
Local Boob Steve Quist Creates Panic By Calling Cops On Guy Carrying Legally Purchased Hand Guns On June Street

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Last month Worcester Magazine Walter Bird hit rock bottom when he actually wrote an entire article about a Facebook page with less than 100 followers called “Dolphin Boy Sports.” Walter Boy was trying to make it sound like this page was some sort of competitor for Turtleboy Sports, conveniently forgetting that Turtleboy is a blog, not a Facebook page. But as we all know by now, Dolphin Boy Sports is just another one of Worcester activist blowhard Steve Quist’s “anonymous” pages which he dedicates to felating Joe Petty, Ed Augustus, and Jim McGovern. Not necessarily in that order, or at the same time.

Well poor Steve Quist apparently has lots of time on his hands these days, and he gave Walter Boy a special news bulletin about his policing of the West Side, which you can read about hereHere’s some of the highlights:

“I was cooking on the grill and my daughter came home from work and said, ‘Dad, there’s a guy walking near 7/11 with guns on him,’” said Steve Quist, who resides on June Street, not far from the store. “I got in my car and checked it out. I pulled into the lot and the guy was leaning against the store outside with a clearly visible pistol in his holster. He turned around at one point and I saw what I thought were two more pistols in his rear waistband.”

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So let me get this straight. Some guy is walking down the street with a gun on his person, which violates no laws in this state or this country. And Steve Quist’s natural inclination was to get in his car and play super spy? LOL. Can’t make this stuff up. The best part is how he got on the phone with Walter Boy right afterwards to report on his big day!! His sleuthing was far from done though:

The man left the parking lot and started walking up Chandler Street, toward Worcester State University, according to Quist, a well-known city activist. Quist, describing the man as wearing all black clothing, said he called police as he followed the man. As he approached the corner of May and Chandler streets, just shy of Worcester State and the adjacent former Temple Emanuel Sinai building now owned by the university, Quist said a cruiser pulled up alongside him.

“I pointed the man out to him, and the officer stoped (sic) him right in front of the campus,” Quist said. “The officer got out of his his car, with his right hand, appropriately, on his holster. He pointed to the man and was giving him orders, politely, and the man complied.”

Soon, Quist said, several other cruisers, about 5 or 6, converged on the scene. The man was ordered to lean against the hood of a nearby car, according to Quist, and searched.

Someone get this guy a merit badge!! He’s a genuine deputy Worcester Police Officer now. No time for Steve Quist to be scrubbing toilets and annoying his neighbors any longer. He’s got guys with guns he needs to stick the cops on!!! We still remember when Steve Quist was our online henchman.

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But then this happened:

“A short time later, Quist said, two officers approached him and told him the man was legally licensed to carry guns. The man was ultimately allowed to walk away. According to a Worcester Police Department spokesperson, the man was carrying two handguns, had a proper license to carry and was within his legal rights. Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst said the man had a larger shirt he had been wearing, but as the day grew warmer, he took the shirt off.”

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Oops!!! Turns out it was just a law abiding citizen minding his own business. Luckily our friend Steve Quist tied up valuable police resources on a harmless man who was carrying possessions that he legally obtained. Who cares if those officers could’ve been needed for an actual pressing need, such as a real crime? None of that matters because Steve Quist is the Dwight K. Shrute of the Worcester Police Department, and has appointed himself Assistant to the Regional Dispatcher.

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You would think that Steve Quist would take his ball and go home. After all this whole episode was humiliating for him. But then again he has no pride or shame, so he doubled down instead:

For his part, Quist said the incident, “begs a lot more questions.”

“Are the cops on the streets outgunned? It begs a lot of questions,” he said, pointing out the neighborhood in which the man was carrying his guns includes Worcester State, the Jesse Burkett Little League fields and two elementary schools.

“In this whole area, the guy can walk around at will, packed to the hilt with guns? When does it cross the line?,” Quist asked, saying he supports the rights of legal gun owners. “[The man] clearly was making a some type of point. I don’t what it was.”

Are the cops outgunned? This is a real question? Do the Worcester Police have more than three guns? If so then they are not outgunned. Love how he says he supports the rights of legal gun owners, all while whining about this guy exercising his legal rights as a gun owner.

This is why Turtleboy loves Worcester. There’s never a dull moment because we have so many nudniks like Steve Quist who provide us with a never ending source of material. Here’s hoping Steve Quist never gets a new job scrubbing toilets so he can dedicate the rest of his life to giving digital HJ’s to Jim McGovern while keeping the streets safe from law abiding citizens!!


