Springfield Pyramid Scheme Trap Queen Tries To Destroy Meat Outlet With Viral Post About Browned Celery, Fails Miserably In Attempt To Be Internet Erick Brockabitch

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Saw some chick from Springfield post this gem the other day, which has nearly 1,000 shares and counting:
Alright, first of all, that picture is hilarious. This poor guy can’t catch a break. He’s a small business owner in Springfield. He probably spends half his day dealing with loss prevention and whiny entitled hagbags who ran out of points on their EBT card. And now he’s gotta deal with this fallout from emoji-laden ratcheteers with broken caps locks:
But here’s the problem – he’s not doing anything illegal, and we 1,000% stand with him. There’s nothing worse than when some self absorbed Facebook warrior maliciously attacks a small business when it’s not warranted to do so. From the FDA’s website:
“With the exception of infant formula, the laws that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) administers do not preclude the sale of food that is past the expiration date indicated on the label. FDA does not require food firms to place “expired by”, “use by” or “best before” dates on food products. This information is entirely at the discretion of the manufacturer.”
In other words, we’re living in a free country with a free market in which consumers can choose which food products they wish to purchase. Sure, Vanessa Vargas could easily have just NOT purchased this particular veggie tray, but she just had to be the hero no one asked for. And she just HAD to let everyone know that she DIDN’T purchase this browned celery:
Because we all REALLY give a shit what you DIDN’T buy today. Thank you for letting us know Vanessa. You are THAT important!!
The 90 Meat Outlet did issue a response to this post which was clearly designed to destroy their business’ reputation:
“Your claims that this is illegal could not be further from the truth. I do see however that you found that out for yourself, yet you continue to make that false claim.”
He’s right. This 413 Erin BrockaBitch has been sharing the link from the FDA that we did above, which clearly states that stores don’t have to put “best if used by” stickers on their food:
But she’s so stupid that she doesn’t realize that the link she is sharing shows how stupid she is. Can’t make this stuff up.
Oh, and Vanessa would know a thing or two about scams and healthy eating. By looking at her Facebook page she apparently attempts to make a living off of pyramid schemes. For instance, she can show you how to “shoot for the moon” in just 8 steps:
Just don’t think you won’t be paying for that mug out of your own pocket. Shooting for the moon isn’t free.
She can also take your $99 and turn it into $2,000!! Just ask her how:
Or if you’re interested, you could ask her how you can get your hands on some miracle weight loss shakes at 40% off the price that no one ever buys them at:
There’s nothing worse than these people on your Facebook roster who are trying to sell you something you showed no interest in. If you have turned your Facebook page into a commercial for a pyramid scheme, just deactivate your Facebook and never go on the Internet again. You are a disease and everyone secretly hates you. We understand that you were dumb enough to get conned into this scam, and thus you have a garage full of unsold inventory that Herbalife or Beach Body made you purchase. But trying to drag your friends into the shithole that you accidentally jumped into makes you a sinking dooshcanoe.
Or you can get your mother a bunch of crap she didn’t ask for:
And of course the number one way to tell you’re dealing with a pyramid scheme chump on Facebook, is if they’ve copy and pasted the spam message that the company sent in their daily email onto their Facebook page:
I’m not even kidding. If you have more than one person on your Facebook page who does these pyramid schemes, then you know that they all post the same exact messages every day that they got in the email from corporate. It’s unbearable. And this is the kind of person that is trying to destroy a legitimate business that’s been around in Springfield for over 20 years. A business that gets visited by Mayor Sarno:
A business that helps little old ladies find find the pork chops that will go best with a glass of prune juice and an episode of Matlock:
A business that recently raised $9,200 for Baystate Children’s Hospital:
This is the kind of business that some local pyramid scam artist is trying to shut down because she wanted to play Internet lawyer and become whistle blowing hero. Hey Jimmy, I’ll eat your meat all day long pal. I don’t care what the sticker says either. Just sayin.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
15 Comment(s)
Ya wanna go to the moom Vanessa? YA WANNA GO TO THE MOOM?!
Hey, Vanessa,
If you really want to “Shoot for the Moon”, perhaps you should learn how to spell “mooN”.
Mr. Linda-Linda-Linda goes to 90 Meat about once a week. Best hamburger around – best pork prices – nicest goat pieces in the area. You can find the best stuff for small cash – if you know how to shop. Got 12 Moes chicken black bean enchiladas (BJ’S packaging) for 1.99 last week. The organic baby greens in.the plastic clam shell box -.79. Carando products are always a good buy since the plant is nearby. When some producer or retailer has stuff close to date, they must call 90 meat. It’s okay by us….we pay for our own groceries.
If you don’t like brown celery, then don’t buy it, and eat it!
If a guy doesn’t like your tuna-stinkin’, disease ridden gash, then do you make him pay for it and then eat it?
Just wondering?
I remember foraging through the reduced hamburger section quite a few times because I didn’t have an EBT card and didn’t have enough money for anything else. Hamburger helper was my weekend luxury food. I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and Raman noodles for dinner EVERY DAY for over a year until I finally found a job making enough that I could actually buy a cheap steak and fresh fruit and vegetables to eat every now and then.
Fucking entitled assholes would complain if a case of filet was delivered to their door 5 minutes late.
Was this the first trip to a supermarket for this dimwit? First time she used that EBT card in the way it was intended? My guess is YES! Societal dreg visits a discount grocery store and thinks she’s wicked smaht. Now if only she could master the job application process and enter the real world. EVERY supermarket has “Reduced For Quick Sale” items on display. This store sounds like a valuable asset to those trying to stretch their food dollar.
I’m not going to say who…but they are always trying to get something for free. Have you ever been to their homes (tax payer funded homes)? They have a lot more than brown celery to worry about. I drive a $40,000 SUV, live on section 8, but can’t buy brown celery? Maybe it’s a language gap though…outlet does not mean fresh, you parasite. Oh and I think parasites don’t have to worry about parasites in their food…
Something tells me this twatwaffle ONLY did this because Jimmy is a white guy.
Who the hell goes by a date on vegetables and fruits. Use your eyes, if it’s moldy don’t eat it (and don’t buy it) but if it looks good then eat it.
Clearly this check just needs “some sausage”. Jimmy wanna hook her up? Anyone got a friend who will “take one for the team”?
We should make a real post about her evil shenanigans and oust her so back that she doesn’t dare show her face or sell body wraps again.
Oh wait… Turtleboy did that.
Let’s make it go viral!
Bad not back. Sorry
never mind the fact that the celery is barely brown.
I’ll love to smack that bitch right in the face! White trash, she’s a douchbag.
EBT crowd can’t read, getting fussy & still no jobs.
Thank you. I was beginning to sympathize with the customer before I heard both sides. The platter was reduced because of the expiration date (which was not illegal to sell.) What is she complaining about? If she didn’t want brown celery, pay full price and get the green stuff. I’m sure it was on the state’s dime anyway.