
Prolific Plymouth Con Artist Kevin Ribeiro Is Back With A New Business Name, But The Same Shady Rip Off Game, Is One Of The Most Sought After Crackmonkeys In The Area, And Turtleboy Knows Where He’s Been Staying In Case You Need To Serve Him Papers, Because You Can’t Hide From Turtle Justice

Prolific Plymouth Con Artist Kevin Ribeiro Is Back With A New Business Name, But The Same Shady Rip Off Game, Is One Of The Most Sought After Crackmonkeys In The Area, And Turtleboy Knows Where He’s Been Staying In Case You Need To Serve Him Papers, Because You Can’t Hide From Turtle Justice

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Last year, SSTG blogged about this winner from Plymouth whose shoddy work and straight out theft have become the stuff of legends around the Plymouth area……more than once.

Well guess who’s back in the same old business of ripping people off and victim blaming?


It’s Kevdawg! And he has exactly the same piss poor work ethic, non existent morality and lack of personal responsibility that we have all grown to expect. But he’s got a new name for his “business”, so he’s obviously totally re-branded and shook his way off of his negative image straight into sky rocketing success!


At least he’s dropped the bogus “LLC”. It’s a baby step in the direction of transparency. Next step would be to drop “repair” as well. He’s also got a sweet new business plan.

And plenty of bleeding heart excuses for when he inevitably does what he always does – steal people’s money.

This guy complaining about “theft”? Ha. That’s rich.

It’s been a busy year for Kevin – people are starting to file police reports, he’s been to court several times for the insane amount of money he unapologetically owes in unpaid child support, with a heaping plenty of crazy bullshit to justify it.

In fact, he’ll be going back this week, and hopefully with his good friend, Brandon, who has been paying Kevdawg’s way out of jail the whole way through. And helping to promote his con operation a bit, too.

If anyone deserves a friend like that,


It’s not this chud.


He’s also selling a shit ton of landscaping equipment, which seems shady as fuck to me, personally.

But maybe I’m wrong.


So I decided to hit him up myself, and see what sort of deal we could strike up.


Seems legit.


Turns out that it was my super special lucky day, because Kevin is booked up solid for the next four month with satisfied customers, but he just happened to have an opening the very moment I messaged him.


….Or another one at 8pm….

….Or he could squeeze me in the next morning.

No comment necessary on that one. He clearly really needed my money, right then and there. Obviously not for child support. Every guy owes child support, after all, amirite? Totally legit to block me when it appears I’m not going to have him meet me the exact second I’m free to fork over a thus undetermined sum of cash.


So anyway, Kevin is going to get a neat little surprise if he returns my call, because I’m fun like that.

Surprise – you’re Turtleboy famous – again. Leave a message, motherfucker.

And for the countless victims who are looking to serve this guy some justice, his last known “address” is the Baymont Inn & Suites behind Cancun’s restaurant in Kingston. He’s truly living the dream, isn’t he?

7 Comment(s)
  • PlymouthScanz
    January 14, 2020 at 10:54 am

    Just heard the Plymouth Police get dispatched to Walmart. Loss prevention is holding a Kevin Ribeiro for trying to submit false returns on items he didn’t buy. Some things never change.

  • There is a cure for this affliction
    November 29, 2018 at 1:02 am


  • Lipstickhippie
    Lipstick Hippie
    November 28, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    He said he stopped using PayPal because someone stole his identity. Who the fuck would want to be this chudnut?

  • Nikki
    November 28, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    There is several women on here saying Kevin robbed them outright. Do any of these women have male relatives? Husbands? Brothers? Sons? If someone did this to me, my brother would fix it that day.

  • Dickie Dunn
    November 28, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    To anyone dumb enough to hand over their money to a shadrule like this guy in advance of his doing anything in the form of labor: Give me your money right now, let me kick you in the nuts and we’ll call it a deal. Will definitely be a lot easier and less painful than trying to get back your money that’s long been spent already on Natural Light, butts, scratch tickets, crab rangoons and Patriots merchandise.

    • Reg Dunlop
      November 28, 2018 at 9:23 pm

      “If Dickie Dunn wrote it then it must be True”

  • Y
    November 27, 2018 at 10:29 pm

    Someone needs to reverse rob this POS…Bring the materials/supplies, have him fix a ton of shit, and then take off without paying him.
    If not, call him and book fake appointments.

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