Last week I wrote about how Boston Globe Bruins hack reporter Matt Porter conspired with Matt Chmura, the Bruins Vice President of Marketing and Communications, to photoshop out a Boston Police logo because supporting the cops is no longer permissible to the Globe and black lives matter.
It's all in the wrist.#NHLBruins pic.twitter.com/JATd1hXzEI
— Boston Bruins (@NHLBruins) July 30, 2020
Keep in mind, the Boston Police hockey team collaborates with the Bruins to raise tens of thousands of dollars for charity, brings kids from Roxbury to see Bruins games, meet players, and expose them to a new sport, and visits sick kids in hospitals to brighten their day.
But Matt Porter and Matt Chmura couldn’t stand the sight of police being portrayed in a positive light because all this asshole does on Facebook is post about systemic racism, and videos of John Oliver shitting on the cops for doing a job he’s way too beta male to ever sign up to do.
Neither Chmura or Porter addressed this, nor has a reporter brought it up at a press conference, because that’s Matt Porter’s job and he’s obviously not gonna do it. I’ve emailed them both and have not heard back. I’d urge you to do the same to find out why the Bruins are ashamed of their relationship with the police, and whether or not Cam Neely is aware that they did this. Certainly this morning’s IG post of Zdeno Chara in a BLM shirt was interesting timing.
Maybe ask them why the Bruins should be proud to associated with a Marxist group that wants to abolish the cops, the nuclear family, and prisons, but should be ashamed to be associated with men and women who risk their lives every day to protect the lives of tens of thousands of black and brown people in Boston.
Anyway, Matt Chmura also happens to be the ultimate Karen in his ritzy town of Cohasett. Over the weekend I public records requested the town of Cohasett on a hunch, looking for all emails sent from Chmura to the police or town officials in the months of June and July. It began on June 23 when Chmura sent Building Commissioner Bob Egan and the Town Manager an email asking why construction workers on his street (his home is assessed at over $1 million) weren’t wearing masks, accusing the town of “aiding and abetting” the spread of commie cold.
From: Matthew Chmura <matthew.chmura@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:23 PM
8/3/20, 08(45
To: Robert Egan <REgan@CohassetMA.org>; Cohasset Town Manager <townmanager@cohassetma.org> Subject: Public Health Matter/Construction/COVID- 19
Mr. Senior & Mr. Egan-
My family and I reside at 63 Windy Hill Rd, and I am writing regarding the construction project taking place at 14 Windy Hill Rd. I have two major concerns that I would like addressed by the Town of Cohasset immediately – as they pose a threat to public health and well- being. Construction has been going on at this property since mid- April and throughout this time the workers do not have face coverings (the builder, when present, generally wears one). It has been a minimum of 50 work days with as many 15 workers on our street without proper PPE. The Town of Cohasset (on the town’s website in April – allowed for construction to begin with face coverings, and the Commonwealth’s reopening plan also allows for construction with face coverings). The town has been negligent in its enforcement of these rules, and as such, has endorsed this behaviour. Given the recent spikes in our country of COVID-19 I can no longer stand by and watch this behaviour.
The Town is aiding and abetting the spread of COVID-19 in our neighborhood (and adjacent neighborhoods) – and as such will be held accountable in litigation if there is an outbreak. The lack of enforcement by the Town of Cohasset will be considered an endorsement of this workplace hygiene. Furthermore, on a regular occasion, the congestion of construction vehicles parked on both sides of the street make it impossible for a first responder vehicle (fire or ems) to get through the street in a timely manner. On these occasions I have had difficulty with my own personal vehicle. Realistically, this has happened between 3-8 times. This is 3-8 times too many. If the town does not enforce proper parking procedures by the construction crew, and there is a medical emergency, the town will be held liable in litigation.
I would appreciate a response to this email – I have a family with three children under the age of 7. I am not looking to stand in the way of progress, but the primary role of a municipality is to create and enforce law that ensures the safety and well-being of its citizens. I would certainly appreciate a follow-up regarding the steps that the Town will take to hold the builder accountable to the rules which keep us all safe.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Matthew Chmura
What a fucking loser. It’s a bunch of blue collar dudes working in 90 degree heat on your million dollar home street, and you’re tattling on them for not wearing masks because it could spread a disease that poses zero threat to you or your family?
Bob Eagan wrote back that he got in contact with Shawn Richard, the builder, who said that he’d be making sure the workers had masks on.
