Hoodrat Heroes

Orange MA Girl From Statutory Gender Fluid Power Couple Gets Punched In Face By Ginger Titties After Punching Him First, Cool Mom Threatens Internet Lawsuits

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Orange MA Girl From Statutory Gender Fluid Power Couple Gets Punched In Face By Ginger Titties After Punching Him First, Cool Mom Threatens Internet Lawsuits

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Check out this incident in Orange, in which an apparently 16 year old boy punches a 14 year old girl directly in the face, and then things get really, really ratchet:

I’m not sure what that was over, but I’m sure it was VERY important and couldn’t have been resolved any other place but the mean streets of Orange. First the chick comes out of nowhere and punches ginger titties in the face:

Boom! Right in the kissa! But of course it wasn’t that great of a punch because at the end of the day she’s a chick and he’s a dude. And she’s apparently not a boxer, because she left herself wide open for a counter punch:

And that’s exactly what she got:

Loved the commentary in the video too:

Transitioning dude: “You don’t know my medical records, you don’t know my jail time.”

Oh yea, because I’m sure Glazed and Confused has done time in Shirley.

Transitioning dude: “I can get you arrested for that.”

Ginger titties: “I don’t give a fuck, n word.”

Does this look like the kind of guy who gives a fuck?

Nope. If you looked up no fucks given in the wigtionary, you’d see this:

  1. He’s a ginger
  2. He’s wearing jorts
  3. He’s 16 and covered in tattooes, one of which is a Puerto Rican back tattoo
  4. He has bigger gerber servers than she does
  5. His stomach looks exactly like Jar Jar Binks’ face

If you see someone who carries themselves like that, you just kind of have to assume they have zero problem punching a chick in the face if she punched him first.

Then there was the high pitched squeal from Glazed and Confused – “You’d be in jail for fucking years you fucking dumb cunt.”

If you haven’t watched the tape, watch it now. It’s the weirdest sounding thing you’ll ever here. Like that time Kevin Arnold went through puberty at the exact moment he was supposed so sing the lead solo in the Christmas Concert. Sounds like someone already started the transitioning process.

Ginger titties: “I’m 16 n word.”

Chick: “I’m a fucking girl”

Ginger titties: “I don’t give a fuck”

So this brings up the age old question – is it OK to punch a chick if she punched you first? I think it was pretty obvious that the amount of force in those two punches was not equal. I’ve been punched in the face by a chick before. It sucks and it’s humiliating. It’s enraging because you think about all the feministos who whine about equality. And yes it’s trashy for any chick to punch a dude knowing that chivalry protects her from getting hit back. But guess what? That’s just the way it works. You do not hit a girl. Ever. So she made contact with your face. Toss her aside and fight the boyfriend if you need to.

Plus, newly released footage of the encounter shows that ginger titties was the instigator, and Glazed and Confused was trying to walk away the entire time before the girl jumped in to defend him:

Then again maybe ginger titties is “gender fluid.” Then this would be OK. Actually, according to several commenters the girl claims to be a boy:

But it looks like she’s back to being a girl for now. Yay for progressivism!! Although by the looks of her boyfriend, gender fluidity may work both ways in this relationship.

As you can imagine the comments section turned into a center of arts and culture in the blink of an eye. Turns out Ginger Titties’ real name is Cameron Gonzalez, and he was there to defend his actions vociferously:

And he still loves the n word:

Because even though he’s clearly white, the fact that he has a hispanic last name gives him the n word pass.

According to Killa Cam, he “ain’t gonna let no bitch hit me”:

And he’s hiding behind the “I’m 16” safe space:

According to him she “got in between something she shouldn’t have”

And he apparently isn’t lying – he is a 16 year old high school graduate of Mahar Regional:

Maybe bitches from Wendell or Petersham would let a chick hit them. But wangstas from Orange don’t play. Everyone knows that.


But wait, it gets better. Mom showed up!! And she was threatening Internet lawsuits!!

Does this look like the kind of chick who DOESN’T know Internet law?

Nope. That woman right there means business!!

Of course any normal mother whose daughter was in a situation like this would just report it to the police and tell their child to stay off the Internet. But Sarah Howard isn’t a regular mom. She’s a cool Mom.

And she apparently allows her 14 year old daughter to date an 18 year old. Yup, that’s right. Glazed and Confused’s real name is Gabriel Beauvais, and he’s going to be 19 in December:

This is why you never go past Westminster on Route 2. Nothing good happens once you hit Athol.

And instead of Sarah Howard taking away her kid’s cell phone, she allowed her daughter to continue to make things a million times better by incessantly posting away about how she’s gender fluid:

See what she did at the end there? She played the “I’m gonna commit suicide” card. I really hate card. It’s a product of this generation in which we’ve turned suicide into something that is someone else’s fault. It was glamorized in 13 Reasons Why, and now kids think they can use suicide as some perverted form of revenge. Newsflash – if you kill yourself then that’s on you. No one else. Own it.

Then she played “cyberbullying” card:

And according to her the cops know that she is 14 years old and dating a 18 year old, even though she started dating him when she was only 13, and they don’t give a flying fuck because age is just a number:

Aaliyah was dead by the time this girl was born, but I’m glad to see she’s still managed to listen to the former pop star’s statutory rape albums.

