This Day In Turtleboy

Reblog: Plymouth “Handyman” Kevin Ribeiro Is Probably The Most Diabolically Manipulative Scammer We’ve Ever Seen And He’s Advertising On Every Town Page Ever Created To Steal Your Cash

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This is Turtleboy vacation week and we’ve given our bloggers a week off to enjoy themselves. We’ll be reblogging some of our greatest hits this week though to help you remember the golden times. 


I’ve told you all before about how I will follow people for a while before I blog about them. Some of my greatest multi-part stories come from months of lurking on scumbags. Guttermuppet and the Dumpsterslugs are both examples. It’s like a scab, that once you pick it, won’t stop bleeding. This one will probably go a little something like that.

I’ve actually adjusted my language for this blog so it can be a stern, yet professional, warning that can be shared in even the most stringent community pages.

Well, I started following Kevin Ribeiro earlier this year when someone tipped me off to how he and his girlfriend, Crystal Pierce, were trying to wrangle up Christmas presents for their kid. When people would show up with presents they wanted cash instead of gifts. The post calling him out got deleted before I grabbed screenshots. That annoyed me but I pressed on.

Kevin runs his scam business out of the Plymouth area. He says he does small engine repair. He will come to your home, to fix your lawn mowers and snowblowers, ect.

He will either take the money up front or show up to give you an estimate. You give him the money for parts/labor and he will disappear with your cash. If it’s something he actually knows how to fix there is about 15% chance of him actually getting the job done for you. But there is something you all should know – He’s not that educated on small engine repair. In fact, the extent of his experience was a class or two he took in high school.

That is just one of the warnings on the Plymouth page about this grimy creep.

Kevin is on every God damn group in the South Shore. You run his name in your Facebook search engine and community posts for his sad excuse for a “business” will show. It doesn’t matter what town you live in – he’s posted there.

I personally went at Kevin on The Brockton Hub a while back. My own brother almost got suckered in to his garbage fix it business. When I said he was a loser scam artist – He called me a number of names, blocked me, and then deleted the post moments later. I know because I checked under one of my 900 burner accounts.
The thing with Kevin is that he will do one decent job and use it to brag to get other work. He will have that person glow about him on the community pages. I have a handful of people who have messaged me with run-ins with this guy.

Chris had Kevin show up for a job. Kevin told him that he needed $200 to fix it. Took the cash, never showed up, and blocked him when he began inquiring.

Kevin is a career scumbag who likes to tell people he wants to be an EMT. The only problem is that Kevin was an EMT and lost his license for stealing gas on the company card and snacking on pain medication, according to his sister who commented on an ATP post.

If you don’t fall for his line about how he can’t afford his EMT licensing he will tell you the one kid he ( has custody of) is sick and can’t afford her medication. He tangles you in. A source, who asked that I don’t use his name, said Kevin has conned or stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from his own parents.
Meanwhile, Kevin hasn’t paid child support for his other kids to the tune of nearly $3k. This caused his license to be suspended – which caused him to be arrested while driving on it.

People like Kevin should be exterminated.

Even his own sister has put him on blast when a warning went up on All Things Plymouth.

Now, I can’t seem to find any drug arrests for this guy. No one has even taken him to court for larceny as far as I can tell.  However, a family friend caught Kevin on his surveillance camera stealing more than $1k worth of things from his house; including a TV. The man decided not to press charges because he really believed that Karma would catch up to him.

I guess the time for Karma is now.

This guy screams addiction “disease.” I will never understand how, in this day and age with social media, people like this guy can so openly get away with this for so long.
Something tells me that when this blog goes up many of the people reading it will have been scammed by him. I’d like you to email me if you’ve had an experience with him. You will, of course, be completely anonymous. Let the flood gates open.

5 Comment(s)
  • Kim
    July 29, 2021 at 7:25 am

    I am now getting messages from his sister in law threatening me … the whole family full of scum bags !

  • Deb
    May 20, 2021 at 6:17 pm

    He’s a loser charged $480 to go through my craftsman lawn mower fix it like he promised so I could not babysit him due while I was working told him I needed a battery and supposedly changed something while I was working I didn’t see any parts so went to drive it he literally didn’t do shit it ran for 2nds died told me to go buy a battery

  • Ironlung$
    February 20, 2019 at 11:21 am

    He’s a loser charged $480 to go through my wheelhorse 520 tractor to get it running at 10o% like he promised so I could not babysit him due to watching my two babies so went to drive it he literally didn’t do shit but put a John Deere filter on my toro wheelhorse and new spark plug but never fixed the oil leak finally took him two weeks to respond but he was telling me about a different persons problem about there tractor then when I told him hey fuck face wrong person wrong tractor he hung up never answered again he’s a loser scammer stay far away from this clown….

  • Kelly Leak
    August 17, 2018 at 12:19 pm

    I wouldn’t pay this loser $0.25 up front to wipe my ass, never mind $200, $500 or more to strip the bolts on my lawnmower or spray it to death with carb cleaner so it runs for another 2-3 days. What is wrong is people handing over money before a job is even started?

    August 16, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    I hired him to lick my nasty monkey cunt but he left as soonas I gave him $500

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