Shiva Ayyudarai lost the Republican primary for US Senate to Kevin O’Connor by 53,000 votes. Wasn’t even remotely close. He got his ass beat. But instead of accepting the fact that he lost Shiva is whining about voter fraud, without a shred of evidence or proof to back up his claim. He said he wanted to come on the live show to talk about it, but then an hour before we were supposed to go live he said he couldn’t because his lawyers told him he had to wait and he couldn’t release the “evidence.”
He then asked me if I would be voting for O’Connor in November and I said yes because he’s the Republican candidate. In true butthurt fashion Shiva told me he wouldn’t come on my show unless I agreed to write him in as an independent in November because he’s a pussy. He also demanded I refer to the guy who beat him as “kock sucker.” I said sure just to appease him and he came on and it was probably the most insane interview I’ve ever done. Keep in mind while watching this that this guy got 40% of the vote to be a candidate for US Senate. I’d still endorse him again in Massachusetts because republicans can’t win here so you might as well nominate the lunatic. (Never miss an episode by subscribing to our YouTube channel here.)
Here’s some of my favorite parts.
UT: “What evidence do you have that there was voter fraud Tuesday?”
SA: “Wait a minute, just wait. You need to understand the context because if you’re gonna go to a reductionist model then I’m not gonna do this call.”
UT: “OK.”
SA: “Wait a minute, you’re talking to a guy who’s a scientist who studies this stuff, who studies statistics and mathematics.”
Shiva is very smart.
SA: This fucking guy (O’Connor), your cock fucker, cock sucker, was nowhere to be found. Appointed by Charlie Baker, gave money to Markey.
Shiva also has done some very scientific polling prior to the election.
SA: On the day of the campaign people told me Shiva you have this in a landslide. Multiple polling stations. Sixty-forty across the board? Uh-uh.
A guy who works for him told him he was gonna win in a landslide.
He lost.
Conclusion – voter fraud.
He also used the Bristol Blarney method too.
SA: “339 views on his Youtube videos. We have 1.2 million. And he gets 1.5 the votes that I do? Unheard of.”
YouTube views. 1.2 million people watched a video he made. Most don’t live in Massachusetts, but he had more YT votes therefore voter fraud.
We spent half the interview defining the word evidence, since he had none.
“What evidence do you have that voter fraud was committed?” –@RealUncleTB
“What do you consider evidence? Define evidence.” –@va_shiva
“Evidence – something! A witness?” –@RealUncleTB
“What’s your definition of evidence according to science?” –@va_shiva
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
And every time I brought up something that suggested that voter fraud didn’t occur he cried like a bitch, accused me of setting him up, and threatened to leave.
UT: You said to me yesterday that voter turnout would increase by 25%. Instead it was almost the exact same as 2018, about 250K votes were cast in the primary both times. And that to you is evidence you believe that ballots are missing. However, what you’re not taking into account is that in 2018, only 600K people voted in the democratic primary, whereas this time around 1.4 million people voted in the democratic primary.
SA: Aidan, you seem to already have a decision and you seem to want me to defend myself. So I’m not here to do this with you because you seem to be setting me up when I can’t share the evidence.
UT: I’m not setting you up.
SA: If you want me to give you my rational argument I’ll do that because I’m not gonna get set up.
Shiva was invited by the Mass GOP to debate Kevin O’Connor but refused to. I asked why. He refused to answer.
SA: If you wanna have a scientific discussion with a scientist then we can do that.
UT: Can I ask a question?
SA: No, we should have a framework for this discussion.
UT: All I wanna know is why you didn’t debate Kevin O’Connor.
SA: You know what? Discussion over. Because Mass GOP, this is what I knew you were gonna do.
UT: What? Ask questions?
SA: They didn’t give me a chance to debate in 2018. Go ask them why they wouldn’t let me debate. I’m not gonna debate a guy who’s not worthy of my debate.
UT: Not worthy? He beat you.
SA: It’s over. You don’t wanna have a real discussion.
UT: We are having a real discussion.
SA: You’re supporting Baker. You’re a Baker boy.
UT: We’re supposed to be having a conversation here.
SA: No we’re not. We’re supposed to talk about voter fraud and you’re talking about an argument put forward about the establishment because a guy is a cock sucker and didn’t have any viewers and was gonna use me to get viewership when the Mass GOP colluded with the Warren campaign to keep me off the debate stage. Until they apologize there’s no debate.
SA: You listen to me. I’m a person of integrity. I’m a person of principles. When they follow principals then we’ll talk about debates. You go turn your guns and ask them why they kicked you off the debate stage three times. Otherwise you have no authority to ask me. And if you wanna talk about that go call the Boston Globe and WBZ about why they kept a bonafide candidate off the stage.
