Lowell Failed Marine Gash Mallet Protests With SJWs, Makes Things Awkward When He Calls A Cop A “Faggot” Repeatedly, Hiring Lawyer For Defamation Lawsuit
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Last month we wrote about this gash mallet from Dracut named Kyle Shockley who listens to the scanner all day and follows cops and firefighters around harassing them at calls. He hides behind the First Amendment, which is totally his right. Just as it’s our right to have some fun with him on here.
Anyway, we recently received this from Kyle in our inbox:
Uh-oh!!! Another Internet lawsuit!! Looks like Attorney Richard N. Vulva’s kids are going to college after all!!
Anyway, Kyle likes to tell people that he was a marine, which he was. But he also forgets to throw in the part where he was dishonorably discharged. And last week he claimed that a cop in North Carolina raped his girlfriend at a traffic stop, which sounds totally believable. As a result he’s redoubled his efforts against the Lowell PD, who know him all too well at this point. To their credit they always deal with this idiot professionally, no matter how many times he calls “cock suckers,” or “faggots” directly to their face while taping them.
Last Friday night he was doing what he always does – not having sex with a woman. Instead he was listening to the scanner where apparently there was a police call made at a fundraiser for a local guy running for School Committee named Bob Hoey. There were a bunch of of protesters using a bullhorn that they weren’t allowed to use so the cops came down to keep the peace.
I don’t follow Lowell politics so I don’t know the particulars, nor does it really matter. All I know from watching the video is that the protesters were using every buzzword that every SJW has ever used ever. They kept calling Hoey a white supremacist and said there’s not enough teachers of color in the Providence schools and blah, blah, blah. I don’t know Bob Hoey, but chances are if he’s pissing off these people then I’d probably vote for him. Of course all the protesters were white, so apparently they believe in integrating everything except their social circles.
Anyway, Kyle showed up and filmed the cops and befriended the protesters over their mutual dislike for law enforcement. But he forgot one thing – SJWs don’t like it when you call people faggots. And faggot is one of Kyle Shockley’s favorite words. You can watch the whole video or just skip to the 18:30 part to see what happens when a Sergeant Pappas arrives to enforce the disorderly conduct statute. He calls him a faggot repeatedly around the 23:30 mark:
Cop gets there to do his job….
“Fucking pig.”
That coming from a failed marine who lives in his Mommy’s basement and follows cops around all day because he could never be one.
Kyle is a legal expert though. He read a bunch of stuff on Cop Block so now he’s basically Perry fucking Mason:
“A breach of peace is when you commit violent acts.”
“No it’s not, you’re wrong. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Boom. Roasted.
I don’t know who I hate more. The gash mallet or the SJW protesters. On the one hand Kyle is easy to hate because he’s just a complete mess and starts shit with people who he knows can’t hit him back. If he did that to anyone else he would get his stupid face smashed in, and it would be glorious. Just a gutless move to call someone a “fucking pig” when you know they can’t give you street justice that you’ve earned.
On the other hand the protesters are standing there with their iPhones, basically doing the same thing Kyle is doing except they’re not swearing at the cops. The cop said no bullhorns. It’s a residential neighborhood. Don’t use bullhorns. That’s what normal people would do. Not these assholes though, they whip out their iMachines and question every word in every statute because they think they’re smarter than the people who enforce the law every day for a living.
Gash mallet apparently didn’t like being told that he was wrong though…..
“You need to tone it down sergeant. You should take the cock out of your mouth right now and listen to what the fuck I’m saying.”
That doesn’t even make any sense bro. If he had a cock in his mouth it would prevent him from speaking to you. Or at least he’d sound like Tom Menino when he did. But it wouldn’t prevent him from listening to what gash mallet has to say. If you’re gonna call someone a cock sucker at least do it in the right context. Take a lap dude.
I gotta say, the way the Sgt handled it was fantastic.
You can tell that this shithead is just a daily nuisance for them. And they humor him and give him their names and badge numbers because they know he wants them NOT to so he can have something to bitch about. Then gash mallet runs out of things to complain about, calls them pigs, and they remind him that he was dishonorably dicharged from the marines.
Then after he calls Sgt. Pappas a faggot repeatedly things get awkward with the SJWs:
SJW #1: “Don’t say faggot, that’s homophobic.”
Gash Mallet: “That applies to him.”
SJW #2: “You gotta work on that.”
Then later on he calls another guy a faggot. Now keep in mind, if this was anyone else, they would’ve been up his ass for using the f word like that. But because they’ve come together and united over a mutual hatred of the police, he gets a mulligan for using homophobic vocabulary. That’s why I hate them more than I hate him. Because at least the gash mallet is honest about who he is. These assholes who pretend to be offended by everything aren’t actually offended by anything. That word doesn’t trigger them nearly as much as the mouth that it comes out of. Kind of like how they’re railing about white supremacy and more diversity and literally all of them are white.
