New Hampshire Knob Hopper Starts Gofundme For Lawyer To Win Back Custody After Allowing Baby Battering Boyfriend To “Spank” Son Last Year
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With the usual insane amount of holiday panhandling going on around the internet right right, I momentarily got completely distracted from all the other ludicrous sob stories people use to beg for stranger’s cash out there. Then this chick comes along out of left field to remind me of what invariably lies ahead after next week:
If you’re wondering why she’s worried about backlash, it’s because this is not Kayleen’s first blog here on Turtleboy. You see, the child she now needs your cash to lawyer up and regain custody of was taken away last year when it came to light that the boyfriend she allowed to spank her child was also beating him.
And the poor kid was pretty specific about what he endured.
“The mother said while picking her son up at school, she had the school nurse check the bruising on the boy’s buttocks. The nurse confirmed the bruising when questioned by Detective Nicole Murray with the Concord Police Department. According to the documents, Murray spoke with the boy about the incident during a recorded interview. The boy told Murray “there’s bruises on my butt” from Mobbs. The boy told police that on Saturday, Mobbs was watching the boy and his siblings while their mother was at work. The boy said he was not listening to Mobbs so Mobbs proceeded to spank him.
After spanking him, the boy said Mobbs forcefully turned him, causing him to hit his left ear on the bedroom wall which caused bruising and cuts. After that, Mobbs allegedly slapped the boy’s face, picked him up, and slammed him onto the bed. The boy said this made him hit his head on the wood under the bed, cracking the wood. During the interview, the boy was crying, saying the incident was very painful and made him “really sad,” according to the police affidavit.
The boy told police that being alone with Mobbs made him “really scared” because Mobbs “fights all the time with mom … he screams at her.” “He always hurts me almost every time” the two were together the boy said, according to the affidavit. When asked by the detective about other abusive incidents, the boy told police, “It’s going to take a while if I tell you everything, though.”
During the interview, the boy recalled “the worst time.” Referring to a time when he was 6 and Mobbs told him to sit in a chair when he wasn’t listening. Mobbs then tipped the chair backward causing the boy to smack his head on the floor. Mobbs picked up the chair and proceeded to force the boy’s head down on the table, the affidavit states. After the interview, a detective took pictures of the boy’s injuries, noting serious bruising spanning from his thighs up to his back. Documents state the bruises seemed new and old in various stages of healing. The boy also had discoloration and bruises on the front of both legs but police wrote that it’s unclear how those bruises formed.”
Of course, there was a totally reasonable explanation for why she dindonuffin, and it was totally the boyfriend’s fault – she didn’t know what was happen to the child she birthed and was in charge of protecting!
So that clears it up. I mean, sure, this was the second abusive man she subjected her kids to,
But the second time around she had a guy that was so devious, so charming, and presumably laying the pipe down so well, that she was completely duped into believing he was good for her and her children…despite screaming at her all the time in front of the kids and people outside the home knowing about all of it for years.
But you should definitely give her your money for a lawyer, because you see right there, she did absolutely nothing wrong, had an epiphany, and for the last year and a half has been putting her kids first, staying away from relationships after dragging her kids through numerous traumatically unhealthy relationships, and praying to God and shit. There’s only one explanation for her failure to regain custody by now – a serious lack of Gofundme, and Mike Cadena levels of court corruption:
“I have done everything I could as a person who does not know laws legally.”
I think this drivel translates loosely to “I have exhausted all legal options available to me.”
“I have even got this exact case brought to the Supreme Court per them recognizing injustice, but I am not a lawyer and it was not done properly so the guardian won and it was dropped.”
You lost your appeal, snatchsquatch. You’re a little late to the legal game, to say the least.
“There’s nothing else I can do but ask for help. Please help me get my son back. My family has suffered enough.”
Only God can judge!! And Cadena levels of court corruption call for Cadena level solutions. Mainly, online fundraisers and Dr. Phil.
Good plan. If anything can solve your parenting issues, it’s an hour and a half with a unlicensed bald hick masquerading as an actual psychologist in front of a studio audience. I’m not a lawyer, and I’m not going to donate to help this skankstick pay for one to tell her that losing your appeal is pretty close to the end of the road. But I can give a few pointers as to why maybe, just maybe, she still doesn’t have custody of the kid. You can take it or leave it, but at the very least this might be a lesson for others.
