So we’re gonna do one more caption contest for a $10 gift card to Smokestack Urban Barbecue. Because it’s just delicious like that. We used one of our favorite Turtleboy pictures of all time:
It’s just so perfect. The look of pride on Joe Petty’s face as he proudly opens a chain fried chicken joint in Webster Square is the most Joe Petty thing we’ve ever seen. Then you’ve got the look on that poor woman’s face as she’s forced to sit through this meaningless photo op with an empty suit who doesn’t give a shit about her. It speaks a thousand words.
Anyway, here’s the winner:
It’s funny because it’s true. Not gonna lie, it was really hard picking a winner this week. Ultimately we gave it to Ernest Q, because his commentary on the Facebook machine is consistent and hilarious. But these ones were also good:
This week’s picture for the Smokestack Urban Barbecue caption contest gift card giveaway comes from a hilarious situation that was spotted at the Brockton Fair:
It’s almost too easy. Can’t wait to see some of the captions. Remember that if you comment on the blog itself you must use a real email address or we will have no way to contact you.
27 Comment(s)
Cesspool Fucktards
When he’s daddy, but also daddy.
Wait a minute… if I’m here – where’s the baby?
Thank God! Mister drive-a-hoe is back in business. so many had to suffer through walking during his absence.
Ya’ll eating my baby back ribs, honky. Push me over to that Smokestack place…..now!!!
Being traded from the Pat’s to the Raiders has taken a serious toll on Richard Seymour over the years
Buy one stroller, get one slave free.
Sugar Baby be Rollin’ at da Fair
Well, they did say “A Winner every time”.
This whole reparation thing is getting out of hand…
Obama chair!
“The park Bitterman. Drive through the park. You know how I love the park!”
That awkward moment when you realize the power chair you stole from the clinic is actually a stroller.
Larry defiantly ignored the stares…took another drag of his glaucoma medication…and continued his advocacy for mixed race adoption.
The ad said kids 5 and under ride all night for free. Why won’t they believe us? Get me a big lollipop alread!!
“If you liked ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ you’re gonna love ‘Wife in a carriage, Happy marriage’!”
“Oh look, cigarette smoking pregnant woman from Brockton Fair ’15 finally gave birth”
“She identifies as two years old”
I’m just a dude, pushing a dude who’s disguised as another dude!
Minutes before the apparent Murder-Suicide, neighbors say, “But Johnny seemed so happy with Laquisha!”
Wait…they have Curro’s??? Roll me over there!
Baby Momma!
Tracy Morgan arrives to the set for the remake of Tootsie: the Hooker Years.
Baby I told you, I can’t walk tonight because I’m on “disability” remember. I need my check, and you need your cigarettes, so play along and push the damn baby stroller.
Caption Contest.
Damn, I had a better ride when I was on the set of Orange is the New Black!
when people say their kid is 480 months old