Dear Mr. Chmura,
I forwarded your email to Mr. Richards, the builder. He replied immediately and said that he will continue to be diligent in observing CDC and town guidelines for workplace safety. I have been to the site and know firsthand that he is providing face masks, sanitizer, etc. for his workers. Obviously, the Town does not have the resources to constantly monitor every construction site. He has instructed his workers to park on-site whenever possible and is looking into getting permission for his workers to park at Mr. Shannon’s house next door. I am not aware that it is a violation to park on a public way. If you have concerns that it is creating hazardous condition, you should address those concerns to the police department. Please feel free to contact me for any further information or assistance.
Robert Egan Building Commissioner
Zoning Officer 781.383.4100 Ext. 5103
Chmura responded by telling Egan that he had pics of the workers not wearing masks, vowed to “continue to monitor” these people, threatened and humble bragged that he would go to his good friend Maura Healey (who he has a “relationship” with) so that she would take action, and said that he was unhappy with Egan’s response because it was “absent of balance.”
“That is disappointing and has been noted.”
Be a bigger cock sucker. You can’t.
The next day he sent the town another email with the images attached and said that he’d be suing the town personally if they didn’t force all the construction workers to quarantine for 14 days.
Imagine being that much of a loser? You’re stealthily taking pictures of guys drinking beers and doing work that you’d never, ever be able to do because it doesn’t come with central AC?
The builder wrote back later that day and said he wasn’t wearing a face mask because he was the only one there.
But Chmura corrected him and pointed out that there were not one, but TWO people without masks on that were compromising the safety of his family.
The guy once again attempted to be nice to this raging asshole.
But Chmura found this unacceptable.
Nevertheless the builder attempted to be reasonable with this clearly unreasonable douchebag.
Four days later Egan wrote back and said that he observed the work site again and noted that all workers were following social distancing guidelines. He also asked Chmura if he’d be willing to help them communicate that message better since he’s such a big shot when it comes to communications.
But of course Chmura continued to bitch, claimed that the workers were only putting on masks and social distancing when the building inspector was around, and vowed to keep stalking them.
“I am not looking for anyone to get in trouble.”
Yea, besides the fact that he threatened to sue the town if the employees weren’t suspended from work for 2 weeks. His family could die at any moment if these guys continue to drink fluids without masks on.
Finally the builder had enough and told deputy dickweed that he felt targeted and harassed. He also mentioned that he had some pictures of his own, in which Chmura was driving around in a golf cart at a high rate of speed with 6 small crotch fruits on board, none of who were wearing seatbelts or helmets.
HHAHAHAHHAHA!! Shawn Richard, if you’re reading this please sent those pictures. This just once again proves that Karens have never, ever cared about safety. They are consumed by an irrational fear of a disease that is no threat to children while engaging in behavior that is much more dangerous to children. More than anything they just get off on minding other people’s business because it makes them feel like they’re in charge. This email REALLY upset Chmura who fired off one final thought.
He finds it “reprehensible” that this guy he’s relentlessly harassing would ask that he stop harassing him! Reprehensible, I do say! He now feels bullied and slandered despite stalking this guy’s employees, picking a fight with him, and then harassing him at all hours of the night for several days. Matt Chmura is the real victim here.
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118 Comment(s)
Please drop the harassment campaign and instead spend some of that time looking for your missing testicles.
Took a page right out of the sjw manual right from the beginning demanding that they do what he says.
I’ve seen 2 year olds use that tactic when mommy says no to candy at supermarket checkout. The ones that get a firm no, or a smack when necessary will be thankful not to grow up to be like this little bitch.
“You’re stealthily taking pictures of guys drinking beers and doing work that you’d never, ever be able to do because it doesn’t come with central AC?”
LOLz this from ex-schoolteacher now basement blogger boy.
Chmura just roll with the punches brother. Life is tuff when you get out of the Cohasett bubble . Everyone there is fake . You work for the Bruins and seabass your teams fans are blue collar guys not Red Sox fans (Henry’s, BG , SJW woke people). Your Bros must be dying laughing at this . Lighten up treat people better be a man handle things yourself don’t Have Maura Healy handle your problems Jesus Christ. I’ve known guys from your town that have lost their shirts overnight (economy, divorce,life). They then realize who their real friends are and they are no better than anyone because they have an extra buck , closer house to ocean, newer car. Make it Right my man with the workers it’s hot out there working . Humble yourself. Be old school
Grew up in Taunton. Jesus. Christ forget where he came from ?
