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Every time we write a blog about boys beating up on girls in field hockey we get flooded with dumb comments about how it’s NOT unfair for boys to beat up on girls because it’s a coed sport and girls can beat boys if they try harder. I know, I know, it’s so stupid for so many obvious reasons. The all girls schools they play against occasionally are obviously not on an equal playing field since they have no boys to choose from in their student population. Plus, boys are bigger, stronger, and faster than girls, which is why we separate the genders to begin with. The fact that some girls are better than some boys is a lazy and dumb argument and my four year old can see how illogical that is. But for this blog I’m going to play a little devil’s advocate and try to make the argument that this was a good thing.
We’ve written about Somerset-Berkley field hockey before because they have two boys on the team, including the coach’s son. Earlier this year the coach’s son Lucas Crook scored 4 goals in a 5-1 win over previously one loss Dartmouth. This is great because clearly Lucas just works harder than the girls on the other team. The fact that he has testosterone and the ability to run faster and hit the ball harder has nothing to do with outcomes on the field. Plus, if the other team weren’t so lazy they’d just get better than him, because that’s how biology works.
As you can see from this picture, having boys on the team does NOT give SBR any advantages over schools where boys have dumb things like “pride” and don’t play this “coed” sport.
SBR beat perennial power Walpole in the south shore final, and the winning goal was scored by one of the girls, proving that girls are just as good as boys at field hockey.
Oh wait, actually the coach’s son scored what ended up being the game winning goal.
Lucas Crook gives SB 2-0 lead over Walpole 9:53 2h. D1 South final. @sb_raiders pic.twitter.com/E705gjGst9
— Greg Sullivan (@GregSullivanHN) November 10, 2018
But maybe if the goaltender on Walpole wasn’t so lazy she could’ve trained harder and stopped the shot.
Here’s what the coach’s son had to say about the reason SBR won:
“I just felt we were the more conditioned team,” said Lucas Crook, who assisted on the third goal after beating two defenders along the right baseline and crossing.
Definitely kid. You beat the girls because you’re better conditioned. Your gender is a social construct and does not give you an unfair advantage.
The coach agrees:
“We like to run,” said SBR coach Jen Crook, who has long emphasized distance running as part of her practices. “Maybe our condition, I don’t know. I think once we got that first goal, they really started to turn up their fire. And they wanted it more.”
The fact that boys can hit the ball harder than girls is because of conditioning. Duh.
The other boy, who is also a junior (same time next year) agrees:
Junior Alex Millar said the strong finishes are about attitude as well as about conditioning.
“In the last 15 minutes, we know that we have to keep the pace up,” he said. “When we want to score, we are able to put the goals in. But we have to put in the work and effort. And sometimes we get caught up in the first half of just settling and not running to the ball. So in the last 15 minutes, we tend to run to the ball more. And that’s why we’re able to win the last 15 minutes of every game.”
The men’s winners at the Boston Marathon always runner a faster final mile than the women’s winners because they condition better. Biology has nothing to do with it. Agreed.
Then yesterday in the state semifinal against Masconomet Regional boy #2 scored 2 goals in SBR’s 3-0 win. And as you can see from this video of his second goal, he does NOT have unfair physical advantages due to the fact that he is male.
Alex Millar rockets home his second goal in 3-0 state semifinal D1 field hockey win over Masconomet. @sb_raiders @SBRHSBoosters pic.twitter.com/pYrOzg7jhz
— Greg Sullivan (@GregSullivanHN) November 14, 2018
Maybe if the Masco girls hit the weights instead of eating pie at the Topsfield Fair, then they’d be able to hit like that too. Any high school girl could hit a rocket like that if they worked hard enough.
Here’s what the Herald News said about her performance:
Millar scored both of his goals on powerful reverse sticks. His first made it 2-0 3:06 before halftime and his second, a strong shot deflecting off a Masconomet stick and just under the crossbar, came with 58.3 seconds left in the game. A defender, Millar was a force from start to finish, stopping attacks, stickhandling through the Masco’s defense and rifling shots and making smart passes.
I see nothing wrong with that. Any girl could do those things if they ate more hard boiled eggs.
The coach for Masco was asked for comment after the game about how she felt about losing to a team with two boys, who scored two goals in a 3-0 game.
Bridgeo politetly responded “No comment” when asked about SBR’s two boys. A few minutes later she did say that compared to the girls, Crook and Millar are “clearly stronger and faster.”
Well gee whiz coach, maybe if your girls started juicing and actually showed they were dedicated to winning they’d be in the state final. You want some cheese with that whine?
I see nothing wrong with this. Walpole and Masco should start recruiting boys to play too, since this is a coed sport. As a matter of fact they should get way more than two boys to join, since that’s perfectly legal. I see nothing wrong with a sport where the players where skirts getting flooded with boys. I think it’s great progress for girls, and totally NOT sexist.
A lot of people will say that these boys are beta males for choosing to play a sport that is 99.9% female, instead of competing in a sport where they’ll have to face other boys. Those people would be wrong because we had a boy on our field hockey team in 1998 and didn’t win the whole thing, therefore my anecdote proves that having boys on your team does NOT give you an advantage. Sure, he was fat and slow and just liked to cross dress, but it still proves my point – there is no difference between men and women.
Oh, and one of the boys evidently broke a girl’s thumb on Walpole, but that has nothing to do with biological differences. If I were a student at SBR this is DEFINITELY something I’d cheer about and taunt players from the other team on Twitter.
A woman can break another woman’s thumb too. Checkmate.
Now watch these boys raise that state title trophy against Nashoba this weekend. That’s something worth celebrating.
