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PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A special education teacher from Fall River is accused of molesting and grabbing nine underage girls as they walked around Providence Place mall.
Matthew Labriola, 35, of Plainville, Mass., was arrested on July 12 after girls between 12 and 14 years old told mall security that a man had “intentionally bumped into them” and groped their breasts or shoulders.
The girls were visiting the mall with a group from the Wallingford, Conn., Parks and Recreation, and they’d split off into smaller groups to explore the mall just before noon, according to police.
The girls, who appeared “scared, upset and shaking,” told police and security officers that the same man purposely walked into them and grabbed their bodies.
Meanwhile, Labriola was riding an escalator when mall security director Greg Sion noticed he fit the description of the suspect and took him into custody. Several girls identified him to police, and Labriola was arrested.
Labriola was charged with five counts of second-degree child molestation and one count of second-degree sexual assault — all felonies. He is also charged with three misdemeanor counts of simple assault.
Yikes. That is some sick shit.
Labriola has been put on administrative leave from his job as a special education teacher at James Madison Morton Middle School in Fall River pending the investigation.
It’s a touchy subject and at this point they are allegations, but NINE girls came forward. I know the Providence Place Mall tends to be a cesspool for wandering perverts and voyeurs who aren’t there just to check out the mannequins so it’s not surprising something like this would happen there.
I have a lot of questions about this one. Like how did this guy manage to grope nine separate girls of the same group? Did he do multiple passes? Just back and forth like he’s mowing a freaking lawn? Can you imagine?
If these accusations are true there’s going be a lot of pissed of people who trusted this guy. Back in 2015 he almost died in a 25 ft fall while trimming a tree and a lot of people donated nearly $2,300 to the GoFundMe set up for his medical care.
Not to mention he’s a special education teacher entrusted with vulnerable middle school children with unique needs on a daily basis. Some of whom might not recognize that it’s not normal for Mr. Teacher to touch certain places. It turns my stomach to think of it. Yep, my one year old isn’t leaving the house until he’s 25, sorry kid.
Ugh. I’ll be watching to see how this one resolves…
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9 Comment(s)
This guys a fuckin sicko…
But turtleboy don’t you gunk you should censor the pic of his kid??
12 to 14? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Not that I’m condoning groping adult women, but that young is a special level of sick.
I have some pictures you might be interested in
What a pervert! That man need to answer for his crimes but first he needs psychological counseling. There definitely is something wrong with his attraction. Barely teen girls? Awful! He should be groping barely teen boys. Those with teeny weenies and lovely, round, smooth, supple, European leather like ball sacks. I’d run my hand down their pants, fondle them, feel them getting excited. They need to be taught the right way… Do rainbows taste like watermelons? Anyone know where I left my socks?
Luckiest boy in america medal gets me every time.
Teacher charged with sex crimes on teens, no surpise there, scum bag.
If it were a hot 28 female having a baby with a 14 boy you know it would be treated different.
Why is a Parks and Recreation Camp(?), going to a Mall?
Get your young, special asses outside to collect butterflies and dragonflies, and then pin them under glass.
Collect weeds and identify them.
Make key fobs by tying intricate knots from plastic strings.
Wade into ponds filled with blood suckers to catch frogs.
Please, Someone, put gunpowder into these kids’ Wheaties
Why does it matter what brought these young girls to the mall? They had a right to shop without being groped by a disgusting pedafile.
What ever happened to this case? I saw he had a history, was fired from his job, but hopefully he is a lifetime registered sex offender…