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WCVB: A Vermont man whose boat sank spent seven days adrift on an inflatable life raft before he was rescued off the coast of Massachusetts by a passing freighter, but his still-missing mother was presumed dead, the Coast Guard said Monday. The Coast Guard had suspended its search Friday for Linda Carman, 54, and her 22-year-old son, Nathan Carman. The mother and son disappeared Sept. 18 after leaving a Rhode Island marina to go on a fishing trip in Nathan Carman’s 31-foot aluminum boat named the Chicken Pox. Nathan Carman was found Sunday by a freighter about 100 nautical miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, the Coast Guard said. He was listed in good condition.
Aboard the freighter, he spoke by phone to a Coast Guard command center in Boston. Petty Officer 3rd Class Nicole Groll, a Coast Guard spokeswoman, said Nathan Carman told the Coast Guard that when the boat started to sink, it went down quickly. “He looked for his mother and did not see her. He had some food and water, and he jumped into the life raft, and that was it,” Groll told The Associated Press. Groll said the Coast Guard did not receive a distress call when the boat began taking on water. She said it is unclear whether the boat was equipped with a radio, but said recreational boaters are urged to carry a radio and a waterproof case. The freighter was expected to arrive in Boston on Tuesday morning.
“When Nathan comes into port, he’ll be met by Coast Guard officials, and they’ll get a better understanding of what happened in this particular case and how to better prevent something like this from happening in the future,” Groll said.
Nathan Carman grew up in Connecticut but has lived in Vernon, Vermont, in recent years. He was also the subject of a search in 2011, when he was a 17-year-old living with his mother in Connecticut. At the time, Nathan’s parents said he vanished after he became distraught over the death of his horse. After a widespread search, he was found in Sussex County, Virginia. Police said he took a bus to Virginia and bought a scooter he had planned to ride to Florida.He has Asperger’s syndrome, a milder form of autism, according to authorities who searched for him in 2011.
The Carman family was also struck by tragedy in 2013 when Linda Carman’s 87-year-old father — John Chakalos, of Windsor, Connecticut — was found dead in his home of a gunshot wound to the head. The death was ruled a homicide. No arrest has been made.
So……..this guy killed his mother, his horse, and his grandfather, right? This is what we’re all thinking, correct? No distress call. Somehow he has a bag full of supplies ready to go. His mother thought they were going fishing 20 miles offshore, but he ends up going 100 miles instead. The boat (which isn’t THAT big)
starts sinking and he gets the raft ready, packs up food, supplies, a lifejacket, and somehow loses his mother in the process? There’s only two of you. How do you not make sure the person who gave birth to you gets on that raft with you? Plus, the woman was experienced with boats. No doubt she would’ve grabbed a lifejacket for herself AND sent a distress call to the Coast Guard.
Then there’s the recorded conversation he had with the Coast Guard. Listen right around the 1:20 mark of this video when they tell him that they haven’t found his mother:
ZERO emotion whatsoever. They basically just told him that she’s dead. Of course he knows that she’s dead, probably because he murdered her. Cold freaking blooded right there.
And it looks like he may have intentionally been fucking with the boat, knowing it would sink, and thus giving him the perfect alibi:
“This investigation revealed that Nathan’s boat was in need of mechanical repair and that Nathan had been conducting a portion of these repairs upon his own volition which could have potentially rendered the boat unsafe for operation,” Bucco wrote in the affidavit. Police said they believed they could find evidence in Carman’s house, including information about where he intended to fish, that would support a charge of “operating so as to endanger, resulting in death,” according to the warrant.
Oh yea, and he has a past history of doing crazy things. Ya know, like randomly taking a bus to Virginia and buying a scooter to ride to Florida. That’s normal behavior. Because it’s not like they sell scooters in Connecticut or anything. The only way to get to Florida is to take a Greyhound to Virginia, and purchase a scooter there.
Just watch this video and tell me with a straight face that you don’t think he did this:
The cops even had an arrest warrant out for him in the murder of his grandfather:
In July 2014, Windsor police submitted an arrest warrant for Carman on a murder charge, but the warrant was returned by the prosecutor unsigned the next day, according to a warrant that police used to search Carman’s apartment in Middletown, where he lived at the time.
He was the last person to see his grandfather alive:
The search warrant says Nathan was the last known person to see Chakalos alive on Dec. 20, 2013, as the two were having dinner. The next morning, one of Chakalos’ daughters found 87-year-old Chakalos dead in his home — shot three times in the head and torso.
And for some reason he owned guns:
Police searched Nathan’s Middletown apartment on George Street on July 18, 2014, and found a Remington tactical shotgun, a rifle scope and several boxes of ammunition, the search warrant states. The rifle did not match the caliber of the gun used to kill Chakalos, the search warrant says.
