We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Michael Gaffney, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Pepe’s Restaurant, Firesafe Chimney Services, Attorney Anthony Salerno, North End Motor Sales.
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It’s hard to talk about this story because it makes you wanna cry. A 31 year old mother was killed in a car accident yesterday on Route 20 in Oxford when the car she was driving crossed the double yellow lines and collided with a truck coming from the other direction. Although her two year old child passenger survived, it was announced by family members that her nine month old son has passed. Anyone who has children like I do will have trouble even reading that last sentence. You see a 9 month old baby and you realize how precious they are. All you want to do is protect them from the dangers out there in the world. You follow them everywhere they go because they are your world and you must protect them. We all know that life can be taken away at a moment’s notice, but when it happens to a baby….it’s just hard to grasp.
We did not know Christina Russins, the mother who died. However, it has been brought to our attention that we have in fact blogged about her before. Don’t worry, she was the good guy in the blog. Evidently the children’s father was some sort of deadbeat who never saw them or paid child support. Naturally she posted this on the Worcester MA Give Away Buy Or Trade Facebook page:
We thought this was great. Good for her for having a sense of humor. More people should call out sperm donors who duck responsibility. We’re not going to blame this man for this tragic accident, but if he had no part in his daughter’s life then we would certainly hope that he doesn’t pull a Joey Amoroso and all of a sudden show up now pretending to care.
Men in this country need to step up and be Dads. I’m proud to be a father because Turtleboy Jr. needs and deserves the love and guidance of two parents. Plus it’s blatantly unfair to enjoy the fruits of love making and then dodge the personal responsibility that comes along with the results of said push-push. Parenting is a really hard job with two people. I don’t know how people do it by themselves, but they have my respect and admiration for doing so.
I get scared just driving through this part of Route 20. It’s curvy and hilly and cars come whizzing by you in the other direction. If you’re in the left hand lane your car literally shakes. If you get distracted for even a moment’s notice you could easily veer into oncoming traffic, which won’t have time to react. I think it’s time that they install concrete barriers to divide east and westbound traffic like they do on Route 146. It’s common sense.
The amount of grief this woman’s family is gong through is unfathomable. Nothing we can do can bring them back, but at least we can help the family get through this. Here is a link to the GoFundMe page. Obviously this family needs financial support of the community. She was a single working mother of simple means who leaves behind a nine year old and a two year old. We do not know who will care for these children, but there a million things this money can go towards. These poor kids will have to grow up without a Mommy now, and that is something no one should ever have to go through. Please help if you can. Every little bit helps.
RIP. Noah Roberts and Christina Russins.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
14 Comment(s)
He did show up pretending to care and he took my nephew away from the only family he knows and took him away from his older brother and the only thing he has left. My family is doing all that we can to get my nephew back. My sister always told me if anything ever happened that she would want me to take her kids. I have failed her already and im sorry but i will do everything and anything i can to get my nephew back from that horrible excuse that calls himself a father.
Hmmm, no snide comments from the opposition thus far. They were all over the Kelley Square tragedy.
There was a change with the GoFundMe account…. Here is the link to the active fund: https://www.gofundme.com/bk7bw8ff
There is a go fund me
As mentioned, Go Fund Me isn’t working b/c they took it down. They said funds can go straight to Pillsbury funeral home. Turtleboy mentioned it but I missed it too the first time.
That may be best, especially if less scrupulous “family members” start fighting over the funds.
You can’t argue if donations go to the funeral home.
Sad story but she shouldn’t have been texting and driving.
Um, how do you know she was?
Common sense.
You know that there were accidents like this before cell phones were invented, right dipshit?
Texting and driving is a scourge on society, but it’s not automatically to blame for every automobile related fatality.
My sister wasnt texting and driving smfh. Its a sad story until some shit like this happens to your family.
She wasn’t texting and driving they recovered my sisters phone so before you say shit make sure you know what you are talking about!!!!
That stretch of RTE 20 has been a nightmare for decades yet the state spends millions on “surveys” every couple years but does nothing about it. How many more have to die before they fix this shit road for once and for all? Hell, Charlton got almost half of RT 20 rebuilt in their town. They widened and straightened the safest parts, the straight parts and ignored the blind turns and death traps that is RT 20 from the old Quarter Keg to Oxford Walmart.
gofund me link above, is not working.