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The election has come and gone. As you know it was a huge success because we successfully got rid of three huge problems – Dicky Rushton, Hilda Ramirez, and Tracy Novick. But Sarai Rivera wasn’t going anywhere. She is District 4’s problem and she will remain that way because she basically runs a small mob of teenagers who she buys with free t-shirts. After yesterday’s mayoral election Joe Petty called up Mike Gaffney to congratulate him on a well run campaign, because that’s what you’re supposed to do after an election. It’s a sign of no hard feelings. Just politics.
But Sarai Rivera ain’t Joe Petty. She’s much scarier and more classless than that. Instead of calling up Jackie Kostas to say “nice campaign,” she mocked her on social media instead:
I guess it’s not surprising really. After all, this is a woman who openly mocked her Peruvian immigrant opponent’s spelling mistake previously in the campaign:
Sarai just isn’t a nice person. Actually she’s the devil. She pretends to be a pastor, but real pastors don’t make fun of and demean other people. Turtleboy does, but he doesn’t pretend to be doing Jesus’ work.
To make matters worse she apparently decided to take her victory and turn it into a racial issue. Ya got that? She went up against a Spanish speaking South American immigrant and found a way to turn this into a racial issue. Because that makes perfect sense!!
How’d she do that? Well Turtleboy Sports investigated her campaign financing last month. We discovered that she had multiple donations of $1,000 from people all over the state who owed money in civil court but were deemed unable to pay by judges. Think about that for a minute. You have people who owe THOUSANDS in outstanding court debts, who can’t pay these debts, yet they’re giving the maximum amount allowable to a campaign in a city that they live over an hour away from.
Any normal person looks at that and says, “that sounds pretty corrupt.” But we live in Massachusetts and the Attorney General isn’t gonna investigate that because her back is scratched by the machine, just like Sarai. And God knows the Telegram and Gazette would NEVER think about reporting on this huge scandal, because they only report what fits their agenda.
Here’s what she said about the REAL reason she was initially being investigated by the Republican City Committee:
Was there something more to this challenge?” Ms. Rivera asked, noting that the GOP took swipes at her campaign finance records but left Candy Mero-Carlson, a well-known local Democrat, alone.
“It’s interesting that the (Republican City Committee) didn’t go after the head of the (Democratic City Committee), but did go after the Latino woman (in District 4),” Ms. Rivera said.
Asked whether she felt the GOP’s alleged actions, which she said amounted to a “personal attack,” were racially motivated, Ms. Rivera replied that she believes the situation speaks for itself. She thanked her supporters, reiterating that she is about building bridges, not creating controversy.
Oh shut the fuck up already. This is the only card Sarai knows how to play when she’s caught red handed. She writes shit like this all the time:
Someone get this lady a kleenex. She is everything that is wrong with America. A whiny, cheating, corrupt poopsmooch who hides behind her race when people call her out on her overt bullshit. Then she threw this one in there for fun:
“This isn’t about pointing a finger or playing a race card,” she said.
Oh yea, no race card here!!! Just using race to explain why people are investigating my illegal campaign practices!! But that’s not the race card. You’re confused.
Here’s what we hope. We hope that her victory yesterday goes to her head. We hope that she thinks she can get elected outside of District 4 and runs for at-large or Mayor. Because she might run shit in Main South, but normal people in this city look at her and get chills just like Turtleboy does.
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19 Comment(s)
Hypocrite. Can’t spell things correctly herself. Evil divisive bullshit artist.
I would blow a load on her tonsils.
Who’s the pervert??? Besides, she’d bite your dick off, shove it down your sissy throat and then bitch slap you until you said, “thank you, ma’am”. She’s way tougher than your pussy ass will ever be, even in your wet dreams. Oh yeah, and Gaffney lost!
Having flashbacks Jeffy?
Hey Chan, did I mention, Gaffney LOST! Hahahahaha
A vile, detestable, person with an outrageous entitlement mentality. Oops, there goes my racism again.
Keep putting the spotlight on this fraud and all the other shakedown artists out there.
Funny thing is, she’s white. Hispanic is not a race. It’s a culture or ethnicity.
Dont tell her that. Shes become quite the victim of racism and oppression (other than winning her 3rd term as CC). She would be a great leader of this City if she could only get elected to a position of leadership but this city is sooooo racist….
She’s climbed as far as she’s probably going to.
She has her empire, and is smart enough to keep it, regardless of other faults.
Sarai is no match for Turtleboy. Thanks for informing us !
Informing you of what exactly? There was nothing of substance in this post.
Headline reads:
“Sarai Rivera Is So Classless She Mocked Her Hispanic Opponent And Called Her Racist After Winning”
But the post makes no mention of her calling Kostas a racist (either before or after the election), just that instead of calling her (like I fully admit she should have, don’t get me wrong) she made a mocking comment on someone’s Facebook post. So, TB, did you make it up a fictitious click-bate headline or did you forget to finish your blog before posting it?
This is actually a valid point.
Sarai is a douche, but no mention is made of any evidence she accused Kostas of racism. Though she herself is an awful, money-laundering liar, there is no evidence of that claim, to be sure.
Liking your style as of late. Cheers, mate.
Why is the T&G not investigating ? TB layed out facts and presented some compelling evidence.
Because it’s the Telegram and if it’s not lathering McGovern’s ass, they don’t run it.
Because you don’t know what evidence is.
How much does Turtleboy pay a month for the space he rents in your head 24/7? Haha… the jokes on you.