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Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog about the recent sale of the Worcester Courthouse, and the battle between organized labor and the city as to who will be hired to turn the Courthouse into apartments. None of our normal contributors had an interest in this story but we kept getting messages about it. So we just had this guy, who has written for us before, write a guest blog about it because it appears to be a story of interest. It’s in response to Dianne Williamson’s column in the Telegram today, and I have no idea what he’s talking about. Maybe you do.
Oh Dianne… We were so good together too. Ever since your shoutout to Turtleboy when he was rising to fame you’ve been a favorite in the TBS community. I imagine you’re a turtle rider yourself. We are obviously very supportive of the WPD, we look past your ongoing battle with them, and to tell you the truth it’s kind of cute. It’s almost like when your girlfriend gets angry at someone else for the first time and you see that side of them. It’s either the most frightening experience in your life and you’re just thrilled it’s not on you or its kind of a turn on. You were almost the originator of hot takes here in Worcester, you were kind of edgy and agressive with your words. However this take here makes Carlo “never miss Matlock” Baldino look down right tropical.
We here at TBS are supportive of working people, people of Worcester, people who pay taxes and buy things. Today Dianne you attacked those people with lies and got on your stump because you know 2 things:
1) Most people have literally zero clue about the cities dealings and what the city council honestly does. It’s not their fault, it’s how our society is right now that most people are so burnt out by bad politicians that they truthfully don’t care anymore because they believe nothing will change.
2) You knew you could exploit #1 to grab some page views.
See this is what we here at TBS are accused of constantly. Except this time you actually did it. We’re accused of writing articles that people claim are racist etc. When in reality we just fire off hot takes like a 450lb man in a Porta potty at the Big E.
Dianne today in your column you attacked the city council and local labor and undoubtedly had every lunatic commenter that posts on the T&G praising your glory. A Klan meeting is more diverse than the commenters on the T&G website. If I ever meet Traveller (yes he spelt it wrong) or Independent Thinker I’d rather be stuck in Buffalo the rest of my life than spend 20 minutes talking to either.
The city council held up a deal with a contractor who is buying the old courthouse. My job requires me to enter into a lot of the buildings downtown, if we were butthurt over ever vacant building downtown we wouldn’t ever sit down again. The courthouse is in need of drastic repair. I agree. We should do everything in our power to get it off our hands. I agree. However at what point do we not sell our souls to make it happen.
The builder Brady Sullivan from New Hampshire is buying the building at 1.2 million. Great! They’re not seeking any public funding? Even better! Wait what?! Now I’m confused because your own paper wrote the day before they were seeking historic tax credits.
“You know full well that labor-friendly deals do nothing but jack up costs and restrict competition.”
Jack up costs? Is that T&G Commenter speak for paying a living wage?
Restrict competition? Wait since when is a union one company? Last time I checked there’s plenty of companies in the city that use union labor.
This may get boring but I’m going to be as quick and painless as possible. If Brady Sullivan is going to use laborers from out of the area why should the citizens of Worcester eat another historic tax credit if they don’t stand to benefit? You see, when local people do the job, where do they spend the money? Give you a hint it isn’t New Hampshire unless Blinks frydoe (yes it’s spelt that way) is having a 2 for 1 sale on Hampton Beach.
See this Dianne stimulates a little thing called the “economy” here in Worcester. They have an “economy” in New Hampshire too but our goal as a city is to benefit ours, not theirs. So let’s just say they don’t even use union labor but they source everyone or a lot of people locally, great! Money back into the Worcester economy not in New Hampshire’s. Let’s just say they use union labor though for shits and giggles, which “jacks up costs.” So now there’s more money to be spent. Where do you think those local union folk are going to spend their hard earned dollars barring a godless heathen like act of Blinks frydoe offering a 3 for 1 special. Yep you guessed it. WORCESTER.
So Dianne here’s the deal if they want historic tax credits, they have to benefit the city’s people, not their hillbilly jackamaroles from New Hampshire. If they don’t want credits that’s fine. But if the city bends over for every developer without benefitting their own you know what we’re left with? A bunch of new apartments and no one who can afford them.
In the words of the great Marlo Stanfield
Understand this isn’t about left vs right, conservative vs liberal, Democrat vs republican. This is about the residents of Worcester if we plan on supplementing a contractor from New Hampshire we should make sure it benefits the people paying for it.
So you just attacked the city council for protecting the citizens of Worcester’s economy and best interest. Congratulations Independent Thinker will be thrilled with you.
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12 Comment(s)
As some have said, it’s Federal tax credits, so that’s not Worcester’s concern.
My concern is whether or not they will be using unregistered laborers if they bring in their own construction crew. That has been stressed by other posters, and no one is going to tell me that it doesn’t happen. I’m less concerned about it being Worcester labor and more concerned that those State and Federal Income, FICA, and disability taxes are not getting paid since it’s all under the table.
Even if it’s organized NH labor, Massachusetts still gets it’s cut and thus Worcester indirectly. Get that dump developed and make it a tax generating entity for the city going forward.
rp is all butt-hurt because his Union driven handouts are being questioned…..he said the ‘annuity is paid’….that’s the problem, JACKASS.
the construction world isnt like working for google or Raytheon or anything else…there is no one looking out for u..ive been on both sides, union and non..they’re all scam artists..difference w the union is that paycheck is there every week..the annuity is paid, the pension is in place..joe the plumber isnt getting a comfy retirement package at a non union company, bc they don’t have to offer it..so u make your $ now and better be Donald fucking trump if u wanna die in Florida
all these people that for years have bitched about the lack of jobs in Worcester are the same ones who all of a sudden are experts in the construction industry and furthermore unions because they seen the movie Hoffa..eat shit jerk offs
ya hes got his guys in place..the same ones who didnt carry workers compensation insurance , or the illegals that were busted on his jobs. and the subs who were collecting prevailing wage and not paying it to the employees AS MANDATED BY LAW…
cant we be happy they bought just building before rotted to the ground, they own it now, they and can fix it how they like and pay who they like
Worcester being Worcester – always sabotaging what good fortune it can get.
Scott03038 is completely correct. This blogger is a moron. Union thugs will only jack up the cost of the project, which will in turn jack up the cost of each unit. The credits are indeed Federally mandated and therefor, have zero to do with the city.
Thanks for the warning prior to this piece by TB….don’t let this blogger work for you again. Odds are, he’s friends with Baldino and the other hippie protesters!!
This blogger is a moron. Historic tax credits come from the Federal Government, not the city of Worcester. Brady Sullivan has it’s work force in place that is why they bid on the courthouse, because they can use the people they already have working for them to do the job. If they are forced to use local people, union or non-union, the cost to fix up that dump that is the courthouse does not make financial sense and that crap hole will continue to be a crap hole and a financial burden to the city.
So this company is willing to take a derelict building off the city’s hands for over a million, renovate it adding to the property values in the neighborhood, and all they want is to not be extorted in paying their help?
Pretty sure the bloggers saying the Citizens of Worcester should at bare minimum expect local labor to be used even if it’s not union
Pretty sure the bloggers saying the Citizens of Worcester should at bare minimum expect local labor to be used even if it’s not union if they’re going to pay to supplement historic tax credits