Parents Whose Kids Got Beat Up By Other Parents At Pez Easter Egg Hunt Riot Should Have Their Kids Taken By DCF

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What better way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus than to beat up a bunch children during an Easter egg hunt?

Daily MailAn Easter egg hunt descended into chaos on Saturday after parents in Orange, Connecticut, stormed the field. Children as young as four were trampled by adults in a rampage to steal buckets and grab as many of the 9,000 hidden eggs as possible from the third annual free event at the PEZ headquarters. One four-year-old son was left ‘bloody’ on the sports field and a two-year-old girl was shoved into the mud, witnesses claimed. A horrified parent described the scene as ‘an angry mob of chaos’ with ‘not one toddler hunting for eggs’ among the crowds of adults.

‘It was worse than being at Wal-Mart on Black Friday,’ parent Val McCormick wrote on the PEZ Facebook page on Saturday. 

She added: ‘My toddler that was standing with her brothers were shoved into the field and went with the flow. By that time it didn’t matter. I had to yell GO to my boys because it was like an angry mob of chaos. 

‘In the toddler field it was more of a greedy parent field. Not one toddler hunting for eggs. It was nuts. Way too many people and more than their staff could handle.’

The event, which started at 10.30am on Saturday, consisted of three fields for different age groups, which were to have staggered start times. More than 1,000 turned up for the event. Ribbons were laid out on the floor to divide each section.   But according to a parent who spoke to WSFB at the scene, as soon as one field opened it descended into chaos, and the ribbons became submerged in the mud. 

‘When it came time at like 10.30am, the parents just bum-rushed that area,’ West Haven resident Nicole Welch, at the event with her four-year-old son, told WFSB.

‘When my son left he had a broken basket and he was hysterically crying,’ Welch said. 

A grandparent wrote on Facebook: ‘My grandson ended up with a bloody from an ADULT in the 9-12 year old section knocking into him!!!!

‘Where was PEZ personnel?? Where was the safety of our children in your thought process?? And to make matters worse, how about almost getting hit by a vehicle leaving your property, which had parked in your lot and was leaving, in very close proximity to the “egghunt” field”?’

A PEZ official confirmed the meltdown.

‘We started talking to people and say “hey this is supposed to start at certain time. That lasted about a minute and everyone just rushed the field and took everything,’ said Pez General Manager Shawn Peterson. 

The firm also released a statement lamenting the controversy.

‘Hey thanks for the waste of time and non existent organization of your egg hunt. Specific direction 9-12 egg hunt 11am sharp. We drive 2 and a half hours to show up 30 early only to receive a “sorry, no one listened and they started early”,’ wrote Liz Soares, one disgruntled parent. 

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Alright first of all, where is the video for this? I’ve searched high and low on the world wide webs and there’s no sign of it. How can you have a field full of hundreds of parents beating the shit out of little kids as they desperately try to hoard eggs, and NO ONE puts it on Youtube? Please, explain that one to me. Not one person there thought to themselves, “Gee, I’m gonna wanna tape this because this is batshit insanity.’ Disgraceful.

So like, what was in these eggs? Because I was waiting to read the part about how there were diamonds inside five of the eggs, but that part of the story never came. You could have an Easter egg hunt in an impoverished third world nation where people would actually LOVE to eat an egg, and they’d handle themselves better than these All-Stars did. What did these winners do with the eggs when they got home? Add them to the trophy cabinet next to the latest participation trophy their kid received for sitting on the bench and watching his team go 4-10 in soccer?

Anyway, I’m not the least bit surprised about this whatsoever. And quite frankly I’m sick of the whining from people whose kids got hurt at this thing. What did you think was gonna happen? It’s a massive Easter egg hunt in Connecticut. Massachusetts is the Bay State, Connecticut is the asshole state. It’s irresponsible parenting to bring your child around that many of CT’s finest at the same time.


And I’m sorry if this is your type of thing, but anyone who celebrates Easter like this is part of the problem. When did Easter become Christmas Part 2? Why am I looking on Facebook and seeing all these kids getting bikes and TV’s for Easter? You can blame the wackjob parents who beat up these kids all you want, but if you’re one of the people who has contributed to making Easter a commercial holiday, then you’re part of the problem as well.

Turtleboy never went to a massive Easter egg hunt and grew up to be just fine. Why can’t these parents just have an Easter egg hung at their own house like the good ol’ days? Was it not exciting enough for Little Johnny to find the egg that he helped dye the night before? Did these responsible parents really think that the only thing Johnny was missing on Christmas was the company of some white trash from New Haven?

Ya know what none of these people probably did on Sunday? Go to church. And this is what kind of pisses me off. These people need some Jesus in their life. If they actually understood what Easter meant then they wouldn’t be beating the shit out of each other for eggs. I went to church my whole life. I wasn’t a fan of it at all times as a kid, but I understood the basic premise of it – get through the religious aspects of the holiday and then you can enjoy the sweet fruits of the commercial aspects of it. Easter Sunday is a long mass, so we’re gonna reward you kids with a stomach ache in a basket. Hallelujah!


Just look at the people in this picture:

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Mommy has her nice nice hand bag, a basket full of eggs, and an 8 year old with a North Face. Fuck this woman and everything she stands for.