Ya know who else said age is just a number? Jerry Sandusky. Ask him how that’s working out.

Seriously, if you want a ghetto flavored popsicle headache, head on over to the Facebook page we found this on for some of the junior hoodrat commentary:


I guess the moral of the story here is, don’t go to Orange. Ever. Or else you might witness a statutory raping gender fluid power duo throw down against Ginger Titties Doogie Howser. There were no winners in this video, only losers.



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12 Comment(s)
  • JoeMomma
    June 20, 2017 at 2:45 pm
    Rate This

    Gender Fluid just means you are too stupid to know what gender you really are.

  • Let me up, I've had enough
    June 20, 2017 at 1:11 pm
    Rate This

    The Jar Jar Binks comparison …… LMFO!

    I choked on my Fritos I was laughing so hard.

  • Rich A
    June 20, 2017 at 8:59 am
    Rate This

    You wanna throw punches? You wanna be treated equally? Then prepare to get punched back.

  • Wabbitt
    June 20, 2017 at 4:04 am
    Rate This

    Are we certain Cameron isn’t also transitioning? Them some serious saggy bitch titties he’s got there.

  • itsjustme
    June 19, 2017 at 10:13 pm
    Rate This

    I have a 14 year old and I would kill her if she ever spoke like this or wrote anything like that on fb. Her phone would be gone so she wouldn’t be able to use fb. And having an 18 year old bf at 13? No friggin way. I see the difference in maturity levels between my 14 year and my 19 year old.
    Anyone that still uses 1/2 years when talking about their age (she kept saying I’m not 14 I’m 14 1/2, like it makes a big difference) is too immature to be in any relationship, especially with an adult. I doubt the police are OK with this relationship considering it’s against the law. I know of someone who got a 13 year old pregnant and the DAY he turned 17 cps was on their doorsteps.
    I can already predict the future for these two, she will get pregnant soon, drop out of school (if she even goes), collect welfare, wic, section, and everything else she can. While he will be looking for work for years but can’t find a job.
    As for a man hitting a woman, if some hoodrat, wannabe thug girl hits a guy, she deserves to be hit back. Women think they should get a free pass, or a free hit. As a woman myself, I disagree.

  • John Barker
    June 19, 2017 at 8:47 pm
    Rate This

    Hope these rugrats read this….You commit suicide, in 6 months, the only people who are going to remember are your families and then only in pain. Also, You got curtains, Check the (F) box a bat with a couple balls check the (M).

  • Glinda the Good Witch
    June 19, 2017 at 8:18 pm
    Rate This

    Yuck!! Could these people be more disgusting? Male Gynecomastia is never a pretty thing, ironic that a teen with gynecomastia is fighting a woman who is in a relationship with a man who is paying to have gynecomastia. Thinking there are some under-currents of attraction in this horrible trifecta. Friggin ginger women, so crazy, I almost pity them.

  • Yr Parent F'kd Yo'up
    June 19, 2017 at 6:21 pm
    Rate This

    Please let me die before these kids are given positions of responsibility in the world.

    For those of you remaining behind; good luck. Aliens are sth.

    • whatevuh
      June 20, 2017 at 8:21 am
      Rate This

      positions of responsibility in the world? Are you joking? The only responsibility they will ever have is getting me my fries and medium coke at McDonalds, and I’m not sure they could even handle that.

  • Ashamed Atholian
    June 19, 2017 at 5:34 pm
    Rate This

    Orange has always been a white trash redneck dump–but it’s gotten worse
    with all the new subsidized housing that’s moving in and a homeless teen
    “help center” they put in downtown. A lot of these kids are from as far as
    Leominster & Fitchburg. Cops are busier than ever. The town is full of drug users.
    I am waiting for the first fatal stabbing/shooting that will inevitably happen.

    • Goose
      June 19, 2017 at 6:21 pm
      Rate This

      Um… waiting for it, Ashamed Atholian?

      How about the double-murder of the elderly couple during a home invasion?

      Those two wastes of oxygen; Joshua Hart and Brittany Smith. Junkies, broke into a home to steal whatever they could lay thei grubby, track-marked hands on.

      Of course, they just HAD to stab and strangle a 95 year old man, and severely injure his 77-year-old wife- who died a month later from her injuries.

      Get out of Athol while you still can, my friend. If you’d care to stay in the area, move to Hardwick. Of all the western-central Mass ratchet towns, Hardwick is still one of the nicest.

      Good people; great, responsive, and proactive PD; beautiful land; and only one clearly established ratchet area to avoid- “downtown” Gilbertville- centering around the Cumbies on 32A. It’s the epicenter of Hardwick’s grab-assing and fuck-fuck games.

      Why else do you think rich folks are moving there?

      Good luck, and stay safe up there.

  • Independent Thinker
    June 19, 2017 at 5:17 pm
    Rate This

    There is no excuse for violence. However, if a girl hits a guy, he has the right to hit her back. It’s self-defense. If you don’t take her down, she may come back and take another, harder swing at you.

    It’s all about equal rights.

    Keep in mind that when you hit someone, they may hit you back hard enough that you fall to the ground, dead. So just don’t do it.

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