Let’s start with your pledge to stay away from men after recognizing your piss poor dating habits. That was a good move. Your kids had already been drug along for at least 2 extremely unhealthy relationships that resulted in your son definitively been abused both times. That’s a lot of trauma, a lot of trust to rebuild with your kids, and a lot of time for self reflection needed. You kept picking these chudstuffing pussywhistles, after all. But this right here?
Bad move, clingasaurus mess. You already made a HUGE deal about how you had NO IDEA your son was being smacked around by the last two spunk slingers you wisely chose to shack up with. And then promptly decided to throw all caution to the side, and chose to move in another one. Because nothing says “safe, functional home” quite like getting a new dad every time your yearly physical exam is due. And it’s not like you exercised all that much sound judgement before cutting and pasting your newest obsession into an instafamily, or gave it any time at all:
Moving some new cervix scraper into where your traumatized children after a couple months of dating is a supremely great idea. I mean, they’ve only lived their entire lives at the mercy of your unstable dating habits. Why stop now? I can’t imagine why the judge wouldn’t be so inclined as to rush your son back in to live with you and the new shirtless stranger you wisely decided to trust immediately. Seems like a big change, full of personal insight and a newfound sense of responsibility. Sure, I’ve had bras that have taken longer to break in, but I’m sure the few months you spent in between spunkpumpers.
I’m no Miss Cleo, but I don’t see much success in this endeavor, given the current trajectory. Generally speaking, the courts look for accountability, some sense of remorse, personal insight and tangible change, in that order. This jizz jacuzzi shows none. No understanding of how her choices have affected her children, no commitment to real change. She just cried injustice, slid her snail trail on over to another knob, and hopped right on. Who knows, this guy might be a perfectly great choice for a partner and step parent.
Might be. I can guarantee that if anyone knows for certain, it’s not Kayleen, because she settled down and shacked up with the remaining kids in tow faster than you’d get a puppy. It’s honestly kind of mind boggling to me that she was able to keep custody of two other kids through this, because whether or not they were injured physically, that shit is traumatic and the risk is the same all the way around. If the other two cockfarts she appointed “Daddy” didn’t hurt those kids, that’s honestly more to their credit than hers. And I know that’s fucking harsh, but a lot of the most important lessons are.
25 Comment(s)
Hey, ask Kayleen about her newest boyfriend now that’s she’s living in Manchester. Yep, that marriage with William didn’t last a year. She caused major destruction to his property in a flying rage. Got it on video too. Oh, and she lost custody of her youngest son. Want to hear her lastest gig for earning money? She selling nude photos and videos of herself online. This was found in a discovery when she was ordered to pay child support. Her mother gave her back custody of her oldest son but I wonder what she would think if she knew kayleen was selling herself on the porn sights? I’d be concerned if I were child welfare. She has a young daughter. Oh, and she has a new boyfriend. We have a sexaholic here, folks!
So I have a question for Kayleen. You say that the father Lane Grant is the biological father, but why does your son look like one of your exs name Devan Fauteux? Which was watching your son and found the bruise that led to broken bones. Also what type of mother brings their son to the doctors three days after he gets back from the father’s house (Lane)? I been reading all of turleboys post about this and did a little looking a round myself. I found out after you and Lane split up that, you went out with Devan and said he was the boys father. Which if I was the boys so called biofather i would ask for a blood test. Once that was done with you went out with a guy name ,Sam Meyerhofer who you said beat you and your son. Which isn’t Sam your daughter’s father? So that would be the second time your son got beat by one of your exs. Then you went with Brad Mobbs. Which you have a son with and he has a son of his own by a different girl. So if I counted right that would make 3 guys that beat this boy under your watch. How many times does this boy have to put up with your stupid mistakes? Also why is it only your oldest son and you getting beat by this guys and not the other kids? Maybe he would be better living with his grandparents or someone else so he doesn’t have to put up with the beating and with you. I feel sorry for your kids. You put them all throw social media and talk about yourself. So if i were you i would get off social media with your problems, stop making go fund me pages and start helping yourself and the kids you still have.
