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Usually when we blog about something that happens in Southbridge it involves drugs and amazingly attractive people oozing sex appeal, like this:
So we switched it up today and brought you a different kind of criminal…..
Obviously 110 mph is extremely dangerous and there’s no excuse for it whatsoever. But it’s really not blogworthy in and of itself. That is unless Mom shows up and pulls a “free muh boi,” which of course she did:
As soon as she said “but” I immediately understood why this lugnut feels like it’s OK to drive 110 mph in a residential area. It was further validated when she said the words “soapboxes,” (as if people casting judgement on shitty behavior is a bad thing), “you made a stupid mistake,” (as if all mistakes are equal), “you are not perfect” (AKA only God can judge).
Pro tip – if your kid gets arrested and his mugshot goes on Facebook, don’t show up to defend his honor in the comments. And especially don’t lecture other people about how nasty they’re being, when you’re the one who raised a kid who has no problem endangering innocent people…
But she hadn’t gone full ratchet yet, and was mainly sticking to the “no one got hurt except for my feelings” routine:
“It is difficult to read the nasty comments.”
Here’s an idea – don’t read the comments. That’s an actual option. And whatever you do, don’t post on the Southbridge PD Facebook page. Because nothing good can come of that.
But the more she spoke, the more you realized that she’s the Mom who constantly makes excuses for her kid, which is how he ends up feeling entitled to drive like this in a BMW in a residential neighborhood…
Oh good, she’s giving the middle finger to people who are calling her out on her enabling behavior. This definitely makes her look like a good mother.
Then she kicked it up a notch, calling the cops liars for saying that he was going that fast (even though he admitted to driving that fast) and that he was not hiding from them, he was pulling into their house:
She also said that they had recently moved and no longer lived on that street.
So why was he there then?
Oh OK. He was doing a “final walkthrough” with two friends. And in order to do that he had to drive 110 mph. For sure.
It’s all good though, because Mom once saved France from ISIS….
Soon the enablers started showing up, beginning with the “he’s just a kid” whinos:
Yes, we were all 20 once. Who hasn’t driven 110 mph on a residential road? It’s part of growing up.
Kelly was appreciative of the excuse she hadn’t thought of and immediately began to play the victim card:
Ahh yes, the “your words will make someone commit suicide” routine. I’d love to see those text messages you got from strangers because of a Facebook post though. I’m sure lots of strangers from Facebook can easily get your phone number and begin “harassing” you. That definitely happened.
This of course led to more excuses….
Chuds complaining about the Southbridge PD illegally posting arrest information on Facebook…
Complaints that the SPD should be busting drug dealers instead….
Even though SPD routinely posts about drug busts they make in their drug infested cesspool of a town.
And finally you had the feelings patrol who said that the police should not “shame” criminals on Facebook because we should all “rise about the Turtleboy mentality”:
Which is exactly the kind of comment that makes you end up on Turtleboy.
Duckfaced selfie. Never saw that one coming.
The bottom line is the police departments everywhere should post mugshots like this on Facebook, because public shaming is the best detriment society has going for it. We get messages all the time about how the fear of being on Turtleboy keeps people from doing bad things. The Internet is forever, so if you don’t want shit like this to come up for eternity whenever someone Googles your name, then just obey the law and you’ll be all set. It’s really not complicated.
16 Comment(s)
I used to be able to find good info from your articles.
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110 ain’t shit on that road I’ve gone 150 on my bike down that road so everyone needs to chill out
Always taught the kids never refer to the police as “cops”.
It just screams low intellect.
100 plus mph on a residential street is more than just youthful exuberance or “boys will be boys” type antics like certain people were trying to paint it as. No, that’s putting an entire area in direct danger of being injured or killed. 3,500 lb. cars aren’t toys no matter how old the driver might be and do I need to remind anyone that 20 is an adult age?
Someone needs to teach mom how The Facebook works apparently, don’t post shit and you won’t get negativity. Kick your kid’s ass in private and keep the defense of your shitty offspring off The Facebook machine. You are getting everything you deserve.
That beard…that mommy…of COURSE this precious little darling was driving a BMW…
At 20 years old this idiot knows better, they need to take his license, his a danger to the community. His mommy needs to shut the fuck up and put a dick in her mouth, shes just digging that hole deeper by defending what he did. He doesnt look like hes above drugs either, so no doubt he dabbles with meth and H, she raised a reasl winner!
Too bad the asshole didn’t square off with a tree !
Problem solved !
One less asshole !
I think Dawn Elza should “rise above” my dick and sit down on it hard.
She’s got those crazy eyes, though. Never stick it in crazy.
She does butt stuff… And it’s AMAZING!
Is this the same black BMW that was racing a mustang yesterday in Worcester & crashed into a house on Cambridge street & caused the house to catch fire?!?
I bet mommy still washes his pee-pee.
Hey TB I hear the Town Accountant in Rockland was placed on administrative leave. time for an update?
Ladies Ladies Ladies, Are your panties tied up in a knot because of this fast driver? I can untie them . I untie a lot of my girls panties here at Worcester Magazine. Stop by my office and let my magic happen. I can give you my endorsement and I promise you will win whatever you are running for. I will have you varrrrrrrrooming for more.
PS. I need a intern to pick up the unread copies of my paper at various locations. A 3/4 ton pickup and a strong back is required.