Where can I get one of these beer drinking jobs?
Sea Bass employs this guy??? Sea Bass???
Come on Cam, dump this weakling!
And make him apologize for photoshopping that BPD logo.
Regarding your fantasy of my tough guy playing days..I am quite liberal and
woke now.I do not question the left.I bow to them.
Sea Bass
Sadly true
Let’s face it, the Bruin’s are a bunch of pussies now. Who could forget them folding like a card table for St. Louis. They’re the Blues that really runs roughshod on the Boston hockey team.
Did Aiden really think of this on his own or did someone from the town office just feel like exposing this dipshit? hmmm
Be pretty funny if his golf cart somehow found it’s way onto his roof.
Just gotta want it bad enough, boys.
Is Kareem the male version of a Karen?
Are male Karen’s called Kareem’s?
For Christ sakes now the Big Bad Bruins I grew up watching are fucking pussies.
Yeah that’s why Marchand skated out of the game one minute before they lost last year.
Never liked this asshole. He’s always been a whiny bitch. Ask his old teammates, neighbors, etc… his wife’s a clam too.
I am generally pro-mask, especially when inside public buildings with other people, but this Chmura guy is a complete dildo. If a bunch of guys need to did some holes and bang some nails in order to make a living, for fucks sake let them get on with their lives. I don’t see how in any way it poses a threat to his family. What a douchebag.
Hey Matt, this is the super across the way. Get Maura Healey down here now, you little punk. You’re worried about COVID masks, I eat that shit with mustard. Got what I mean, tough guy? You got any work for me? I’m good. I’ll work circles around those other guys, I’ll wrap your fucking head with a ratchet. I’ll sue you for punitive damages. Give me a call when you’re not feeling so jerky, okay fuck face
Can a pool be started on when Matt Chmura emails TB threatening a lawsuit for deformation (yes I know it’s not correct) and bonus points if in his email he mentions his relationship with Maura Healey
No red MAGA hats in the photos….Healey staying FAR away from this one.
Chmura is a neighbor of mine
He has a serious alcohol problem and is a closet homosexual
On occasional weekends he brings home a couple of fucking negroes from Boston and pays them to fuck him up the ass chimpanzee style
So long, Bruins, I refuse to watch any sports franchise that willingly hires goofy dick bags like this guy to work for it. I’d rather eat a toenail sandwich than tune in.
For a guy threatening litigation every other paragraph in his email, this retard doesn’t have a fucking clue about the law. Good luck proving in a court that your infected family was infected by any particular one worker that you don’t even come within 6 feet of.
Also Maura Healey is too busy tweeting BLM woke shit to take your call buddy.
After watching the Bruins get manhandled, it’s no surprise they employ this cuck. I’d love to see him reprimanded for being a jerk-off.
Does this guy shove the long hand end of hockey sticks up his ass? If not, he should.
Matt Chmura,
You are unequivocally the pinnacle of what it takes to be an absolute asshole.
I’ll bet you never imagined these emails would go public. If you knew they would, I’m sure you wouldn’t have sent them. Well here they are in all their glory for the residents of your team’s state to see how much of a pompous donkey you are. How important do you feel now? Fahkn clown
We need to finish the basement in our house and put on a second floor. Eames Construction just earned my business… Matt Chmura is a pud.
Used to be, when you thought of hockey it was smiles with a missing tooth, black and blue skin and stitches. Used to be look at someone with a stink eye and the gloves would fly and the insulted would be holding the guy up while punching the guy in the face, a few more times before you got separated. Now its Russian technical skating, Muffets on ice. And this cocksucker is becoming the face of the Bruins. This is the guy they need in Worcester, Pussy.
You can thank me for bringing the people’s sport of hockey to the Soviet Union. You lose you go “camping”.
Isn’t the mask-wearing crap the governor’s advisory or did the legislature make it a law while we were asleep which is usually when they pass these ridiculous laws. Chmura, get a real job. Or go to work earlier and stay later so you don’t have to see real workers doing their job. Do you have a relative who got you your job? If the Bruins don’t start playing better, you might looking at the unemployment line. And Cam Neely, what the hell is wrong with you?
Fuck BLM and everything they want us to think it stands for. I’M DONE WITH THE BULLSHIT !
