Meet Jeff Davis: The Latest Plaintiff In Turtleboy Internet Court Filing Suit For Decimation Of Carrot Over Webster GoFundMe Blog
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Earlier today we published this harmless blog about some nudnik in Florida starting a GoFundMe for the Webster town drunk.
Basically the message was simple – giving this guy money is a bad investment and a stupid idea. Naturally this has led to our latest Internet lawsuit from Jeff Davis, the Floridian who started the GoFundMe:
Ding, ding, ding!!! Come on down Jeff Davis, you’re the next contestant on Turtleboy Internet lawsuit!!!
You think you’re gonna slander this guy’s good name and get away with it Turtleboy?
Think again!! We’re finally going down for decimation of carrot!! I’m sure his lawyer is real, and I’m sure we will be hearing from him or her soon. Time to call up Attorney Richard N. Vulva and finally bring him over to the dark side!!
8 Comment(s)
I plan on opening a suit on TBS. Bob
Bob Cirba, please be sure you have a TB t-shirt and underwear on while opening your “suit”. Thank you.
Each Internet Lawsuit the Price is Right “Come on Down!!” video clip cracks me up every single time.
Another entitled one using the term “earn” very, very loosely.
I’m curious if he stopped at his lawyer’s office on the way to, or from, his community college english class.
A questionable use of commas is seen here. English, being a proper noun, should be capitalized.
Not much here to comment on!
Other than the same question we always have: when will people learn when you put something on the internet it is then free game for anyone to comment on, or the definition of slander?