
Menopausal Carver Mailhag Has Negative Twenty Five Fucks To Give, Smashing Amazon Prime Boxes And Wearing Jorts Like It’s 1985 

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A few months ago we published this blog about a perfectly SANE Arlington couple who thinks their mailman is conspiring to stalk them and destroy their packages.

Well, they’re crazy obviously. But sometimes mailmen really don’t have any fucks to give. Like this one from Carver…..

You gotta watch this video….

I’ve had jobs where I kind of packed it in and completely stopped caring. But I hope someday to reach the point of Nirvana that this menopausal mailhag has reached.

YOLO!! (is that still a thing?)

Most postmen are honorable people who do a tremendous job. This skag disgraces them. She doesn’t even have a uniform on. Jorts? If you wanna wear jorts move to Florida. She’s literally so lazy that the act of picking a box up and placing it on the ground was too much work for her. Keep in mind, gravity was working in her favor. She didn’t have to lift it up, just put it down. That’s it. Evidently this was too much to ask for.

Danielle, the OP, was way, way nice then I would’ve been about this. You pay for Amazon Prime so you get shit quickly that isn’t broken. If being a mailmen frustrates you to the point where you feel like smashing my Amazon Prime boxes, then go back to trading your food stamps for Newport Lights on Facebook.

12 Comment(s)
  • doc
    September 12, 2018 at 9:22 pm

    if you need someone to edit these posts lmk. Not up to the standards we have all grown to expect from such an honorable site.

  • anon
    September 12, 2018 at 10:31 am

    way back in the 90s worked a seasonable job at the us post office.
    letters would fall off sorters , land between machinery, and left there for weeks , months…before someone got around to getting down between the machinery them out.

    this was when many people who worked, got paid by letter mail.

  • ncfoothillbilly
    September 12, 2018 at 8:46 am

    I ordered eggs but received an omelette.

  • Murdock street carver
    September 11, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    She has worked for the carver post office for years. She use to deliver mail in the Great meadow development in north carver. Speeding up and down the streets with tons of children in the area. She isn’t a very happy woman. She always has a cigarette hanging out her mouth too.

  • Fupasloth
    September 11, 2018 at 3:23 pm

    Just watched the whole video, at what point does she smash the boxes?

    • mrme
      September 11, 2018 at 5:42 pm

      Smash???? No…Drop and toss? Yep..Fire her ass…

  • Stunt Penis
    September 11, 2018 at 2:52 pm

    Letter carriers absolutely despise Amazon. It has made their lives a living hell, all the while the USPS actually LOSES money on each package they deliver for Amazon.

    Your tax dollars, subsidizing Jeff Bezos.

    • z
      September 11, 2018 at 5:22 pm

      Blame suits in DC. They are the one who contracted out the last couple of miles from private shipping companies. A couple of months ago I ordered an Android tablet from mainland China. The shipper was SF-EXPRESS (chinese shipper – 400,000 employees). Internet store was in English except for the shipper . Took me awhile to figure out what 顺丰速运 meant. China to Hong Kong to JFK was on SF-E. The post office finished it after that. SF-E could have handed it off to DHL or UPS if the price was right.

      When the package arrived, within 10 minutes I got a notification from SF-EXPRESS stating the package was delivered. Which means the mail person entered the delivery into their handheld and the P.O. relayed the info to China who then relayed it to me.

      If it wasn’t for internet shopping, the PO would be down to every other day to make deliveries worth while. There really isn’t enough to keep the PO busy without packages. E-Mail and online bill paying have really taken a big chunk out of PO deliveries. Magazines are just hanging on. I sold a house a few months ago. Except for the final sale signatures, everything was done with electronic signatures online.

      The only time I feel bad for delivery people is when I order mounted snow tires on rims from TireRack. Those get shipped via UPS. Done it for the last 3 cars. Those mothers are heavy. If I am around when the delivery is made I help them unload.

    • Fringe
      September 11, 2018 at 7:29 pm

      The Post Office isn’t subsidising shit. Amazon is already moving those parcels across the country to Fall River, and is responsible for bringing those boxes to the local USPS center, pre-sorted. USPS moves it one time to the local delivery office, and loads for the carrier. The carrier already has to deliver to that address- it’s a cost USPS is already assuming.

      They do less than one third of the work as a normal priority package, and get a flat rate price that is effectively half. That’s *making* money, for those who can count higher than the fingers they have left.

      You want to know where the Post Office loses money? Having to fund retirement benefits 75 years in advance by law. Three and a half generations ahead of their current staff, and they’ve got to fund it in full.


    • Captain Insano
      September 11, 2018 at 10:20 pm

      Hey Stunt, fun fact hotshot. The USPS has been mismanaged long before Amazon came to play. Personally I can’t believe postal people can retire at mid 50s with health care and a pension. Does the job even require a GED?

      • Dave
        September 12, 2018 at 8:47 pm

        Have you seen these people, more than half of them have a limp or medical condition.

  • Walter " The Cock Roach" Bird
    September 11, 2018 at 2:18 pm

    If she isn’t fired after this video please have this branch of government privatized.

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