Milford Is First In Long Line Of Moronic Towns To Vote For No Pot Shops In Town After Voting To Legalize Pot
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Milford Daily News: Heading to the polls in force Tuesday, voters backed a ban on recreational marijuana shops and grow and testing facilities in town. The referendum, with 56.3 percent of voters supporting the prohibition, came less than a year after a majority of Milford voters supported legalizing the drug in a statewide election. Donna Niro, chairwoman of Milford Community Against Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishments (CARES), said the results indicate voters are concerned with what local marijuana shops could mean for underage drug users and Milford’s reputation.
“This is very positive and I think that’s what the voters had in mind: protecting the health of their children; keeping Milford a safe community to live in; and protecting Milford’s image,” she said.
Tuesday’s vote garnered attention from across Massachusetts since Milford was the first to conduct a referendum after state lawmakers updated recreational marijuana laws this summer to detail how communities could opt out of hosting marijuana businesses. Milford voted 51.9 percent in favor – with about a 500-vote margin – of the state ballot to legalize recreational use at the time. On Tuesday, 43.7 percent of voters voted against banning businesses. The ban also restricts the town’s two medical marijuana businesses from expanding into testing and growing the drug for recreational use, and could mean both will need to relocate to compete with competitors, their owners said.
“Protecting the health of children?” You’re living in a town we’ve written about a bunch of times for kids getting run over by hit and run drivers, ratchets stabbing each other in parking lots, and fentanyl busts. And the thing you’ve decided is the biggest threat to the health of your children is…….weed?? We’re not talking about coke here. We talkin bout WEED!!!
Am I living in an episode of reefer madness? People still think like this? Here’s the lady that lead the “no pot” revolt:
That lady right there needs to smoke a joint more than anyone I’ve ever seen. She just cost her town insane amounts of money from start up business taxes, because she thinks that smoking a plant is gonna make children jump out of windows.
Get used to this people. Marijuana is the new casinos. People vote for them to be legalized but then cry when this legalized product comes to their town.
This is how stupid you have to be to believe that marijuana should not be sold in your town:
“Maybe the kids won’t do pot at all.”
Be more square. You can’t.
Newsflash Kathy – your kids will smoke pot. The difference is now they’re gonna get it from Diego the shwagg man in Woonsocket and Milford is gonna lose out on lots of revenue from the insane sales tax on pot, and the property taxes that these pot companies would’ve paid to the town. So at the end of the day nothing has changed, except the fact that Milford is gonna have significantly less money to do things with.
But yea, “the children.” Nice going morons.
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13 Comment(s)
I would do her . . . if she asked nicely
You cannot expect a pothead too vote twice in one year..
Maybe the kids won’t do pot!
Yeah, and maybe they won’t drink or have sex either! And they’ll do their homework and go to sock hops and make their beds!
Fuck could this tampon be more delusional?
By the way, I call her a tampon because she’s a stuck up cunt.
I can see not wanting to be the town with the first shop to open. You will have thousands of people sleeping overnight in line. They will sell out in hours if that. Medical places went through a shortage this summer and started limiting the amounts you could buy per visit. Yous till better off getting a medical card – more of a pain in the ass than anything – and not pay the taxes or wait in the really long lines that will be around for a while until we get a good saturation of shops. If I were a town official I would push for having a zone for pot shops and let them all come in. If enough towns ban it than some towns are going to clean up with the local tax they can charge.
My guess is that the initial voter turnout that voted in support of legalizing marijuana and the secondary turnout that voted to block pot shops in town, were two very different groups of voters. I doubt that the same people who wanted to legalize it are now crying “not in our town!”
I didn’t vote to legalize it and I sure as shit don’t want pot shops in my town. I might be a square, but at least I’m a consistent square.
So the Sixties are finally coming home to roost. But if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. With drugs, someone always ends up paying… and guaranteed, it’s never the users.
In spite of all the pie-in-the-sky, rainbows-and-unicorns fantasy projections– from “Hey, it’s not addictive, man!” to “Whahoo!!! Tax revenues!!! Big bucks!!!”– it sure hasn’t worked out well for Colorado.
Face it, all that extra tax revenue will just give the Democrats more money to waste. Gee, wonder what they can find to spend it on? Maybe the cost of increased police and emergency services, social services and the justice system. As pet and child poisonings skyrocket, more addicts get added to the welfare rolls, and drug-related crimes increase. And don’t go whining, “Gee, that wasn’t SUPPOSED to happen!” Because it will. You, the Massachusetts voters, asked for it.
Helpful hint: when this thing finally gets off the ground, be sure to add more auto coverage, both liability and medical, for underinsured other drivers and passengers. ‘Cause if you think Massachusetts drivers are bad now… look out!
Of course, there’s always an up-side. Happily, blogging about the new heights of rachetry committed by the expanding drug-dependent population should keep Turtleboy gainfully employed for years to come.
Wow. Did you just copy and paste from a war on drugs pamphlet from the 80s?
that appears to be an alcoholic drink in front of Ms. hypocrite.
Well yes, it’s perfectly fine for her to have something that’s legal and will alter her perception of reality. It’s just not alright for any else to do the same.
Milford will lose out on up to 3% of all Sales from Milford shops, and the Milford users will still get it from neighboring towns. Whatever
Hahaha humans are so stupid!