TL;DR – he wasn’t invited to debate in 2018 because he was NOT the republican nominee then either, therefore he shouldn’t have to debate the republican nominee in 2020, and if you think he should then you’re a “Baker boy.”
Then he accused me of not covering the fact that he was kept out in 2018.
UT: You haven’t answered the question.
SA: I don’t have to answer the question. Who are you? I’m on equal footing with you. I do journalism myself.
UT: Joe Kennedy debated Ed Markey like 10 times.
SA: When they can put me on the debate stage, there were three debates they kept me off, I didn’t see you bring this up, did you?
UT: I actually did.
SA: No you didn’t.
UT: To the archives.
Here is a quote from a 2018 blog I wrote criticizing Geoff Diehl and arguing why Shiva should be able to debate.
He legitimately said that O’Connor was not his opponent.
“And these scumbags want me to debate a cocksucker – that’s what he [@KOCforSenate] is.” –@va_shiva
“He’s your opponent though. You can call him whatever you want – he’s your opponent.” –@RealUncleTB
“He’s not my opponent.” –@va_shiva
“He’s not your opponent?” –@RealUncleTB
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
“He’s not my opponent.” –@va_shiva
“Then what is he [@KOCforSenate]?” –@RealUncleTB
“He’s just a cocksucker. He got on there because @MassGovernor appointed him. – your supposed enemy.” –@va_shiva
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
Except he was, and he beat Shiva pretty handily. But he totally would’ve destroyed him if he wanted to.
SA: I would’ve destroyed this guy on the debate stage.
UT: You didn’t debate him.
SA: We’re not gonna give him access to my viewership, that’s what he wanted because he has no viewers.
UT: He doesn’t need your viewers, he won easily.
SA: People wanna associate themselves with the aura.
UT: You turned down a debate with him, that’s the bottom line.
SA: This looks like it’s a set up. I think that’s what you did because you needed me to get some viewership. And I’m hearing that all the comments are negative.
I was totally gonna kick that guy’s ass the other day for looking at me the wrong way, but I didn’t wanna injure my blogging hand on his face.
More bullshit.
SA: If you wanna talk about election fraud we will. Do you wanna talk about election fraud?
UT: Sure.
SA: If you wanna talk about him go get him and you can have all your people go talk to him if you think he’s a good guy.
UT: I’ll have anybody on.
SA: You know what Aidan? I’m not a monkey to be played with.
SA: I’m not gonna be disrespected. You told me this was gonna be about election fraud.
UT: This is about election fraud.
SA: No it isn’t.
UT: We’re talking about this election. You’re officially down 53,000 votes and you’re saying 100,000 votes are missing, where are they?
SA: What do you wanna talk about Aidan? Do you wanna have an open conversation about what we talked about in our campaign, or do you wanna just look good in front of your audience? Do you want eyeballs? Because that’s what it looks like you want.
UT: I wanna have a conversation about election fraud.
SA: So how do you wanna have that conversation?
“So you’re alleging that a 100,000 votes are missing, where are they?” –@RealUncleTB
“That’s not the right question.” –@va_shiva
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
SA: This is not a conversation, you’re not interrogating me. I’m not gonna do that.
UT: I’m asking you questions.
SA: You’re asking where are the 100,000?
UT: You’re alleging voter fraud. It’s a pretty serious accusation.
SA: It’s pretty serious idiocity if you’re saying it didn’t occur and questioning the legitimacy of my conclusions. Either we’re gonna stop this or we’re gonna have a framework for a conversation.
UT: Sounds like you’re not letting me ask questions.
SA: It’s a 2 way conversation, it’s not your show, it’s our show. I don’t need eyeballs I have my own.
UT: You have an echo chamber.
SA: That’s insulting, this discussion is over. You have an echo chamber shitting on me in the comments. Don’t talk to me about an echo chamber that’s fucking insulting. Michelle is anyone shitting on him.
UT: But…
SA: Shut the fuck up. You shut the fuck up and listen.
UT: 156,000 people voted for him, he had visibility.
SA: Oh really? You’re assuming there was no voter fraud.
UT: You’ve yet to explain how there was voter fraud.
SA: I told you my lawyers are filing a suit I’ll bring this all forward next week.
UT: You said yesterday you had evidence.
SA: I said we’re getting evidence but evidence is unambiguous predictions. You’re living in an echo chamber, why don’t you come on the ground with me tomorrow?
UT: I voted for you Shiva, but every single Republican I talked to voted for Kevin O’Connor.
SA: That’s not what I heard.
UT: I have pictures of ballots.
UT: The definition of evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
SA: You don’t have engineering degrees, you don’t have science.
SA: What is the definition of visibility?
UT: You tell me.
SA: It’s like the number one thing in election theory. You’re telling me what evidence is when you don’t know what visibility is.