What a donkey. He’s the complete opposite of anything ‘hockey’. They need to get rid of him. Maybe he can find a job working for the WNBA.
The WNBA would have this guy in a box on a chain with a zippered hood
Just imagine the convo between the Town manager guy and the builder. “Hey Shawn, how are you? The family good? Great! Listen I have this flying fuckwad five doors down from your site on Whistling Asshole Boulevard, yeah Chmura, Chumra, Cumrag Something like that.” “Could you have the guys wear the PPE stuff? Ok thanks” What?” “Could I ask Chmura, Chumra, Cumrag to ask his wife to stay away from the workers?””Yeah sure I’ll tell him.”
The owner should tell Matt how his employees have breathing issues so they don’t have to wear them. Just like every Karen does, wants they are caught doing something they shouldn’t be they victimize themselves. I hope is crotchfruits were wearing masks. Hi Matt, I know your faggot ass is reading this. I wonder if one of the workers are visiting your wife while you’re at work? Is one of your kids one of the workers kid? Is that why you act like such a bitch? If you actlike a man she wouldn’t be fucking other dudes. She didn’t sign up for a lesbian marriage. His big fat
Dwarf head is about to explode lol. We know Matt you’ve already contacted your lawyer cause that’s the type of bitch you are. Male Karens are the worst!
The longer all of this Commie Cold and Social Justice virus continue the uglier life in every corner of America is going to get.
People like this cocksucker, as well as the other skin flute pipers, feel more and more empowered as things go on, and on, and on.
The only thing that people like this respond to is violence and a dose of their own medicine.
Thanks for outing this cunty fuck, Aiden.
It’s a bad time to be fucking with construction workers. They know exactly what to do with the body. And missing persons are just counted as a Covid death right now.
ME’s report:
Decedent asphyxiated due to submersion in concrete.
Official cause of death: COVAIDS.
He keeps mentioning his family and three kids, but never says he has wife. If this clown has a “wife”, her name is Bruce and they have three kids from Cambodia. There’s simply no way this guy is straight or could ever find a girl who would voluntarily take three shots of his low-testosterone baby jam.
A lot of those guys pull the ferry is running late I’m stuck. Down by the Aquarium to their yoga Hingham wives. Meanwhile guzzling down vodka sodas at Tias or the Landing . The wives are worst they never show pictures of their husbands on Facebook making it deceiving if to men to think they might be single. You guys know what I’m talking about. The wealthy rich town lulumeon milfs. Husbands usually have side piece.
Just wait and see what the left has planned for the
NFL “season.” You aint seen nothing yet America.
I have no interest in watching a circle jerk…
Nosy asshole like that in my neighborhood would get a serious group slapdown and a toilet bowl hair washing.
MYOB you fucking asshole. Be glad someone is working to improve your street.
He’s still a dirtbag for harrassing people doing actual physical labor, but I’m wondering how much of this is his wife hounding him about it and he doing anything to get her off his back.
What is more likely, is that the wife made some comment about “real men” in the construction trades, and how some women like their men to be “hard men”. This bozo looks like one of the guys in the E.D. ads…
Yet another reason to hate the Bruins. I wonder who is more annoying in real life, this faggot or Jack Edwards?
HOW DARE YOU! Listening to Jack Edwards is like being ensconced in a velvet fog.
Mel Torme died many years ago, my friend.
Yet another reason to hate the Bruins. I wonder who is more annoyingin real life, this faggot or Jack Edwards?
The “No Bullying” generation has arrived in full effect.
I want John Oliver to lace up some skates and get the shit checked out of him by Zdeno Chara. I would pay serious money for that shit.
This individual is a classic narcissist. A VP of Marketing and Communications who is oblivious to the public perception OF his communication. Could the Bruin’s have someone worse in this position? It is the Jacobs family after all.
He completely believes his own bullshit.
Seems like he has plenty of me.
Surely, he’s earning that great big VP salary, Cam. Great hire, Jacobs.
What a loser! Imagine having this Donkey as a neighbor?
He’d be doing this:
love how the cunt throws hot coffee and punches then tears his clothing and insists she didnt do anything wrong, typical lying sack of shit female. “i bet you don’t get any pussy” nasty whore, it wont go well for these preppies in court when all the video/audio is played.
I challenge that pussy to a push up contest. Even better try taking a swing at me. Wanna arm wrestle? Take a QI test? Measure dicks? I know black people who speak better than you. And at 7-11 they speak pig latin. Lock them up.
