Social Justice Warriors

Shit For Brains Racist Films Regular Brown People Standing Around Shuttle Van At Charlton Rest Stop Because He Thinks They Are Illegal Immigrants, Handing Money Over For Fake Green Cards, In Broad Daylight

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I saw probably one of the most obnoxious videos I’ve ever seen online this morning and it was all apparently shot in our very of Charlton Mass!

A Bellingham fuck knuckle, named Rory Hamlet, was at a rest stop in Charlton Mass, when he saw something that deeply disturbed him – a bunch of brown folk standing around a van. I know, crazy right? One of them was even eating a donut.

Rory decided that he knew the entire story of these people just by looking at them so he pulled out his phone and started to record them with incredible commentary.

He then uploads it to the Facebook page “Stop Illegal Immigration” so other like-minded dingelberries can cheer him on.

“This is Charlton Rest Stop and the guy in the blue shirt looks like he’s handing out GREEN CARDS to a van full of illegal immigrants.” 

First, Rory starts off saying that it looks like a van full of immigrants.

What do immigrants look like these days? Do they have some kind of tell like when you’re playing poker? Do they have glowing red eyes? Can you contain them within a salt circle like demons? Just wondering.

Oh, wait, you can’t tell!  But in about fifteen seconds Queefbag Rory, with his lighting ICE speed, asks them all for their documents, verifies that they have broken in to our country, and he is man to stop them. You don’t see that because he’s clearly Border Patrol Batman… but moments later….

He is now 100% sure that these people, who look like they are hopping in a shuttle, are renegades from the law.

“We have a van full of illegal immigrants.”

Actually, dingleberry, it looks like a Logan Express vehicle., but that doesn’t matter, Rory keeps filming them like a stage-nine creep.

“This is the guy right here writing names down, collecting money and handing out undocumented documents.”

Rory has used his Border Patrol Batbinoculars to zoom in and see that this Don Juan Coyote in blue is making it rain green cards – in the middle of the day – in a crowded rest stop.  Seems legit.

Now, I’m going to bet my left fun bag that the head “Coyote” is actually a shuttle driver, collecting fare, and giving people receipts. Does that matter? No, because they are a bunch of brown people standing there they must be undocumented!

Now the Coyote sees that Rory is filming them, looks super confused and kind of weirded out, packs up the LUGGAGE (commonly used in shuttles and travel) and then closes the door.

“He just saw me video taping them and he is now loading them back in to the van to leave.”

“There’s a suitcase!”

Then the driver confronts Rory, probably because you would do the same thing if some weird dude was filming you while you were trying to work, and queefbag drops the phone. Rory begins to film again, saying the guy was giving him the finger, as they back away.

Alright, I’m just going to mention that this particular rest stop is right next to the state police barracks. Like, you could probably hit it with a rock if you had a decent arm. Not really a dark alley in Tijuana if you ask me.

These are just regular people and Rory is a racist asshole.

Most of the time, we make fun of SJWs for being whining pricks and being offended by everything. Rory is just that. He is just on the polar opposite spectrum for beliefs, and generalizes folks because of a color or creed, instead of lumping them in to class of those who have been offended. It’s the comparison between what Rory has done, and those who are perpetually offended, that are causing such a divide in this country. I have to believe that there are some rational human beings left in this world that are just sick of all of this shit.

In short: Rory is a racist. Don’t be like Rory.

I’d like to invite whoever the guy in blue is to message us to prove that he was just working – you know, because fairness.



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7 Comment(s)
  • Gavsmom2003@yahoo. Com
    May 15, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Dear Rory,

    They were being handed time card’s that they use to punch in and out of job’s that your lazy ass would not work. Fuck this guy. Not all Latinos are illegal

  • TB4L
    May 15, 2017 at 12:22 am

    I AM DYING… the fact That there’s two (maybe three?) versions of this same blog.(Both are epic) Thank you!!! That is all. Scroll on.

  • James
    May 15, 2017 at 12:09 am

    Undocumented documents. Lmao

  • Steven Stover
    May 15, 2017 at 12:08 am

    I think the guy taking the video and TB both got it wrong. It is a bunch of paid demonstrators coming from the City Council. The guy driving the van is a assistant to Mayor Joe “DaMoron” Perry.

  • Realist
    May 14, 2017 at 10:43 pm

    Look out TB, You have just alienated a sizable chunk of your readers! Don’t worry though, Most of them wont actually realize it.

    • True Reality Speaks
      Mirror Mirror
      May 16, 2017 at 7:21 am

      Kinda like how you lib tools don’t realize you’re just useful idiots, huh?

      And how exactly do you alienate someone if they don’t realize it? Lol – keep ’em coming, Polly.

  • Long Arm of the Law
    May 14, 2017 at 10:37 pm

    If any of the audio of the other people was captured, Rory just violated the state wiretapping statute.

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