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Turtleboy is such a sap for the feel good stuff. Rutland police officers totally punked some people two days before Christmas and instead of giving them tickets, given them their choice of Christmas presents instead:
I’m moving to Rutland. Land is cheap, property taxes are low, school district is good, and cops are Santa Claus. Some of the interactions were pretty funny. This poor girl,
is the girl that has played by the rules her entire life. Poor woman was shitting her pants when she thought that she unintentionally committed a traffic violation. Turtleboy may be in love again.
Then there’s this lady,
who probably should’ve had the $25 gift card taken back from her because she seemed to be annoyed that the police were giving her free shit.
And finally there’s this guy –
That right there, is the most Rutland individual I have ever seen. He oozes Rutland out of every pore of his body. Seriously, every guy I’ve ever met from Rutland drives that exact same truck, works in landscaping, and is never leaving Rutland.
Nice job by the Rutland Police. Another example of police giving back to the community, which no other media outlets will report.
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17 Comment(s)
And do not pay attention to this:
Nice gesture? Looks more like a ruse to pull people over without probable cause so the small town po-po can go on a fishing expedition. Time for the ACLU to take a look at this.
Hey look dipshit. Community policing is what it is called. Look it up. That means your respective Police Department is proactive in developing a positive relationship with your respective community. A more eyes to fight crime than just theirs approach. An all hands on deck approach as well. Most citizens love this interaction and close relationship with their Police.
Giving back in a monetary sense from Police is a newer approach albeit but any approach to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community it serves – serves as a good thing and how can you not see this.
I applaud RPD. Nice job men and women. Very proactive and professional.
Bravo!!! What a beautiful gesture that would be sweet to catch on, in all people across the nation. Generosity of ones heart, being creative on how to share kindness, laughter or just to make another smile would certainly make the world a better place. Remember when finding a negative in any positive gesture it’s one of the reasons people stop trying because someone will always try to crush it down. It’s unfortunately what some people believe to be the norm. Those looking for perfection in everything will never be happy. Here is to a Great “NEW NORM” in 2016!!!
where does it say where the gift cards were for? Would you really want a gift card from Heavy Eavies anyways?
Heavy Evies is awesome, only good biscuits and gravy you can get north of the Yankee Boarder.
The school district is one of the highest achieving in the state for the lowest cost per student. In America that’s what we call efficiency. It’s a damn model of perfection. Evidently they don’t need more money to do a great job. Let the people keep their money and stop the tax raising for no real reason.
Pretty cool but they gave out gift cards to businesses not in their town..Brilliant LOL way to support the local economy Rutland
I know Rutland is not a big town but surely they could have done a double wammy and helped out a local business
another person searching for something bad in the goodness of others. crybaby
I’m with Gronk on this one
Did you think maybe the Gift Cards were donated by the businesses. maybe the businesses in their town didn’t give them any, or maybe they did and you’re just not seeing it in the video
I think this was great. However, property taxes are not low anymore, the town is completely broke. We have grown so fast to quick and now paying the price. We just cut the budget across the board again by 5% for I think the 4th year in a row. The school district is way underfunded. Our per pupil spending is ranked like 400 out of 403 schools districts in MA. We just cut the budget for meals on wheels for our seniors, yet the town voted to contribute $4500 towards the towns 4th of July fireworks? We just had to increase the meals tax to keep our police because we are broke. Love that the cops have improved dramatically over the past several years, but they are not enforcing a town by-law for door to door solicitation that was voted in as law by the town in May 2015 and approved by the Attorney Generals Office on 9/18/15. The bylaw is posted on the Town of Rutland Website, yet the police dispatch has no knowledge and will not enforce. Really? House breaks are on the rise and door to door solicitation is being used to case houses. That is the reason the town voted for the by-law. Grateful to have a police department at this point. But Rutland is not as Rosy as you think. No end in sight on taxes rising and yet we can’t support our town services or the school budget. Some would say we are no different than any other town right now? BROKE?
shut up Scrooge, no one asked you
Wow Turtleboy, I’m disappointed in you. You are the one being a scrooge. I happen to think this was A GREAT IDEA of the RPD. I am a fan of yours, but really, stating facts are now being scrooge in your eyes, since when? I happen to support the Rutland PD, thank you very much. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL( and I sincerely mean that)!
Hey Rachel
I’m sure the BLM terrorists will find something wrong with this.
“Why they don’t give no black people no presents?”
Probably because they didn’t happen upon one of the twenty-one black people who live in town that day.
I saw CMass try to feel. That’s all I ever wanted. I want to come home. Just feel. Stop being so angry.