Sarai Rivera has gotten 10 donations of $1,000 because she is gearing up for a Mayoral run in 2017.
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Question – is Sarai Rivera a mob boss? Because I’m beginning to think she is. Somehow a District Councilor from the the district with the lowest voter turnout has raised more money than any ofter candidate in this election, including TEN donors who gave her $1,000!! Here’s the list:
Lowell, Bedford, Woburn, Holden – those are some of the places these $1,000 a piece donors gave money from. What their interest is in a District 4 election in Worcester is, is beyond me. She’s also got some heavy hitters in there – Joe Early and Tim Murray. Joe Early actually gave twice – once from his personal account and another from his election account.
Gee, I wonder why this is? Oh yea, because as our sources from inside Mayor Petty’s office have told us Sarai Rivera is running for Mayor in 2017. Ya got that? Jumpin Joe is stepping down after this term no matter what happens in this election. Ya heard it here first.
I hear morons try to tell me that there’s no such thing as a political machine in Worcester. Bullshit. This is an example of it. Sarai has been selected. It’s why the heavy hitters are giving her all this money to make sure she beats Jackie Kostas. If the political machine wasn’t real then they wouldn’t have anointed someone as the choice for the Petty-McGovern machine in 2017.
We should’ve seen this one coming though. At first we thought we might be in the midst of a Petty-Rivera spicy love affair. After all, they were EVERYWHERE together. First we had Jumpin Joe speaking about how Councillor Rivera “taught him so much”:
“She is going to be mayor some day.” Yup, that’s the plan. I’m sure she has taught Joe a lot. For instance, how to give into special interest groups like Mosaic and make sure you get your cut of the profit. Or how to open a church, tell your parishioners that if they don’t give 10% of their money to the church they are going to hell, and then wait for the building to get condemned before abandoning it like she did with her church on Austin Street.
She might have to teach him how to flirt a little bit better though:
Too obvious Joe!! Talk to your campaign manager Paul Giorgio – he knows how to keep this stuff on the down low.
Then there was the time they showed up together to cut the ribbon at the grand opening of a chain restaurant:
As you can imagine, the employees at Popeye’s were thrilled to be in the company of local celebrities.
Then you started seeing them doing a lot of standouts together, and they even had a joint campaign fundraiser in Crystal Park – which for Petty would be considered a “slum sociable.”
Then towards the preliminary election they started going door to door together:
Finally on election night Sarai and Jumpin Joe were so sensual in their victory celebration, that it got me slightly aroused. Here they are sipping wine together. And this is from Facebook:
Honestly, I hope she does run, because there’s no way in hell this woman could ever, ever win an election outside of District 4. She can win in Main South because no one votes and all she has to do is give every vagrant she sees on Canterbury Street a donut and a ride to the polls. But Kevin Ksen’s rape van only has so much gas. People might get down with Petty because he plays the nice guy card, but Sarai?
We’ve all heard the voicemail she left her sister. We’ve all seen how she supported Nathan Pickens when he called Mesfin Beshir a “house nigger. And we’ve all seen how she belittles and makes fun of her Peruvian immigrant opponent because she made a spelling mistake.
Nothing to see here. Just the usual suspects. #Sarai 2017
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9 Comment(s)
The woman petty’s hugging in that picture is his wife, you dipshit. if you’re gonna be a flop ass blogger, at least check your facts.
I think we need a TBS Auntie Ho 2017 t-shirt.
Me thinks Sarai and Petty are more than just friendly on the campaign trail…
Heard your not allowed to electioneer door to door at WHA apartment complexes where the elderly are..pleasant street. Was told she was doing just that.
Anna Conda: This contribution seems a bit fuzzy, if you know what I mean:
06/23/2015 Murray, Timothy 35 Intervale Rd Worcester MA 01601 $100.00
Former Worcester Mayor Timothy Murray CERTAINLY knows his ZIP Code. It is obvious to this reader that he did NOT actually make that $100 so-called contribution himself and that someone ELSE “borrowed” his name and address. All of this is QUITE disturbing, to say the least.
The CORRECT ZIP Code for Intervale Road (one block from Richmond Avenue) in Worcester is 01602.
Free candy? What could go wrong? Its free and its candy.
Why are there so many donors from the West side, and why is she hiding behind incorrect zip codes?
If you notice, all west side donors have 01601 as the zip code, the correct one is 01602.
Or is that just the competency level we’re dealing with.
Yikes! My thorough (NOT!) knowledge of Massachusetts campaign contributions/finances is woefully out of date! Contributions of up to $1,000 per person per year have been allowed since the beginning of this [2015] year.
Mea culpa.
Those folks who donated $1,000 each, regardless of WHERE they reside, should already KNOW that their so-called contributions are limited BY LAW to $500 per person per calendar year.