Turtleboy supports the Second Amendment. However, this is the type of common sense gun control we need. People with Asperger’s should not be buying shotguns. To me that’s just good ol’ fashioned common sense.
Oh, and did I mention that his murdered grandfather was worth $40 million?
Mom got $21 million when died, which would then go to her son if she died. Yup, nothing suspicious about that!!! This is INSANE!!! Especially if he had it all planned out years in advance. His grandfather was 87. He could’ve just waited until he inevitably died, but instead he had to speed up the process, shoot him 3 times, and lure his mother out to sea to get the money faster.
It’s kind of the perfect murder in a way. I can’t see how they can get a jury to convict him of murder in the first degree. There’s no body. There’s no weapons. No DNA evidence. Sure, the motive is there, and there’s some other things that make you think he did it, but I can’t imagine they can convict him. This guy is smart and crafty. He’s also pure evil if he did it, because the entire thing was planned out years in advance.
But it’s also a pretty dangerous way to kill someone. Dude was adrift for a week. You’re taking a pretty big gamble there, spending that many nights in the middle of an ocean on just a small little raft. Ya know, because sharks and whales live there. And it might get cold, or there might be a storm. There’s a million and one ways he could’ve died in this situation too.
I feel for the family, but I fear for the Dad. How’d you like to be in his shoes right now? Is he next? Anyone who has a special ed child like this fears for them on a daily basis. Remember this kid?
Jonathan Odgren also had Asperger’s, and came from a wealthy and loving family. But then he stabbed another student to death in a Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School bathroom. What can you do when you love someone like that and then they do something so horrible? It’s obviously worse for the victim’s family, but you can’t help but feel for the murderer’s family too. They didn’t ask for their kid to be born like this. So what does Dad do going forward? How does he sleep at night? Fucked up situation all around.
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10 Comment(s)
I thought I was maybe the only one who thought he killed his horse too.. he may have aspbergers but he is also extremely intelligent and possessed.. this is the most serious case of obvious I’ve ever seen. And I am worried for his father if he has a life insurance policy with his sons name on it…another interesting thing is that a gun Nathan owned is missing mysteriously and is the same kind of gun as the one used to kill the grandfather..also why did this kid remove his hard drive of his computer and GPS?? With that I’m sure they could prove a lot as to his whereabouts obviously and also what has he been searching and reading?? .. one more thing is the lack of support from his Mom’s sisters after the moms death and when he came back from the rescue to him home his Dad dropped him off and didn’t even stay with him.. divorced or not from the mom the only thing keeping me from staying with my son for the night especially after being adrift for 7 days and the mother dying would be if I was scared to death of him…I feel so sorry for his Dad..Hope they can prove his violent past led to all these deaths and get him help. I can honestly see him doing it again..especially if there is a threat to his inheritance or he somehow runs out of money.
Sooo Guilty……….. Im going to take these silly stabilizers off (drill some holes with plugs to pull when the time is right) and Lets take this little boat 3 hours out to fish for 500lb fish in the deep deep water where nobody will be able to recover the evidence. I get it, he has a condition that makes him seem odd, 30 years ago it would have been obvious he’s guilty but now in the age of labels all it does is blind justice.
Let’s go have some fun. Maybe some skeet or a boat ride?
This kid better call Fiesty. He’s going to need a good lawyer.
The majority of people with Asperger’s do not have violent tendencies. They may be quirky and have odd behaviors, but harmless. And not all students with Asperger’s require special education (IEP’s/504’s).
Famous people with autistic TRAITS: Beethoven, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Einstein, Henry Food, Isaac Newton, Mozart, George Bernard Shaw, Isaac Asimov, Henry Thoreau, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Charles Schultz, Jim Henson, Al Gore, Keith Olbermann, Keanu Reeves, James Taylor (confirmed diagnosis, Bill Gates (confirmed diagnosis), Dan Aykroyd (confirmed diagnosis), Daryl Hannah (confirmed diagnosis)
Fictional characters with autistic TRAITS: Cliff/Cheers; Lisa Simpson; Mr. Spock/Star Trek; Calvin/Calvin & Hobbes; Dilbert the Engineer
I made AssBurgers… Delicious!!
He definitely did it. Even my 84-year-old mother said that early on in the story.
Who the fuck looks that clean after being adrift in the ocean for a week? When I saw the boat was named Chicken Pox I figured the family blame vaccines for his Aspergers.
Dude is psycho.
Gotta feel bad for the father.
1000 yard psycho stare… Good luck to them trying to find evidence. Proving that in criminal court is going to be tough without good evidence. But yeah… he totally offed them…
Great Job on covering this story. Hope the truth comes out.