She looks like Mr. Ed.
Someone must have put their penis in her vagina in order for her to have that kid. That’s messed up.
Uh. Whoever just started throwing boyfriend’s out about kayleen. Completely wrong. She’s told me her entire story and I will stick up for that poor girl as she’s went through a shit ton especially with this joke of a site. Lane grant. Yeah he’s his father. Mind you she lost her virginity to him at 16. Notice anything else about that chode Lane grant? Keep searching, didn’t dig too hard! Also, Devan fauteaus was a great guy, he noticed the bruising not three days later. Hours later after the mother picked up the child from his father’s. Which she brought him to the ER where they sent him home no scans, yet she demanded scans the next day in the morning and low and behold. Broken bones. Weird since you know everything… Let’s enlighten; the father Sam. Beat her only, no kids involved. Currently serving a lengthy sentence for doing just that to another women. Beat her too. Third. Yeah she admits, she was an idiot in love. Thought he was a good man. Is what it is. She fucked up. She owns it. He’s a POS and hmm search into him? His loser ass got 5 months in jail. What a slap on the wrist. Also, might add he’s with a new fat bitch and engaged. She’s got kids too. Might wanna search more on the scum than an innocent mother who wasn’t even charged with anything as she did nothing wrong. Nothing. No dcyf case against her, was against that loser Brad. The child Also admitted in reports “my mom was never home when he’d hit me” didn’t see that though? Hmm. Weird how the internet is so creditable when searching. It’s okay though, stupidity is strong in this site and it’s hilarious. The mom doesn’t even watch this shit no more. I look and tell her, now she just thinks it’s ridiculous for it still goes on about her life when.. she did absolutely nothing wrong but trusted the wrong people. Have you ever had people do ya wrong? I’m sure you have. I’m sure you’ve trusted people when you shouldn’t have. 1 out of 3 women have been raped. Wanna sit there and talk when her trauma was publicized? How would that make you feel?
And you bought into the lies! There’s three sides to every story. His, hers, and the truth.
No one is laughing about the abuse you morons. She is clearly stating she’s laughing at the idiocy you project. Also the factor of you sitting there judging a mother for another guy being a psycho to her child when she wasn’t even around? What is wrong with you people? All just sit together over coffee and think, hey I’m going to make up some crap about an innocent person who needs help? Or like, did you think shit I’m an awful human. Let’s go bashing others to feel better. Yeah, I’m going to guess that one. She’s still laughing at the idiocy. You had to sit there bashing her boyfriend. Her. For no reason. She is getting her kid back come February. She was just informed tonight. Yet, you can say as you want. Life is what it is. We all make mistakes. Hers was just a shit man for almost 4 years. She didn’t even know the abuse was happening. Yeah he yelled at her and in her face. Going to say you never got into an argument? However, that was a toxic relationship. She got out. Why aren’t you applauding someone for leaving a domestic violence situation, instead of bashing them. Truly evil people.
Notice the wedding ring?
That wedding ring didn’t last a year. Want to see the video of the destruction she caused? And while your at it go check out her porn videos she selling.
I love finding out stuff about my life that I didn’t even know. like my Not having a job, needing a man, and whatever else nonsense you’ve needed to make up to get views. People don’t even know about me, but if you’d like I’ll sit down and talk I can inform you. Even give you a real interview if you’re actually as confident as you make yourself out to be. Since you know so much about my boyfriend and i, do tell more made-up nonsense what are you pissed off? We’re sitting here laughing! It’s great thanks for the humor!!!! I love it, y’all have absolutely nothing to do with my life and therefore can not hurt me or my feelings. Just remember you’re bashing a veteran also. Hope that makes you feel superior! Y’all have no life and make me LAUGH Keep going!!
Just call-in to the Live Show this weekend, and you can argue your position.
You should show them who’s boss!!
This girl, she is a great mother. You all really don’t even know her. How can you even judge? She does work. She goes to college. She is a damn good mom too. Do you even see her on a regular basis with her kids? Well, I do. They’re happy, fed, thriving. Isn’t that what matters most? Happiness of children? Why aren’t you bashing the loser who actually abused the child? Considering he got a girlfriend with kids a month after the mother, who did nothing.. you are victim blaming. You are what’s wrong with America!