While we’re at it we should get rid of boys and girls basketball teams, and just have one team for each school. Whoever the best players are make the team, and since there are no biological differences between boys and girls I expect a 50/50 mix of the genders. This is something that makes TONS of sense, and I’m glad I finally see the light.
Anyway, they MIAA CANNOT fix this non-issue by making a simple rule that field hockey is a girl’s sport. It’s not like they do that with things like softball. The MIAA is totally NOT hypocritical for refusing to award the girl from Lunenburg who beat all the boys in golf because her school doesn’t have a girl’s team. And the fact that the NCAA does not allow boys to play field hockey because of “biology” doesn’t matter either, because they just hate equality. The end.
35 Comment(s)
In a few years time field hockey will become a boys sport as more boys join and more girls get beat up and quit, or never try out. Super plan idiots!
How about mixed ice hockey next? Eddie Shore, old time hockey, eh?
I thought this shit was isolated to the Portuguese territory of Faw Rivah but now it’s on the North Shore? Jesus.
Any boy, whether its a tranny or not, that plays a girls sport with other girls should be bullied to the point that they have to quit school and be homeschooled by one of their social justice warrior parents. Enough is enough with this bullshit. We let this continue on much longer and a pre requisite for all boys going through puberty will be trying on dresses and getting on their knees and taking cocks in their mouths.
Slash the fuck out of both these sjw pussies. Take the ejection for the team. No way I shake hands after that game. No way
I don’t think that I have ever heard anyone use the argument, “that the girls should get better.” or “the girls should just train harder”. I think that having boys on girls field hockey teams is good, because for years Title IX has fucked over male sports. It’s about time that it fucked over female sports too.
Then if you want to win every time, just put all boys on your team. Just like there’s no rule against having boys on the team, there’s probably not a rule saying you can’t have all boys on a field hockey team. Then make soccer co-ed, and then the teams will become all boys because that’s what you do if you want to win.
This is only an issue because liberals are such incredible faggots that football is going to be extinct soon anyway, so why not have just candy-ass sports where boys beat up on girls? That’s what it’s like fighting a suburban white liberal anyway.
Then the Republicans will play football against the blacks, and the liberal boys can cheer for their urban counterparts, and the Republicans will get the girl cheerleaders. Then the blacks will quit football because homos would be cheering for them, and Republicans will own football and exclude boys from being cheerleaders, and everything will be back to normal.
North Brookfield Field Hockey has several boys also, one of which should be playing Tight End on a football team. He was clubbed in the back of his noggin this season! It tamed him the remainder of the game!
Yeah but they also had to use goats and chickens to fill out their team rosters after the Great Cowpox outbreak of 2016 so they get a pass.
So then, women and girls are just too lazy to get in good condition? Well clearly, no one should bother treating them as equals if they’re such shiftless slackers.
Obviously they are not truly equal. Just treat them as such to keep them happy.
Put a little more “hockey” in field hockey and get a girl to go out there and slash these guys in the knees Tonya Harding style and see how that plays out.
Fuck these 2 kids, are they too pussy to play a male varsity sport? Those boys would get fucked up by some dudes from the opposing school back in my day.
Do they get to use the same showers and locker rooms.
Once I get my cock out of your mother’s ass, I’m going to send the dumb cunt to the city clerk’s office to get the spelling of your name corrected to “Xavier”. Now get me a beer before you get slapped.
If Lucas Crook has a girlfriend, I’m going to fuck her and make him watch.
They’re only on the team because they like the way the bus smells on the ride home.
It will be interesting to see if these two young men end up on the same cycle as their teammates since they spend so much time together.
DING! Comment of the week ^
These guys are to field hockey as Andy Kaufman was to pro wrestling. Hopefully they’ll break character soon and let everyone in on it so the girls can go back to playing their sport.
The coach/parent and the two boys would, in an honest world, be ashamed of themselves.
America is letting the gay thing go way too far. Soon we’ll have to import foreign guys to fuck women if we want to survive.
Those guys would be a fucking force in tennis competing in women’s doubles! It’s common knowledge that Serena Williams would struggle against any decent male college D1 player. These are exciting times!
Seems easy enough to counter. Like (real) hockey get an “enforcer”. Another kid on the oposing team who shadows Mr. Tough Guy, dispensing pain liberally. Mr. Sissy will cave like a cheap tent…
Hey, we’ll do it. We don’t even have to wear skates and we can make sissies bleed as usual.
mmmbop every time i do whop…. dadadada…. every time I doooo
Believe they were referring to the Hanson Brothers that were in some hockey movie…
LOL Been a while since I watched the movie.
I bet the girly American boys are good at cooking dinner for their slightly less girly husbands too. Very soon we will just walk into America and beat up your little sissy boys and take your weapons, oil and steel, and you all will just sit there and cry. Perhaps we will give you flowers for your broken hearts when we take your feminine country without effort and raise the Russian flag over your White House. Your women must be lusting for real men. Surrender now so they can be happy.
Well Lieutenant Grigor the Russian, when you invade the US you get the women with the spoils of war. We give you Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Michelle “the bulge” Obama. Enjoy…
Well…they wanted equal rights AMIRITE?
“AMIRITE”. That’s something a black woman like Didi Delgado would say, and we all know that she’s not equal to white people since she can’t survive without them throwing coins at her and her future hooker daughter.
Heh heh heh…
“Randall Guy” gets 3 upvotes, the Didi comment gets 3 downvotes.
Your fat black ass is showing, cheesehog.
I’m in high school and a three sport athlete.
I really hope this guy gets pussy through this. This is complete bullshit and unfair to the opponents. I really hope MIAA does something for this
Me too. I am rooting for this guy to be able to explore all that sweet puddy on the team 🙂