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Yesterday we wrote a blog calling out Facebook for their complete double standards on reporting offensive posts. Because there’s a lot of really offensive shit on Facebook that’s allowed to stay up, but meanwhile Bret Killoran is banned for 30 days and people with funny sounding names are shut down like hot cakes for having “fake names.” It’s ironic that we wrote this blog yesterday, because right on cue someone posted this offensive and racist comment on our Facebook page in regards to the guy who assassinated the sheriff’s deputy outside of Houston:
When we saw this comment I literally yelled at the screen – “what the fuck is wrong with this idiot?” People like this are an embarrassment and have no business riding the turtle. Sorry, no racists allowed. We took a screenshot of the comment and removed it immediately. We considered banning the guy but before doing so we wanted to let him know that this wouldn’t be allowed.
So we tried to message this guy privately and instead of responding he started complaining more on the Facebook page about TBS censoring and deleting comments. At this point it was clear he wasn’t getting the message so we posted the picture of his racist comment on our Facebook page and let him and the world know that this type of racist comment wouldn’t be tolerated. Anyone who thinks it’s OK to use the term “porch monkey” in 2015 can get the hell out of my face.
Next thing you know we get a notification that Facebook has taken down OUR post condemning the racist comment:
Turtleboy can’t win. Morons out there call us racist and then don’t back it up with any actual evidence because no such evidence exists. Then we go out of our way to make it clear that we condemn and will not allow racism, and Facebook takes down our proclamation.
At first we figured it was the guy we called out who reported the page. But the more we think about it, the consensus is that it was most likely a hippie conspiracy. It has to be. They saw that Turtleboy completely debunked the “Turtleboy is racist” nonsense, and they didn’t like it because it proves they’re all a bunch of filthy liars. They want to make it seem like Turtleboy is racist, but they know we’re not. And our post condemning such hate speech was bad for business as far as they were concerned.
Look, we all know who did it. It was Kevin Ksen, Joyce McNickles, Dana Remian, Old Balls, Nathan Pickens, Boom-Boom, and the rest of the prize patrol. And like we said yesterday, when one person reports a page to Facebook, there’s a one in one thousand chance they take action. Because no one actually works at Facebook. So reporting pages is just a numbers game. If enough people report something you increase the chances that Facebook will take action. It’s all random.
Anyway, we’re banned form posting for 24 hours:
Apparently we can post pictures, we just can’t write anything or post blogs. So what we’ll do is post a picture with a link to the blog in it until we’re out of Facebook timeout. Hippies, the government, and now Facebook are all trying to repress Turtleboy but we will not be silenced. Toss in the fact that Tom Brady is about to get his final day in court and football is about to start, and there’s literally never been a better time to buy a Free TB or Je Suis TB t-shirt:
Anyway, we always have a backup plan, and if you haven’t already, you should “like” the Free Turtleboy Facebook page. It’s where we will post when we’re serving unjust suspensions from Marc Goodell Zuckerberg. Update: The Turtleboy Hottakes Facebook page has also been shut down because they use the same email address. The Free Turtleboy page rides on.
The people’s voice will never be silenced. Ever. The Revolution lives.
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12 Comment(s)
Why bother with Assbook in the first place? All you are doing is enriching that smug shit bag Suckerberg. They parse every word you post and sell it to the DNC and Obozo administration, then audit you if you aren’t one of their friends.
Get smart. Take down your Assbook pages.
TB – has TBS ever suspended or banned a user here for violating the T’s and C’s?
yes he has.. if he doesn’t agree with your comment he blocks you.. Also there was a anti TB facebook page that he had shut down in one day ….. hes a pussy!!!!!
Facebook wants you to use a real name but hides behind anonymity of their censors. They had issues with my real name ,which is quite common, and then removed the capital letter I used to make it unique. Due to employer conflicts I had to suspend my account. If and when I come back it will be with a vengeance turtleboy may be interested in.
The hippies see the end of their reign of terror on the horizon, so they’re getting desperate.
I’m extremely disappointed with Facebook but they’re in a total monarchy position here. Bullshit. I’ve seen some pretty bad shot on the FB machine, that said even the post that was used as an example is tame.
Will we see a tamer TB? Or are the gloves now off and are they going to push every button and cross every line they can??
Take this one bit of advise though… let your readers take out the trash going forward. No need for you to get involed.
All kidding aside you don’t want to lose this platform. You’re doing a good thing!
Or, you could write your own blog…
…in response to CRL
Figuring out where to hit reply in a blog comment chain is the hardest thing to master in today’s complex internet.
Maybe TBS can ruin a hard hitting expose on that.
What a bunch of queefs. I hope I’m wrong but I think Facebook is microcosm of sorts of today’s America and that is fucking horrifying. The fact that groups about killing/hating cops and soldiers not only are allowed to exist, but are participated in is gross. Fucking queefs.
Quick fix: stop talking politics and stick to sports.
Sounds like a great way to cut page views down 90%