You cannot be serious.
” They’re happy, fed, thriving” – REALLY? Because in what ratchet universe is getting beaten equal to “happy, fed, thriving”?
“Considering he got a girlfriend with kids a month after the mother,” – SO some other female is as dense as your friend? That makes this alright?
You people need to pull your pants up and get a reality check.
“We’re sitting here laughing! It’s great thanks for the humor!!!! ”
Is your child laughing too?
“After that, Mobbs allegedly slapped the boy’s face, picked him up, and slammed him onto the bed. The boy said this made him hit his head on the wood under the bed, cracking the wood. During the interview, the boy was crying, saying the incident was very painful and made him “really sad,” according to the police affidavit.
The boy told police that being alone with Mobbs made him “really scared” because Mobbs “fights all the time with mom … he screams at her.” “He always hurts me almost every time” the two were together the boy said…”
PS – and in case you didn’t catch it the first time – your BF is GAF.
Hello Kayleen, I would be more than happy to arrange an interview with you, as the author of this blog. I stand 100% by my assessment of your lack of personal insight/insight into the psychological needs of your children. But you are more than welcome to change my mind.
I can email you the website where you can purchase nude photos and videos of her that she selling. And that William West guy had to learn the hard way too. He fell hook, line and sinker for her, and not even a year later they are divorced. He left her like a bat out of hell when she started showing her true colors. Just go pull up her police record.
Speaking of breaking in bras, the latest dude has a nice set of moobs on him. In about two years those could be charlies.
Chicks like this are only good for a quick pump and dump, and these slobs that connect with her know it. If they weren’t popping her daily they be out of there immediately.
She thinks sex is love. Good luck with that one sweetie
‘” I have been fighting a year and a half for my son. She has a lawyer”….Groomng for a future gender identity GFM?
This low class ratchet bitch wouldn’t know true love if it sat on her face! They are all the same, milking society every day and posting the loving mom and family shit.Where is her family? Her mom? Her dad? Why does she never mention the kids and nana and puppa? My guess is because they want no part of this ratchet dumpster fires shit. They prob threw her fat ass out years ago. Or are sick of bailing out her shitshow. I’m so tired of these fucks. Here is an idea: get off your ass and get a fucking job and begin building a responsible life. Supreme court my ass…
Um…am I the only one that thinks it’s weird that this dude come with his own toy tea set?
Is there a clown suit we should be aware of?
……and I thought me and Mrs.Litter were the only ones that wear black face on date night.
People like her cannot gov3 months without hooking up. They are looking for someone to support them another braids while they get tpvstay hone and play June Cleaver. They only make choices on what they think is best for them. The kids? Yea they are used as trophy’s to show the world that they are such wonderful “Mamas”. Its all for show. They don’t give two fiddles about the kids. They care about getting laid and living on somebody else’s dime. She’s a hose bag. Plain and simple.
Oh and your mask wearing, “my mohawk brings all of the boys to the yard”, boyfriend is GAF.
Here is some good, but not “easy” advice for all of the “single parents” out there…don’t date, don’t shack up, don’t get involved with anyone else romantically/sexually until your children are grown and out on their own!
Not easy? Too bad. Your children don’t ask for this drama (like Kayeen refers to in the GFM – that this is ‘her life’). They don’t ask to be exposed to a string of pseudo-parents you sleep with, create drama with, and focus on. They don’t ask you to expose them to people who will abuse them while “mommy” works and the grown-ass boyfriend is…not working. Why are you punishing them for your own issues? Why do you want them back … because it gives you more attention, or more drama?
Don’t ANY of you people look at your own fouled up circumstances and say, “I have a child here, who is depending on ME to care for, love and protect him/her, and I need to step up and do that, REGARDLESS of how somebody dropped the ball with me as a child” ? Get laser-focused on being a good parent. Get your ass off of social media…maybe even off of the internet, period.
If you can’t find ANY decent role models (NOT romantic interests…I am talking parenting role models), then look at changing the folks you are around. Go to church, chat with the little old couple down the road who’ve been married forever, get a library book for FREE and read about being a parent, see how you can help with your children’s school. Stop getting excited about some man-child who owns a TEA SET and be an parent to your own children!