Quincy Jizz Pumpkin Tries To Shame Dominos Cashier For Making Him Pay For Extra Topping, Says “You’re Gonna Get In Trouble” After It Blows Up In His Face
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Some guy in Quincy tried to embarrass an employee at a local Domino’s, but he ended up looking like a boob instead. He goes by Peter William on the Facebook machine and he ordered a couple pizzas online. Apparently there was some sort of miscommunication, and an extra topping was added for which Peter would’ve had to pay an extra dollar. Naturally Peter handled this situation by trying to shame the cashier while recording it:
“Apparently I owed him a dollar even though it’s paid for online.”
“You’re gonna get in big trouble Kevin, for swearing at me.”
“Hurry up and get me my food Kevin.”
“You’re gone in big trouble Kevin. You’re gonna get fired over this.”
You couldn’t pay me enough money to deal with these jizz pumpkins every day. God bless Kevin for not putting up with his bullshit and calling out his shenanigans from the start. Ya know how I know Kevin was right? This is Peter:
I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t bend the brim of their hats, and neither should you. And quite frankly it’s for good reason. If you don’t bend the brim of your hat, you’re probably a cocknugget. That’s just science.
On the other hand he did save France from radical Islamic terrorism one time:
So he could be a hero after all.
Peter agreed to pay for it after Kevin said this:
“Don’t call for extra stuff if you don’t wanna pay for the extra stuff.”
In other words, he ordered online, realized he wanted to add anchovies, called them back up to have it added, and then tried to get it for free. When they charged him he played the “I already paid” card, because he was too cheap to pay the $1.07, and instead tried to shame this kid behind the register. But unfortunately for him Kevin wasn’t having none of that.
The best was when he taunted him with this:
“I hope you have another job Kevin.”
And Kevin said this:
“I do have another job.”
Boom. Roasted.
But seriously, how much of a chud do you have to be to utter the phrase, You’re gonna get in big trouble Kevin. I remember second grade too. Except I was usually the one being told that I was gonna be in big trouble. That’s why I’m team Kevin on this one. Fuck out of my face cockmuffin.
P.S. Gotta do something about that Voke-stache Kevin:
Just sayin.
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3 Comment(s)
Fuck his voke stache….He’s gotta do something about those chicklets under that stache.
Just another bully who is going to learn the hard way when he bullies the wrong person.
Kid looks like the Mayor of Munchkin Land in the wonderful land of Oz.