UT: You wouldn’t debate him. Why wouldn’t you debate him?
SA: Why don’t you go suck his cock?
UT: Maybe that’s why you lost.
SA: Maybe why we lost is people like you who claim like they’re against Baker are here arguing against a guy who ran a real campaign against the Mass GOP against a guy who had no visibility. You seem to be having a good time masturbating with yourself.
“You’re making a pretty strong claim-“ –@RealUncleTB
“No no no no no. Define evidence. You’re talking to a scientist, define evidence.” –@va_shiva
“Something that can back up your claim.” –@RealUncleTB
“Define evidence.” –@va_shiva
“I just did?” –@RealUncleTB
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
“We’re supposed to talk about voter fraud and you’re talking about an argument put forward by the establishment because the guy [@KOCforSenate] is a cocksucker, and didn’t have any viewers, and he was gonna use me to get his viewership, when the @massgop colluded…” –@va_shiva
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
“with the @ewarren campaign to keep me off the debate stage. Until they apologize there’s no debate and that’s what I said.” –@va_shiva
*Shiva and @RealUncleTB try to talk over one another*
“You listen to me – I’m a person of integrity, I’m a person of principles…” –@va_shiva
— Turtleboy Quotes (@TurtleboyQuotes) September 4, 2020
Shiva the diva.
Like I said, I’d still vote for him. He’s completely full of shit and he knows his base is filled with idiots who will blindly believe that this election was stolen from him. But at least it’s entertaining. I will say that he’s a huge pussy and much like Joe Biden he’s clearly afraid to debate because he knows he’d look ridiculous. He just wants to seem like there’s a conspiracy to keep him out because if he’s not the victim then he has nothing to complain about.
40 Comment(s)
I may have missed it but when accused of sucking cock UTB didn’t deny it….
You say cocksucker like it’s a bad thing?
Shiva, the Hindi God of conspiracy theories and Paranoia…..What’s that old quote” I coulda been a contendah”
Wow, this is really sad and pathetic. I used to have some respect for him as an underdog that wasn’t afraid to go after shitty politicians in the last few years.
Disappointed you didn’t ask:
1. If he stopped beating up girlfriends
2. What Fran Dreschers pussy smelled like.
3. What office he will Fake run for next year
4. If he could help you with an email problem
I’d like to know what are the alleged 7 companies he created and whether or not they are still in existence. And where the 100’s of people he allegedly hired are today
I invented enail
Casual Observations:
1) He’s relatively well spoken, which aids in his deceptive techniques
2) Unlike most scientists, he NEVER answers a question straight, he ALWAYS goes off on a tangent. Actually he speaks in circles.
3) If he ONLY got his Ph.D from MIT, I would have surmised that he talked his way in. But he got his undergrad there, which means he’s smart and hardworking. I’m fucking puzzled.
4) He was or wasn’t married to Fran Drescher. It’s really fucked up. Originally they got ‘married’, but then they called it a ‘celebration of their friendship’. Which is total bullshit man.
5) An outcome that falls outside any range of predicted error is not “proof” of fucking anything. It means whoever built your models sucks a dick.
There are 3 things that confuse me here.
1st, Shiva can only give out certain information because (according to him) it’s a court case according to him and within a week.
2nd, You said 2 articles back that you are registered as independent (which is not where I’m going here). Todays article when read seems contradictory pertaining to the very last paragraph where you wrote that you would still vote for Shiva.
3rd-The question I have is why you would still vote for Shiva after this fiasco of an interview?!?!?……
Sweet Jeebus, WTF has this window licker been smoking and where can the rest of us get some (asking for a friend)? The dude hasn’t been driving the freaking crazy train, he ran it off the track into the wacky river. Is his degree from MIT legit? If he’s what they’re turning out with PhD.s somebody’s lowered their standards considerably. Note to Shiva, put on your foil hat and go wait by the curb for the short bus, it’s on the way and the windex is strawberry flavored this season you’ll be all better soon. There’s a good lunatic.
I voted for Shiva purely for entertainment value. I was thinking to myself “I know he had absolutely zero chance of winning in the general election. However, I think he’s batshit crazy and it would be entertaining as hell to watch him get on a stage with Markey and call him a cocksucker.”
Funny thing is though after watching this interview, I’ve come to the mindset that he’d never get on a stage with anyone in a formal debate. I think he’d always find some bullshit reason layered in doublespeak and idiotbabble to justify not participating.
One thing Shiva’s candidacy did reinforce for me though is how utterly useless the Republican Party has become in Massachusetts. It is filled with nutbags and conspiracy theorists, like Shiva and Diana Ploss, or democrats like Charlie Parker. With these people being the face of the “Republicans” in Massachusetts this state is going to be a single-party state until the end of the Union.
