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No one has ever deserved to be punched in the face more than Joe Amoroso – the man who alleges to be the sperm donor for Bella Bond, the two year old child whose body washed ashore in Winthrop in September. Today was Bella’s funeral and it was the disgusting display we knew it would be. Because Joe Amoroso, who NEVER met his child or made ANY attempt to meet her while she was being raised by drug addicted murderers, pretended to be the grieving father once again for the cameras.
I wanna punch him so badly it hurts. How can ANYONE have the balls to put on this kind of show for the cameras after it’s been revealed that he NEVER MET HER???!!!! How can you possibly expect anyone to believe that you’re grieving for a child who you never once held, kissed, hugged, or changed a diaper for? Bella Bond is a stranger to this asshole, but it didn’t stop him from putting his surname on her headstone:
This is so insulting to parents everywhere, particularly those who have lost children. Nate Solder’s four month old son is in a fight for his life as he battles cancer. Nate Solder LOVES that kid with every ounce of his being. And Joe Amoroso is purporting himself to be the same type of loving father that Nate Solder is. This man is spitting in the face of every caring and devoted parent out there, and the media can’t keep eating this garbage up.
Here’s some thoughts he shared today:
Amoroso, who never met his daughter but talked to her on the phone a few times, previously said it felt right to have her buried with his family. ‘Bella’s body was washed up on Deer Island on June 25, which is my grandmother’s birthday,’ he told NECN. ‘Winthrop is where the Amoroso family grew up, it is where we were all raised. Bella made it home to her family.’
No, Bella had no family. The poor girl had the misfortune of being allegedly conceived in a tent at Occupy Wall Street by two losers who didn’t know the first thing about personal responsibility. Which makes all the more sense when you consider the fact that the entire Occupy movement was based off of losers whining about personal responsibility.
But ultimately Bella was a child without a family. Because a family consists of two parents who love their child unconditionally. Bella didn’t have any parents or family that cared about her. She had a sperm donor who didn’t think she was important enough to spend any of his time visiting. And she had a crackhead prostitute mother who allowed a monster to murder her.
So no, Bella’s family isn’t in Winthrop. Because the Amoroso family isn’t really her family. And for some strange reason the mother still has a say:
Relatives were previously planning to hold a public funeral for Bella but Amoroso said the girl’s mother asked for the services to be private, he told CBS Boston.
Who cares what the girl’s mother has to say? This is a woman who stuck her child’s dead body in a refrigerator and left it there for days while she went on a drug binge with her daughter’s murderer. Why are we LISTENING TO THESE PEOPLE???!!!! The State of Massachusetts should have put together something for Bella and everyone should’ve been allowed to pay their respects except for all the assholes associated with the Amoroso clan. Including the baby’s “Godmother.”
Megan Fewtrell, 36, Bella’s godmother, told The Boston Globe she had known Bond for eight years, but that the pair had a falling out in March.
‘I can’t imagine why she would help some man cover up the murder of her child,’ said Fewtrell.
‘[Bella] was loved. She was a beautiful little girl. I loved that little baby like she was mine.’
She then added; ‘She made a promise to me and that baby that she would do it right. How could you do this to our baby Bella?’
Hey morons, the term “Godmother” signifies that the child has been baptized. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Bella Bond’s crackwhore mother wasn’t the church going type. Just a hunch. Sure, you might’ve been her drug buddy at one point, or maybe the two of you shared a pimp. But it doesn’t mean you’re actually a “Godmother.” And you obviously didn’t love her because you wouldn’t have let this happen if you did. You’re no better than Amoroso – seeking out the cameras for your white trash 15 minutes of fame.
I really hope this is the last we hear of these worthless piles of poo. But since every other media outlet out there continues to treat Joe Amoroso like he’s a grieving father, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing him again.
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28 Comment(s)
What a bunch of losers on the net here… I lost my son, I am a good parent. Mind your own fucking business you twats. Just a bunch of losers downing someone because of media.
Just saw on Fox25 this guy was arrested for shoplifting at HD. This winner was caught with hypodermic needles on him as well.
I agree this father is almost as bad as Jerry remy,cmon tb go after the father of the year 2013,no you won’t because your Boston strong.lol Boston strong. My words break your readers,too easy.love it.
