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Snow Makes Worcester Bums Even Bigger Dooshnozzles

worcester panhandling law
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So on my way into downtown for Turtleboy Tuesday’s on 100.1 FM The Pike, I had to get off at Kelley Square. And of course at 7:45 in the morning this muff was standing there with a sign:


There are two kinds of these bozos – the one’s who stand there and try to look sad, and the ones who act like dooshnozzles. He was the latter. As if driving around in all this shit doesn’t make your head wanna explode enough as it is. Now you have to deal with dipshits like this whose normal begging spots are filled with 20 feet of snow, so of course they resort to standing in front of your car.

Nudnik Mcgee here doesn’t just wait for you either. When you’re stuck at the light he parades up and down knocking on windows. That’s where I draw the line. Don’t touch my car asshole. So I yelled back at him to get the hell away from me, which led to him yelling something back at me. Because God knows it’s his right to stand in traffic and solicit drug money from decent, honest people on their way to and from work.

The best part is this guy, who is obviously about to turn his life around as soon as the Hotel Vernon closes, yells at me, “You’ll see what it’s like someday.”

Newsflash – no I won’t. Because I live in America. And if you can’t make money in America then you’re a fucking idiot. I mean, there’s a million different ways you can get money. Like getting a job. That might work.

But guys like this are out here because we let them. And when I say “we” I mean of course the ACLU. The American Civil Liberties Union sounds like such a good thing on paper, and in theory they are good. Civil liberties are really important after all. But the ACLU time and time again has made it abundantly clear that unless you’re a criminal or a crackhead they don’t give a shit about you.

The bottom line is if you give money to these people then you’re worse than they are. They do this because they can make hundreds of dollars a day because idiots feel bad for them and give them money. The people who do this are the same people driving 11 mph in their Prius. They exist to annoy normal people. They feel good about themselves because they think they gave money to the poor. Meanwhile they just funded Diego’s growing heroine empire and gave these slug rakes a reason to come back tomorrow.

P.S. I like this idea the best:

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 9.54.17 AM

I agree. Or at least they should have to stand in the snow instead of walking around knocking on my window. Back in my day bums at least played a homemade musical instrument.

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13 Comment(s)
  • Yes
    February 19, 2015 at 4:25 pm

    Bums? Look like the upper class citizens of your gross, insignificant, depressing shithole you try and pass off as a city. No matter what’s going on in my life, I can always take homage in the fact that I never have nor never will have to call that dump you live in home.

    • joe
      October 10, 2015 at 2:09 pm

      I sure do get a kick out of your extreme hate for worcester but just curious what city do you inhabit?

  • angela
    February 18, 2015 at 12:38 am

    I thought worcester made a law against this type of stuff and all panhandling? Why is this still allowed.?

  • Gotta Serve Somebody
    February 18, 2015 at 12:27 am

    It’s pretty hilarious that your righteous opinions on panhandling are interdispersed with like a thousand ads begging people to click or buy t-shirts or whatever. You’re just a different kind of whore.

  • Non Sequitor
    February 17, 2015 at 8:48 pm

    But the ACLU time and time again has made it abundantly clear that unless you’re a criminal or a crackhead they don’t give a shit about you.

    That single line alone has made my week.

    If a bum has a sign that says “Want money for alcohol, I may thrown him a buck if I’m in a good mood.” But generally only if I’m not on my way to one of my 3 jobs to pay for all the social services that are offered to the non-working class and the corporate welfare to Big Business.

  • Nick
    February 17, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    Lol one guy arty the cumbies on Grafton street asked me for change. I told him I didn’t have much, he said he didn’t care. Offered him 50¢ and he says, “you don’t have a dollar or something?” I’ve also given a dude the rest of my iced coffee and that bugger sucked it down right in front of me lol. Weird shit!

  • Tom
    February 17, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    This happens because The Tracy Novicks of the world are suing the City costing you the taxpayer $$$$$$$ So he can accost you while you are driving. Remember NO NOVICK in September

  • amanda
    February 17, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    No they should not be able to knock on your car window. And I know someone who used to pan handle he was a drug addict. And he told me himself thats what they want is money for booze and drugs. I bought a loaf a bread and sandwich stuff to a person who said will work for food. Guess what he didn’t take the food he wanted the cash. First and last time I ever tried to give a cent. They say hungry but thats bull. Cuz he would have taken the food

  • dkp
    February 17, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    I am one of the hard working people he speaks of… and I agree with him. I’m tired of these guys trying to guilt me out of my hard earned money.. I can’t afford a drug habit, why should I pay for theirs?

    • JayC
      February 17, 2015 at 2:23 pm

      They get free money and services because of their poor choice to inject, injest, or inhale drugs and then have the gall to beg for money on top of it? That’s double dipping! Maybe tripple dipping if you count other people’s stuff that they steal and pawn. Meanwhile, you have a job and make good choices and you get taxed so money can go to these dopes for doing things the wrong way. Really, who’s winning here?

  • Crindle McBarfbagge
    February 17, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    So, basically everyone who isn’t you is a “dooshnozzle,” “slug rake,” “hippie,” or “nudnik.” Gotcha. Who, exactly, ARE the decent, hardworking people you refer to? Are there any?

  • JJ
    February 17, 2015 at 10:52 am

    Worcester has a lot of centers to help take care of the bums. If they aren’t being helped by one it’s because they’re doing drugs.

  • WorcesterBlud
    February 17, 2015 at 10:27 am

    If this ruins your day, I can only imagine how miserable of a person you would be to live with.

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