Or this picture:

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How is this even a fun Easter egg hunt? They’re not even hidden. It’s just a bunch of eggs in plain sight in the middle of a field.

Oh yea, and to all the losers blaming Pez for this, please, shut the fuck up. Pez is not in the business of savage control. If you were at this event and your kid got an elbow to the face by this woman:


Then you are also a shitty parent for putting your kid in that position.

And this woman really grinds my gears:

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First of all, this chick lives in Pawtucket. Nuff said. Pawtucket is NOT two and a half hours from Orange, CT, but even if it was it would just make her a bigger buttnut for putting her kids through that. This was a FREE event for the community. A community that she was not part of since she’s from a different state.

Secondly – waste of time? You allocated 8 hours of your day to stand in a field with idiots and doing something you could have done at home. Time is clearly not something this woman values. But please, tell me more about how you are so opposed to time wasting.

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Thirdly, her post is riddled with references to herself, because just like the parents who beat the shit out of kids over eggs, she is fixated on herself first. Sure, she could’ve just done an Easter egg hunt with her kids at home, but she’s a 21st century soccer Mom who probably waits in line with her kids outside of Best Buy after eating a TV dinner for Thanksgiving.

Anyway, this is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with society. You’ve got overzealous helicopter parents, obsession with meaningless material things, and soccer Moms like this who want to blame the big bad corporation instead of looking at themselves and identifying the real problem.

Turtleboy just started watching the Walking Dead recently. The purpose of that show isn’t to watch zombies kill people, it’s to watch what human beings do to each other when resources and supplies are at a premium and people are fighting to survive. It’s about keeping your humanity in an inhumane world. This event proves why that show is so good. If you have people willing to do this to kids over some meaningless eggs at a free event, think of what we’ll do to each other if things we REALLY need start to run out.


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13 Comment(s)
  • Wabbitt
    March 29, 2016 at 11:34 am

    I don’t blame the people at Pez. Though, one look at the comments section of YouTube should have given them insight into the mindset of the typical 21st century American savage.

    Find the people trampling toddlers, take their kids, and sterilize them so they can’t pollute the gene pool any further.

  • Missy Jones
    March 29, 2016 at 10:08 am

    How damn greedy and selfish can you get? This story is just too damn sad! What is this country coming to when grown ass people are taking out babies for some eggs. When did people get this sense of entitlement from or have the nerve to get angry because people have stuff because those people have worked hard for it? Im praying that as Americans we act and do better.

  • TMNT
    March 29, 2016 at 9:01 am

    Excellent analysis at the end TB, comparing barbarians fighting over excess useless candy to an apocalyptic scenario of barbarians fighting over the last loaf of bread on earth. My guess is these parents, and their spawn, would kill over the twist tie!

  • Publius
    March 28, 2016 at 11:17 pm

    This is the baby boomers fault for raising shit ass future parents. And the Democrats for encouraging it.

  • Del Griffith
    March 28, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    Vernon Hill bus riot spreads to Connecticut. BTW, what does it say on the arm of the fat girl’s sweatshirt? Oink or Dink? Either or, it fits.

  • AJ
    March 28, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    Connecticut, the worlds worst drivers as well. Not even close to Boston.

  • RSoxGuy
    March 28, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    Solution? STAY THE FUCK HOME!

    Ive never been taken somewhere to egg hunt as a kid. It was done in the house and MAYBE, if it wasnt 27 degrees outside, we had a few in the yard.

    why the fasination of dragging your kids 4 hours one way for what you KNOW DAMN WELL is gonna be a disaster. Live and learn.

    The kid will appreciate being the center of attention for the day if yiou just spend it at home w people who matter. Screw the other 700 people who showed up too. So dumb.

    Perhaps Pez should be invite only next yr and have radio stations give away tix.

    So stupid.

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    March 28, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME. There’s a special place in hell for these savages. It’s called New Jersey. If they want to advance to the next level of assholeness, that is.

  • Deb Mc
    March 28, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    Word TB, word. The saddest part of this shit storm is that it perpetuates bad behavior. The youngster surely learned a lesson on Saturday: how to be a fuck. The best goes on.

  • Tom Cruz
    March 28, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    Amerikan Christians at their finest. And they wonder why God has sent ISIS to punish them.

  • UsualSuspect
    March 28, 2016 at 11:37 am

    Parenting? What’s that? My 20-something daughter recently witnessed a serious lack of parenting going on around her in a store. She promptly thanked her own parents on FaceBook for not letting her grow up to be a shithead like the children she witnessed.
    There may be some hope in this world yet!

  • Ms. Lotta Leadpipe
    March 28, 2016 at 10:44 am

    This is exactly why, if I’m still around for the apocalypse, I will summarily put a bullet in my brain. I have no intention of being a life raft floating in a sea of turds.

  • BlackandWhite
    March 28, 2016 at 10:41 am

    These kids are watching parents push, shove and be greedy. Kids learn that this is acceptable behavior to act this way. There are 2 generations of these people out there procreating and voting. Get used to this behavior, because it’s everywhere. And it’s just going to get worse.

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