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So last night there was a Worcester School Committee debate at Mechanics Hall, and as you would imagine, it was quite the barn burner:
LOL. Spanky.
Look, there’s only one thing to debate about when it comes to the School Committee – will you vote to terminate Melinda Boone’s contract? That’s all that matters. She’s overseen seven years of destruction in order to make her charts look better. She’s the exact opposite of transparent and covers up all the scandals underneath her until they’re exposed by Turtleboy. She puts teachers and students in danger time and time again. She’s fired quality administrators and replaced them with hacks like Carenza Jackson and Lisa Dyer.
She must go.
The only people we know for sure would vote to get rid of her are Brian O’Connell, Diana Biancheria, and newcomers Nicola D’Andrea, Cotey Collins, and Donna Colorio. O’Connell and Biancheria have proven themselves worthy time and time again. But D’Andrea and Colorio showed you last night why you should obviously be voting for them as well.
A buzzword phrase with political hacks is that we need to “close the achievement gap” between white students and students of color. What this means is that we need to do more to make sure that African-American and Latino students are catching up to white kids on standardized test scores. Sure it sounds well and good, but the problem is that this leads to bullshit diversity trainings from Keesha LaTulippe. She’ll be in your school, selling another unnecessary training about how to help kids learn when they keep yelling out the N word. Colorio hit the nail on the head:
“I don’t believe in closing the achievement gap. I believe in raising the bar for everybody.”
She’s also leading a statewide movement to get rid of Common Core. Personally, I think Common Core is a joke. It takes half an hour for kids to explain why 4+4=8. Newsflash – it doesn’t matter 4+4=8. It just is. As long as you know that for the rest of your life you should be good. Turtleboy’s thoughts on Common Core are simple – whatever the teachers want. They’re the ones in the classroom, so they’re the ones that know what works and what doesn’t. If they say Common Core sucks then I believe them. If they say it works then I believe them too.
Nicola D’Andrea is pretty much the man. As one of the only candidates with children in the race he’s disgusted by the lack of safety that Boone has provided for the schools. All Melinda Boone does is lie. She lies about what’s going on in the schools, she lies about child molesters in cafeterias, she lies about being bought and paid for by the Circlejerk, and she lies about having a safety plan in place. That’s why D’Andrea started this petition to take immediate action to put a plan in place that makes our schools safer.
Oh yea, and since it’s election season, Tracy Novick now wants to be called “Tracy O’Connell Novick” because if you pretend that you’re Irish old people from the West Side will be fooled into voting for you. But no one wants to vote for a Novick.
You know who to vote for by now. Take your schools back. Take your city back. Vote the Turtleboy Ticket on November 3.
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5 Comment(s)
Adding an Irish name to your own is the city’s equivalent of having Kennedy for a last name on a Statewide ballot.
Pretending to be Irish to get elected is john Kerry’s thing,she must of picked up on a classic political move.
Tracy “OConnell” Novick? Are you shitting me? Is this a Turtleboy joke? It can’t possibly be true, she can’t possibly be that sorry ass a human being and candidate. But you know what, it worked in Boston for John O’Bryant.
Never underestimate the sad, clueless, pathetic, failed and defeated electorate of this sorry, sorry city. Wow.
“I don’t believe in closing the achievement gap. I believe in raising the bar for everybody.”
Three cheers for Colorio!
It’s about time someone stopped trying to pat people of color and lower income people on their heads and treating them as if they need a (moonbat, Democratic) savior from themselves (and the “rich” white people)!
Raise that bar and set high expectations! The results may pleasantly surprise you!
I could parallel park a Mack truck in that gap