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21 Comment(s)
  • Vam
    June 4, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    106 June St. for sale, neighbors must be thrilled!
    The sign idiot will be no more

  • Realist
    April 20, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    TB calls out Q for being a lackey for local pols? What a joke! Look in the mirror TB!

  • Jonny
    April 20, 2016 at 6:03 pm

    Q is a nut job. They threw him out of Jessie Birkett. How did they do it, maybe we can send him to Southbridge

    • LOB
      April 21, 2016 at 12:55 pm

      How do you get thrown out of Little League?

  • Publius
    April 20, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    Q’s little corner getting dicey neighborhood wise. Staring to look like the east side a bit. West Side your future is what Hamilton Street is today.

  • What a Dope
    April 20, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    The turtle comes on big by writing “sic” next to “stoped” after having misspelt fellated. What an idiot. He insults Q -boy for omitting a repeated second letter after having done the same thing himself. Besides, the Q-boy isn’t cute enough to fellate the three stooges of Worcester politics.

  • QuistisaDB
    April 20, 2016 at 1:16 pm

    People are so brainwashed by main stream media. Legal gun owners are not a threat to you.

    • Kevins 9 Iron
      Frank Lee
      April 20, 2016 at 2:59 pm

      And you can tell that from someone walking down the street with one. ok…

      • gerhard
        April 20, 2016 at 11:42 pm

        Here’s a tip – in the holster, probably not an issue. In the waistband – that’s an issue.

  • Joe McDonald
    April 20, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    I used to enjoy reading this blog.

    • QuistisaDB
      April 20, 2016 at 1:15 pm

      Then dont come here. Issues solved

    • TargetPractice
      April 20, 2016 at 1:27 pm

      Cool story bro. And I have a gold fish. See? We can both state facts that no one fucking cares about

  • LOB
    April 20, 2016 at 12:46 pm

    Q is quite queer! How does his family put up with his embarrassing antics?

  • Nai
    April 20, 2016 at 12:33 pm

    a bit overreaction on Quist’s part. He followed the guy? Let the police do that. And don’t forget this gem from the same WoMag article:

    “News of the incident was enough to convince District 5 City Councilor Gary Rosen to draft an order requesting the city manager provide councilors with a report on the “recent and troubling incident.” The order also requests a report on whether local police are, “sufficiently armed to meet the dangers of unstable individuals that they often face in the course of their work.”

    This is what moves Rosen to action? A silly one, at that. Not the gangster activity, shootings, murders, armed robberies but one guy strapped with legal certs to do so walking past an overzealous citizen…

    Every cop I’ve seen in this city carries a firearm, counselor! How about we instead free the police to do more of their job & stop hamstringing them or here’s another idea, commission a report on how our court system fails the citizens and lets the habitual offender back onto the streets in no time? Send THAT report in for review!

    • Fatfingr Lou
      April 20, 2016 at 5:24 pm

      Good post Nai. I thought it was already decided that police couldn’t have shotguns in their squad cars back in 1980’s, but instead had to have a SGT on duty bring one to any incident if needed. The same political wisdom decided that the buddy system was no longer required for policemen.

      A small portion of offenders commit the majority of crimes, but repeat offenders are just misunderstood, or don’t have access to proper legal representation…hahaha

  • Kevins 9 Iron
    Frank Lee
    April 20, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    I asked my brother who has a license to carry why I didn’t see more guns on people’s hips. He said that because of the uproar it would cause and attention it would garner, most concealed them. In certain situations such as a crowded mall one could be charged with disturbing the peace or something.

    Anyone that displays a gun while walking down the street deserves every bit of hassle they get. Your criticisms are are absurd in this case TB. I suspect from the lack of posts I’m not the only one that thinks so.

    • Jau
      April 20, 2016 at 1:17 pm

      It was hot out. It’s not like the man started the day exposing his guns, he just expected people to be reasonable or actually TALK to him and ask him like actual human beings.

      • Steve
        April 20, 2016 at 7:05 pm

        If you want to walk up to someone with three guns and start asking him about if they’re licensed go ahead, the rest of us will have the professionals handle it.

        • tempo
          April 20, 2016 at 7:59 pm

          You only have to worry if they’re not white.

    • Mike
      April 20, 2016 at 1:30 pm

      read the constitution, concentrate on teh 2nd and 4th amendments

    • Devils Mouthpiece
      April 20, 2016 at 8:37 pm

      I have held a license to carry (LTC) for many years and on the occasion it’s in my possession, concealed. Frank Lee, your brother is absolutely correct. You have to be a total moron to walk around with it visible in this wretched state. Is it legal to do so, yes, but highly advised you don’t. Your just asking for trouble and the chances of being hassled pretty high. There’s idiots like Quist everywhere, so why expose yourself to that.

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