Whooooaaaaaaaaaa diversity!
Anyway, we look forward to your lawsuit Kyle. You can say whatever you want to the cops because you know they have no choice but to be professional and courteous with you. But we don’t have to. And we’re not not going to. So as long as you continue to be an asshole we’re gonna make sure you’re famous for being the failed waste of space that you are.
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23 Comment(s)
Kyle needs to eat a bullet.
Kyle is a loser, that couldn’t get a job as a meter maid , so he’s angry at Lowell PD… He smokes meth in mommies basement with his boyfriend who works at Gamestop!
He’s a pathetic loser, that likes deep throating big old beef kabobs
Whose the game stop creep? He had another guy with him pretending to be against him
Yes I agree, the first couple are his and the last one about “his friend getting out of jail” . A troll would troll him not stick up for him, so obviously it must be him. He runs his mouth all over creation and then says he’s going to get his friend to beat people up. That’s a pussy on an epic scale no question it is that herb
He’s commenting on the other article under Kyle the blowhard. Click the link above in this article
but as usual people are also trolling under his name
Maybe the second Kyle but the first one sounds like his stupid ass
This nutgobbler obviously isn’t taking his meds. You can’t hide behind the first amendment when your catching a beating and slander isn’t protected speech moron, to go to all these extreme lengths to prove a supposed point but in the end, your completely wrong. SLANDER ISN’T PROTECTED SPEECH UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT….DUMBASS . . . You’re obviously pissed off you never made it to anything and the only other explanation is that you have a small penis. Two understandable reasons to be pissed off at the world but you should get your argument right first before you go out and make a fool of yourself and the tree hugging hippies you had with you. All you fools are funny you took a comment bob hoey made out of context, turned it into whatever you wanted to…but how would you like it if someone took what that moron was saying and started protesting outside your houses and jobs??? He clearly said he was part of your protest, how would you like it if someone took what that shitbag was saying and started trashing you guys??? All you blowhards make me sick
That’s how you break a fishes jaw, herpapotomus.
Nothing drives me up a wall more that idiot Cop blockers and all their minions in the YouTube comment sections who scream “Pig!” ”Copsucker!” and “Bootlicker!”
Dishonorable discharge from the Marine corps is all I needed to hear. This rat face hippie thinks its 1962, man. Even the protesters holding up signs wanted him to get the fuck out of there. This cockroach is probably one of the beggars shaking his cup on branch street. What a turd.
..He’d Best go Run n Hide 😮
Calling him a failed marine is giving him too much credit, embarrassment to the marines is more like. anything with the word marine is giving him too much credit.. Good thing no one lost their cool with this clown, he’s obviously trying to instigate someone to do something, those guys did a good job not feeding in to it, especially the sergeant, did a great job responding to his bullshit. The guy in the end looks like he was struggling to not lose his cool, great job guys not turning that into a fist fight. There’s a time and a place for everything
He knows people cant appropriately respond to his bullshit because they are on camera and guaranteed he sues first punch he gets. First he says he’s part of the group to Sgt Pappas then he denies any affiliation when called out. This bum is what is wrong with society. Dirt merchant of the year award for sure
Sgt Pappas and the Lowell cops are honorable, selfless, as heroic. Not surprised by this at all. May this chudd of a public menace choke on his own soulless vomit and die lonely And slowly.
Any way we can find out specifically what he did to get thrown out of the Marines?
You can file an FOIA with the Dept of the Navy. The government is obligated to respond to the request with releasable information. Post Kyle’s papers and USMC Turtle riders will decipher it for us. Typically, you can discern how amazing the subject’s military career was by a short time-in-service, low rank at discharge, units they were assigned to (the brig) or untimely discharged from (recruit depot). It’s all publicly available, it just takes some weeks or months to receive it.
Most likely he was caught sucking another guy’s cock. No room for turd burglars in the Marines, at least there wasn’t until the Kenyan President forced the issue.
…so that’s what turd burgling means…..? 🙁
Maybe that Chinese weather satellite that’s soon to crash to earth will hit this guy on the head. That would be lovely.
Just want to tell this guy to go fuck himself and hopefully he gets ass cancer in case he reads these comments about him. AIDS is too good for you, douche and it’s a shame you didn’t get fragged in the Marines.
You close the insane asylums and are surprised when things like this happen?
Does Mommy’s cellar have a methane leak ? Or other gasses that can make can grown man so ignorant ???? He’s obviously not in any way acting normal . Though I don’t know folks from his, home town …