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The last time we wrote about the town of Oxford it was about a terrible puppy mill on Larned Road. Today is Christmas so we have a much happier story to share with you. We got an email the other day from a coach at Oxford High School and wanted to share this on Christmas day:
We have a very giving and caring group of boys on the varsity basketball team at Oxford. We have a team manager with down syndrome who all the boys have grown to love. His name is Sammy Budd. He loves sports and has been a pleasure to have around. The boys on team knew Sammy liked the Jordan sneakers that a lot of our kids had. So for Christmas the kids pooled their money together to get Sammy his own pair of Jordan brand sneakers.
Turtleboy loves stuff like this. It’s great that the schools can find a way to get kids like Sammy involved, because being a part of the team means the world to them. It’s also great that we’re living in a world where we not only embrace people with challenges, but find ways to uplift them. He might never score a game winning basket, but he IS a part of the team, and this obviously meant the world to him. Guarantee Sammy is rocking these Jordans with a huge smile on his face today. Merry Christmas to Sammy Buddy, the Oxford High School basketball team, and everyone else out there riding the turtle. Peace, love, and happiness.
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Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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11 Comment(s)
I love feel good stories in general and to have one like this for our grandson provides a very special feeling. Thank you, Oxford basketball team, for your giving of the sneakers but even more for the giving of your hearts.
Way to go merry Christmas
Love to see stories like this. They give me hope that maybe the world isn’t a completely lost cause.
Merry Christmas to everyone. Forgot my football.
Merry Christmas everybody…
Just noticed the headline of the story. Sorry to be redundant. Had a lot of Christmas cheer today.
Feel good story of the week
James Budd and Myself are the proud parents of Sammy. We are so overwhelmed at the generosity and kindness the Oxford Basketball Varsity team has shown to Sammy. These are great guys and We will cheer them on to victory!
Good to see there’s some good kids in Oxford.
Sammy is part of the team! I’ve had the honor of driving the bus that takes these kids to the games and could not be happier at the way they include him into every game! Way to go Sammy! Merry Christmas!
I teach at OHS and couldn’t be prouder. When the day is over, the kids will remember this above any score they earn on MCAS.