The Bruins have ZERO and I mean ZERO chance of winning the Cup.Mark my words.Book it.Money in the bank.
Tuukka Rask has the sniffles.I am now the Bruins
starting goaltender.
Guys are busy working, trying to make a living and this pussy Chmura person is reporting them
I really don’t trust any jock or people involved with sports.
Get ready.I am going to announce the name of
the nations next Vice President.This election is
going to be a slam dunk.
It will be an unqualified black women just for optics. Maybe even the one that called you a racist on national television you cuck. Or maybe the other woman that supports Fidel Castro. “Can’t Wait”- Bart Scott
I would enjoy turning him to into soup in my bathtub.
Matt Chmura = Male Karen
Mrs. Chmura must be so proud she has a real man.
He eats well at the glory hole.
If you own a golf cart and don’t live on a course you have a 97% chance of being a douche.
This guy should be fired for these emails, what a pain in the ass. He has no business of working side by side with Sea Bass
I remember this lad fondly.Could gobble a pearl necklace
with the best of them.
How dare you
Just like his bosses the Henry’s. Of Chesnut Hill. He is a hypocrite. You can tell this guy has never worked Any job where he could get his hands dirty. If he had a Problem. Go talk to the workers instead of being a little whiney pompous prick emailing the town. Talk to the builder of the site or the person moving into the house if you have An issue. Big Coward. By the way if I was to take a guess he was picking on minorities trying to make an honest buck it looks like in those pictures. Big hypocrite considering he works for the globe. This guy is pushing Racial injustice while he is giving couple Hispanic guys a haggle because they don’t have a trust fund and a million. I’m a blue collar guy Cohasset and Hingham biggest phoniest people I’ve ever had to deal with . One of those do as I say not as I do fake liberals. Fire this guy Linda and John
Good Lord.What a Pansy.
I USED TO be a tough guy.I have had my scrotum clipped.I am okay with liberalism and will sit here
quietly eating Tofu and Watercress. I am woke and see
nothing wrong with sitting down to pee.
#Meat is Murder
Shows a lot of interest in construction workers.Interesting.He would smell great
planted beneath my kitchen.Running out
of room but I think I could squeeze him in.
John,have you tried Feng Shui? I think you can maximize your capacity.
I will fracture his pelvis for a shot of Crown Royal and a Bud bottle.
I swear I saw Chmura on pornhub jerking off while his wife got railed by Mandingo.
Yet another democrat that never got punched in the mouth when he was young.
Fucking faggot. Stalking is a crime asshole.
Bruins – fire this POS
This is sadly the “new normal.” Get used to it.
Matt Chmura hates working people
Matt Chmura hates blue collar people
Matt Chmura hates unions
Matt Chmura hates hard work
Matt Chmura just sucks in every way he can
This guy is a penis with ears.I like him.After watching the Red Sox (last place btw) get swept in NY..I cant help but
wonder if he can throw a slider.Our no name pitching
staff could use a boost.
P.S. Curt Shilling is Hitler
Matt Chmura = fucking faggot.
Dickwad just plain and simple
I refuse to wear a mask and give EVERYONE wearing a mask a shit eating grin. Fuck these cowards.
It would be a shame if charlie jacobs was informed of how a high ranking employee of his was using his power and status of being affiliated with a professional sports team to bully and harass a construction company and town officials. Maybe his human resources department should be contacted in order to assist matt with anger management issues.
The Bruins employ this idiot? He has zero self awareness that he acts like a complete asshat. Maybe he is in the wrong profession as a “communications and marketing” VP. He doesn’t realize he comes across as a Nazi trying to shut down jobsites, threatens several times to sue the town he lives in, tries to get working people suspended from their job for two weeks, and rails on about the “safety” of his family while completely ignoring his own behavior and illegality with the golf cart putting children at real risk. Try being a bigger douche Matt Chmura, you can’t. Not to mention if he ever tried playing in a hockey game or working a construction job. Those are things REAL men do, while he would be on the floor crying for his momma.
How long before he starts finding nails in his tires? Not long I bet, and the more he holds up construction, the madder the neighbors are getting because the project is dragging out. And guarantee the wife and kids have been at her s summer home since school stopped in April.
