to say. Her attorney spoke for her, so technically she hasn’t denied anything yet. The attorney could’ve made up an excuse about how she exaggerated what happened and regrets her role. But instead he turned her statement into an infomercial about the leadership qualities that Moses Dixon possesses.
“We are appalled by the accusations made by negligent journalists in the City of Worcester so close to an election without first obtaining all of the facts. Allegations of domestic violence should be taken seriously. We should also take seriously the protections afforded us through the United States Constitution which require us to hold in high regard the findings of a court of law,” Clarke wrote in the statement. “My client can acknowledge that a competent court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts did exonerate Mr. Dixon of any wrongdoing and defer to that finding.”
He just called Turtleboy a “negligent journalist.” The key word being “journalist.” Someone FINALLY publicly acknowledged it!!! But I would hardly call it negligent to report on the facts. And the fact of the matter is that your client alleged that domestic violence took place. You’re right, we SHOULD take allegations of domestic violence seriously. That’s why we published the blog. Moses Dixon got away with his crime because your client understandably didn’t want to get dragged through the mud.
Here’s something she tweeted a year ago, a full three years after she brought him to court and charged him assault and battery:
“There’s an old saying – what’s meant to be will be.” In other words, she’s clearly infatuated with this man. She blames herself for the violence that was inflicted on her, as many victims of domestic violence do.
Think about this for a second. Let’s pretend that Moses Dixon never choked her as she alleged. Why would he still be friends with someone who did this? Would you meet up with an old friend who once LIED, called the cops on you, claimed that you choked them, took out a restraining order against you, and then pursued charges in court before ultimately getting cold feet and backing down? Of course not. No one would. His ongoing relationship with her PROVES to anyone with a brain that she was was not lying.
But we know for a fact why Moses assaulted and battered her – she cheated on him. She had cheated on him in the past, and when she came home on that fateful night in 2012 she thought he was sleeping. So she called up one of her girlfriends and told them that she had met another guy and gotten his phone number. Unfortunately Moses had woken up while she was on the phone and heard that part of the conversation. That’s why he got up, smashed the phone, and choked her until she was visibly covered in red marks (this was listed in the arrest report and was the grounds for arresting him). Because no one cheats on Moses Dixon. And if they do, then they get choked. That’s just his policy. He must get it from Wayne Brady.
Like many victims of domestic violence, Kristal Hansley blames herself for the violence inflicted upon her. If she didn’t cheat on him then he wouldn’t have hit her. She provoked him. She doesn’t want his political ambitions to become dashed because of a little abuse that she thinks were brought upon by her own infidelity. Then he’ll never take her back. After all, “what’s meant to be, will be.”
Want more evidence that this woman is infatuated with Moses Dixon? This is what she also included in her statement, via her lawyer:
Hansley is excited that Mr. Dixon will become the first African American state representative of the 17th Worcester District, according to the statement. She works with homeless veterans, senior citizens, and people with disabilities in D.C.
OF COURSE this turns into a race thing. It was only a matter of time. First black guy to represent this district. FYI her career also revolves around politics. Her and Moses met while working for Senator Harry Reid. If she wants to advance politically then it’s in her best interest to make this story go away. Who knows why? Maybe Moses is telling her that he’ll take her back if she does so. Either way, no lawyer in the history of law and order has ever defended his client publicly by calling her a liar. This story gets more twisted by the day.
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4 Comment(s)
Maybe he is a Muslim.
You talking bout Moses? That nigga ain’t grown since the 4th grade
Growing pains
I think the fact that they both worked for one or the biggest monsters in politics Harry Reid is all that we need to know to understand this sudden domestic abuse denial. Abused women are merely part of the price to pay for this subversive Communist path America has taken