New Hampshire GoFundMe Trap Queen Raises $5,000 For Friend Who Died Of Drug Overdose, Instantly Blows Money On More Drugs

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Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the GoFundMe Trap Queen of the Week. Her name is Krystal Gentley, and she’s a real gem:

A Nashua woman was arrested for allegedly stealing from a fundraising website set up to help her dead friend’s family. Sheila Fauteux said her daughter Tabitha Fauteux, 26, died in November from a drug overdose while she was on a work trip in California. Twelve hours later, Fauteux said she was approached by her daughter’s friend and former roommate, 26-year-old Krystal Gentley. Fauteux said Gentley told her she had created a GoFundMe page to help the family get Tabitha’s body back from California and pay for her funeral.

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Fauteux said when they tried to collect the money, Gentley would either give the family excuses or not return their calls. When the family contacted the GoFundMe site, they were told the account had been closed and more than $5,300 that had been raised was withdrawn. The family never received the money that was donated to the account.

“You gotta be careful who you really trust. I never thought she would have done this to not only us but to Tabitha,” said Fauteux. “Tabitha just passed and pretty much 12 hours later, she opened a GoFund me, so she knew what she was doing. And that’s what hurts.

Oh Lordy, Lordy. With a face like that you are destined to become a GoFundMe trap queen. And no offense to anyone named “Krystal,” but I feel like if your parents named you Krystal with a “K” there’s a 95% chance you end up becoming a stripper or a GuFundMe trap queen. And she obviously doesn’t have what it takes to be a stripper. MAYBE she could work the day shift down at Sweaty Betty’s on a Tuesday for the lunchtime buffet. MAYBE.

But seriously, using a tragic situation to get yourself a nice little payday? Where have I heard that before? Oh yea, I feel like 75% of these things are just scams. It’s basically online begging, which is NOT why this website was created. GoFundMe doesn’t give a shit because they’re getting their 5% no matter what. But I just feel like too many people are using GoFundMe’s like it’s life insurance now. Someone dies – get the GoFundMe going.

I don’t wanna sound like I’m without compassion here, but when I die I’ve already got it written in my will that there will be no GoFundMe’s allowed. If people wanna toss some cash in to get Turtleboy Jr. the iPad that I never bought him, that’s OK. I just don’t want you all to think that you’re on the hook for my funeral. I’m a man, I chose to have kids, and now it’s my responsibility to make sure they’re taken care of if some psychopath from Colrain finally decides to avenge his town’s honor. I did that by purchasing life insurance rather than relying on a website that didn’t exist five years ago.

The biggest no-no is when morons set up a GoFundMe for themselves. I feel like it should be a rule that only other people can set up GoFundMe’s for you out of pity. Just make sure they don’t look like this:

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Because if they do it’s pretty much guaranteed they’re gonna spend it all on blow and have a bender at Walmart.

Look, obviously this woman is a drug addict. Her friend who died was too. Drug addiction is a disease and it’s an epidemic right now. It makes people do stupid, immoral shit like this. Is she responsible for her disgraceful stunt? Of course. But keep in mind, she’s a junkie and she’d do pretty much anything to get high.

P.S. Krystal – don’t call this lawyer, because he ain’t helping:

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Better call Saul.


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5 Comment(s)
  • RSoxGuy
    April 6, 2016 at 12:30 pm

    This is considered fraud and if this shitbag had any money the family should sue her ass for the money.

    perhaps its time GoFundMe take some responsibility for some of this shit seeing as though they take a cut of the cash. Its and outright scam and false advertising.

    Where is that small time internet lawyer when you need him/her?

  • Harvey Flanagan
    April 6, 2016 at 8:09 am

    Much like with panhandling, there is a simple way to make this go away. Just don’t give to them. Gofundme is nothing more than online panhandling. If you want to give to the family, write a check to the family knowing that they may not spend this money as you would like them to. As for panhandlers, gofundme queens, and the lady who tried to get money from the Boston Strong fund, they’re trying to make a buck. If people didn’t give them anything, they would have to find a real job.

    April 6, 2016 at 7:15 am

    I think this heifer is more “Pudgy’s” material

  • Jafreesse
    April 6, 2016 at 6:43 am

    Not proud to say this, but I’ve seen worse at the Lamplighter

  • Eric
    April 6, 2016 at 2:02 am

    Krystal’s method is way too common nowadays. Especially among drug addicts…. 😉 😉 😉

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