Next time I’m voting for whomever Maude endorses.
woman woke up to a man with a machete sexually assaulting in her in an apartment in Manchester, New Hampshire Friday morning, police said. The suspect, 24-year-old Jose Polanco Diaz, has been arrested.
Notice the major news didnt say the victim was a white women.
Black and brown violent crime against whites is at epidemuc levels and we have to plsy the blm game
The single most confusing interview I’ve ever seen. I don’t think shiva answered a question. It’s one thing to make an accusation but why be rude about it?
50 Points for calling someone a ‘cocksucker’ though.
Handy word. Should be used more often.
I don’t care, I want him as nominee for Governor against the butch AG when that happens next.
I would eat Monica’s black overcooked vagina before I sucked Shiva’s curry knob. Rian Waters can peg me too while Amanda Sawyer rides my back like a squealing pig. Hell, I’d even let Maude The Fraud and Didi Delgado squirt in my mouth, all at the same time!
I have a PHD from MIT = I’m the smartest Guy in the room, you fucking Deplorable
Many Ds I know voted absentee for Joe III. Talking about him being the first Kennedy to lose in MA. Every local D pol backed Markey. In this state, most civil servants and pol workers are Dems. Joe III conceded and was stupid to give up to his Congressional seat, which will likely go to a little weasel who wants to repeal the 2A and supports a pro-Roe Constitutional Amendment.
Either way, this is why early voting is no good.
Untrue. Ted Kennedy lost Massachusetts auditor to an absolute fool named ted busco, later became another asshole for a judge in Essex probate and family court.
Are you sure it was the same Ted Kennedy? MA had a state treasurer named John F. Kennedy, elected the same day as the President in 1960, and not related to the royal family. How many John Smiths are out there?
Indian men are used to having their asses kissed from birth.
Dr. Shiva lost because he lacked a simple and coherent message. I chose KOC for his “Back the Blue” /“Term Limits” message. Sure, he lacks charm, but Markey’s no JFK Jr. either.
Also, I wasn’t bothered by his white male hardo commercials. I’m tired of the intersectional pandering and just want someone who will do the F’ing job.
I can see Unc reverse cowgirl riding Shivas brown curry log in the basement yelling at Julie not to come down. Shiva has some type of Indian tantric powered drug he added to Unc’s pile of adderall making the hours seem like minutes.
Shiva turned out to be AOC on the conservative side that lost his prescription of of Thorazine and Haldole. Wow, talk about Shiva the destroyer of campaign worlds. But I have to admit, It would of been great to see him, call Schumer a cock sucker on the senate floor!
Massachusetts global warming at its finest. This states politics are truly murkey, at very best. Shiva may be a good candidate but lost all credibility after this interview by using sketchy inflammatory language about opponents. K.O.C. is still a sham candidate. MA politics…..we wonder why Markey Malarkey and Pocahauntas Warren represent us !!! By the way, only 66% (6 out of 9) congressional Republican candidates in the primary??? You need candidates to have a chance at winning !!
Bringing up your credentialing once diminishes your argument. Bringing it up twice, you’re officially full of shit and have lost me.
Too bad. I thought this guy might’ve been OK.
Indie! Give me the whip!
Listen to Dr. Shiva…he has something to say. Can you let him get a word in edge-wise?.. let him say something? Why won’t you stick to the subject? Can he say something? Is it impossible to speak in this interview? He has something to say! Stop interrupting! Let the man speak! He has great ideas and you won’t let him talk about it! Stop with the silly questions! Your agenda is clear and you won’t let the man speak to the subject! Questions? What do you mean questions? This interview isn’t about questions!
MIT cant be too happy about his insane ramblings and profanity.
Not a great look.
A campaign where the focal point is repeatedly stated.
Lots of cocksucking.He got my vote.
What a complete and total embarrassment this arrogant, narcissistic sociopath is….so much diarrhea flows from his mouth almost every time he speaks!! YOU LOST SHIVA DIVA…get over it and stop publicly whining and stomping your feet like a spoiled little brat! The ONLY thing you beat KOC on was the billboard size of many of your campaign signs! I’ve never seen such a childish temper tantrum. You have showed your true colors and that alone ensures you will NEVER win a Senate seat. Jesus…go take an Anger Management class so you can learn to control your mouth… …
Well, did you?
Suck the cock?
I dont think you denied it?
Im really not kate peter. Im not that hideous.
Just saying, if you are a cocksucker, well I’m available.
Call me
Sucking cock that’s my job!
#2 You sound very unstable.
What you do with your father should remain a family secret.
Although, who am I to talk, I smell like #2!
Just watched whole interview.All of a sudden I do not look
so cray-cray.
What a cunt!
I apologize for any comments that may have triggered Dr. Bombay.