Nantucket or Chatham. Turtle should investigate that. Or he is a fraud rich guy from Hingham/Cohasset ones that do the keeping up with the Jones types but doesn’t have a vacation home just brags obnoxiously that they live there. I know a lot of those hockey cops in those pictures. All inner city Boston guys great guys ( give their shirts off their back to anyone dudes ) not like this fraud who never associated with regular city black people. Tucks his kids away in Cohasett from the real world problems.
Spot on. Those guys all live in Boston and send their kids to Boston Public Schools with minority kids because of residency rules. A lot live in Dorchester by the way . This guy sends his family to Cohasset public . Sailing camps , mom yoga , wine clubs , summer house on The Vineyard box seats . Never underestimate construction workers. Once you get the bill you start to think you should of went to a Voc tech school instead of BC . I really hope this a sobering moment for this guy and he offers a case of beer to the men. His buddies must be busting his balls on how soft he is with the entitlement emails and golf cart. Given shit to a bunch of Latin construction workers (seems racial)
Is he related to the diddler former NFL TE Mark Chmura? Fuck him. Fucking pos with nothing better to do than harass people trying to make a living.
Why doesnt he go down to the BLM protests and rat out every asshole there without a mask? Oh yeah, I forgot that’s all good.
Bruins fans should talk to Matt directly at (508) 498 2466.
What a whining little weasel this gal is ! Change your plug, take some Midol and a nap Mary and you’ll feel better, Promise !
I can only imagine if one of those guys who actually works (not behind an office desk with the AC set at a comfy 70 degrees) for a living caught up with Mary off the clock somewhere.
Up Yours Mary and the Bruins too ! This BS is out of control !
I will never give another penny to the Bruins, Celtics, or Red Sux !
I WAS a longtime Nascar fan since the mid 80’s, but Bubba and the way they and Dick Petty kneeled down and rimmed him for a couple of weeks ended that in a hurry. Now i will root against these teams !
Not wanting spics on your street is understandable but this jowly faggot went about it like a bitch
” More than anything they just get off on minding other people’s business because it makes them feel like they’re in charge.”
Be more hypocritical than Aidan. You can’t.
Alex Reimer is back…
Imagine not being able to tell the difference between what TB does and this.
You put the “R” in retard, bud!
What a douch
My neighbor had a “party” this weekend with 8 cars on his lawn. Guess what I did? I drove by, waved hello and went on my way. It’s what people used to do back in the old normal days my grandfather told me about.
What a total douche bag of a neighbor! Ratting out construction workers who actually need to work for a living and pose ZERO threat to anyone.
Fuck you Matt you soft handed, neck bearded, jock sniffing, white privileged rat fuck. You are everything that is wrong with this Chinese flu scamdemic.
You know all of the Bruins think you are a total pussy. I would pay good money to see Marchand bundle you into a trash can.
He should worry about the spreading of Ghonerea at Scarlet Oaks Tavern than Corona virus .
Another great weekend in the land of black lives matter.
33 shot and 9 killed in chicago.
A 27 percent kill rate but atleast there are nine less “saints”
I had a great weekend too, banging your sister!
Confused nignog I know its your culture to bang your sister.
I watched American History X and then curb stomped your whole monkey family. I saved the state millions in welfare ebt foodstamps section 8 free healthcare and free obsma phones
Oh yeah? I watched Jungle Fever and then banged your sister!
You watched jungle fever and banged your sister. That explains why blacks dont know who their father is
Oh yeah bitch? I watched Citizen Kane, admired the genius that was Orson Welles, and then banged your sister.
Monkeys never mattered and they never will. So go bang your sister monkey while I laugh at all the monkies killing each other
I’m whiter than Wonder Bread, and the Citizen’s Kane reference, should have tipped you off.
But thanks for playing!
-The man who trolled the world.
Ok monkey . Thanks for playing but you are still fecal matter and always will be.
However, I still banged your sister with a black strap-on!
Mask Gestapo. Geez if you feel better wearing a mask. Wear one. Leave other people alone if they don’t wish to wear one. It’s not even a law to wear a mask. It’s an unconstitutional order.
Further. The democrats refer to abortion rights as “MY BODY MY CHOICE” well touché bitches. When it comes to a mask, my body my choice.
Hahaha!!! That last email from Shawn ruled. Not taking anymore billshit, well played. That Chmura seems like a real douche
Why do administrative jobs and corporate reporting jobs attract such cock-knocking inadequates to them?
Chmura looks like what you’d get if micropenis AND erectile dysfunction was a person.
Fuck ALL sports!
Thank you,
A Loyal American