This whole sorry affair would never have happened had Michael Gaffney been mayor.
For what its worth I spent a few of my younger years with Joe. He was a jerk then and hes CLEARLY a jerk now. Him and his family lived around the corner from me in Stoneham, not Winthrop. He stole a few things from me and my little brother. I kicked the life out of him then and Id love to do it again now. I have 4 kids and cant imagine a second going by without me there.
He’s probably the best proof going that at the end of the day, biology has almost no role in being a parent. It’s like to said it’s the daily things and the relationship between the adult and the child. It’s the diapers, the books read and tucking them in which a goodnight kiss and prayers every night. It is the thoughts and ideas in that child’s mind and soul just before they fall asleep every night-whether or not the parent is there every day making the child feel loved and secure. It’s love that ties a family together not a one time donation …if you get my drift.
Mr. Fuckhead “father” needs to go! If I see his smug ass face again, I’m bound to smash the screen it is on. I appreciate that you are not making him out to be the victim here. Yet, he is most likely loving the fact that you have given him attention. Negative is also gratifying to attention whores.
Finally, on television someone better yet, a true father spoke up and is being the voice for the other fathers, make that families, that have been through an emotionally painful ordeal with a child.
The loving & caring “Godmother” that was concerned enough to call DCF when she felt something was amiss! She needs to go too!
Bella’s tearful “grandmother”, if she loved Bella she would have fought tooth and nail to have a relationship with her. She is in the same category as Mr. Fuckhead. She too made the choice to be an absentee family member.
Yes, ideally two parents make a family. Realistically, that is not always the meaning of family. No need to have single parents feel that they have not provided a family for the child. They do not need to feel anything remotely close to what these monsters should. Oh yeah, the monsters are self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic, fuckers that lack feelings for others!
Where was Speem
Donor when Bella’s body washed up and he knew it was her …
I don’t see anyone asking why he cases now .. When in fact he kept quiet knowing it was her and knowing she had been murdered … What a POS
Let’s not forget the possibility of a lawsuit against the state or DCF or anyone involved who can be identified potentially as having money. Amoroso is just slime, just interested in money.
I bet dudes next step is gonna be touring and giving speeches about losing ‘his’ child and how to cope
I was thinking the same thing…and maybe a “reality show” for another year.
A reality show would make sense, since he’s a Kardashian level attention whore.
remorse for all the things that weren’t done, that should of been done TBoy, regardless of when it happens, can be very trying on the soul.
Wwy, “At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Just like the retards in Paris,hello your bombing a country illegally now let’s cry over something you asked for, TB don’t care about baby doe’s there’s millions and his Catholic Church ruined many children’s lives, no wonder Bill Cosby or Clinton didn’t make his worst people of the year both pedophiles.
Just reading your comment knocked me down a few IQ points, goodness.
You’ve brought absolutely nothing relevant to the discussion, and what you did bring was just plain bad writing.
Shame on you, sir. Or madam. Let other people mourn the life of a little girl, or feel angry that the oxygen-wasting parents still wind up being mentioned by the media.
People, you realize Wwy is just saying absurd things because he is desperate for attention. Any attention – even if its people criticizing his purposely inflammatory posts. In my opinion, his life is meaningless & he feels irrelevant so he tries to get “a rise” out of people. Mistakes responses to his posts as “meaningful interaction” …. quite sad really. Best to ignore his posts and not give him what he wants. Such a lonely person.
This jake gets a “rise” from reading my comments,if your being turned on I think others here have melds to offer you for that condition,or your just a sicko.
Wwy….put down the bottle. get some help. there is a meeting nearby.
Wwy,what kind of meds are you on>i have noted your postings and i think you perhaps need some help and i’m not being sarcastic.
Wwy, are you fucking serious or just being an asshole? I can’t figure it out…
I seriously think he might be a mental patient.
From the pro-choice/anti-death penalty wabbit. That’s an oxymoron. Your tbs token black guy so I don’t want to call you stupid. TB needs at least one,he can use you as a human shield.please explain how abortion is not the death penalty,being the smartest in your family doesn’t mean your smart,but please answer the question looks like people here need a chuckle.
Bob I thought I put you to shame months ago,if you want to learn again just ask.
What time does the Terrorism Center open today, W?
Same time as the Catholic daycare center.
Meds. Now.