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The Major Crime Unit needs the assistance of the SPD Facebook followers to help ID these Larceny suspects. On August 13th at 740 P.M. a 50 year old male victim went into the “Pride” gas station store located at 77 West Street in the City’s North End to purchase some items. He left his wallet containing over $1000.00 in cash on the counter. As soon as he left the two females pictured in this posting stole the wallet and all his money. Detective Gifford Jenkins of the SPD Major Crime Unit is looking to identify these suspects. If anybody recognizes them please contact Detective Jenkins at 413-787-6355. You can also “Text-a-Tip” their names if you want to remain anonymous or “message” the PD through this FB Page.
There’s a lot of crimes going on in these pictures. Leaving home without a bra. Using EBT to purchase magic markers for eyebrows. Illegal use of camel toe. Being a ratchet without a permit. Regardless, it doesn’t get any more Springfield than these chicks.
Anyway, the guy who left his wallet there is completely full of shit. Leaving your wallet behind in front of two ratchet trap queens like this, knowing they’ll steal it, and then claiming the wallet had $1,000 in it, is the oldest trick in the book.
And if he’s not lying then he deserves to lose $1,000. Turtleboy has only had that much cash in his wallet after a really good night at Foxwoods. You best believe that on the walk to the parking lot and the car ride home, Turtleboy knew EXACTLY where his wallet was at all times. First thing in the morning you go directly to the bank and deposit it. You simply don’t put a wallet down on a register at a Springfield gas station if you have that much cash on you. And if you do, then you deserve to lose $1,000. That’s just Social Darwinism doing what it does best.
Anyway, by the looks of these ghettolicious side pieces the money is long gone. They immediately blew it all on nails, cigarettes, Moet, and hopefully some underpants. But if the Springfield Police wanna find out who they are we highly suggest they hang their mugshots up at the welfare office. Odds are pretty good they’ll be caught within a day or two, especially with the first of the month approaching. Just sayin.
P.S. A+ camera resolution. I never understood why every time security camera footage is released I feel like I’m watching 1988 scrambled porn. Need more surveillance footage like this.
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24 Comment(s)
Ten bucks on these upstanding citizens being on a first name basis with the vibrator bandits.
Is that Fiesty and ProfessorM? Where’s the pic of their piss fenders?
Interesting how I can multi task commenting on here a couple of hours ago and at the same taking a bike ride through the back roads of Princeton then onto Mt. Wachusett.
Man – I got mad skills I didn’t know I had. Whoaaaa…
Oh Emily if you weren’t my neice
I just had a threesome with dave and my big fat momma
There once were some thieves in Springfield.
Stealing wallets with high yield.
Those shorts were too small.
For camel toe protocol.
Now ratchet hoe equipment revealed!
SPD should check to see if anyone sets up a GoFundMe page to replace this guy’s alleged $1,000. If so, they’re probably all in on it.
I thought Turtleboy was a family and feminist blog? So now we can add “camel toe” to Turtleboys dictionary.
You have attacked many and labeled many. Labeling one guy a “Wigger”. Labeling latino people out her as being a savage “spic”.
And Gaffney ties himself to the hip of Turtleboy and maybe even top Turtleboy himself.
Worcester is the last of the kkk cities standing other than Auburn.
Kevin? Is that you Kevin? I can’t see without my glasses…
It sure does smell like the mixture of feces and day old semen farts that seems to follow you around…
“Worcester is the last of the kkk cities..”
Yes, it does reliably vote Democrat.
To be inducted into the KKK you had to be a Democrat. Dig one of the real books out of the library, the ones that aren’t edited by the propagandists. The Democrats also lynched Mormons and Catholics in the South – but that doesn’t fit the BLM/SJW narrative.
Let me guess your party affiliation, Kevin? I’m sure it isn’t of the party that freed the slaves, gave them gun and voting rights? Who passed the Poll Tax, Kevin? Should I go on or is this too much for your crack addled brain to comprehend?
I went to prison for a long time because I murdered somebody. Because so many people hate me, I sometimes use other names like Carlos Rodrigues or Michael Turtleboy. Big shout out to all of you though for the crazy checks, welfare, EBT card, free health care, free phone etc. that I get every month! Much appreciated because I’m so busy shutting down Face Book pages and complaining here and on Fitchburg Topix that I don’t feel like working.
I think TB has said this before many times, please post a screen shot where the word “spic” was in a blog, and they will shut this down forever. And “wigger” is our word, it’s only racist when black people say it. Lol
Camera quality is outstanding. No arguments about that. But why is it whenever something like this happens where there is camera footage of the perps, the pictures and/or video footage of the crime is never shown to the public? All I see here are two of Springfield’s finest standing around. No crime being committed as far as I can see.
TB is right, perfect resolution on the surveillance video for a change. Although I can’t unsee those train wrecks above. I wish those pictures were fuzzy.
$1,000???? No mention of credit cards or a license? Or anything else valuable? Little bit of reasonable doubt here, but these two turds still took something that didn’t belong to them regardless. Safe to say that whatever amount was taken, was gone in 5 minutes. Probably spent on site, and spent on useless items.
Nice little gift before the 1st of the month arrives and the EBT card is replenished.
Another down vote….. I offended someone eagerly awaiting their free money on the first of the month…..
Get a fucking job already!
AJ, accept the down vote with open arms. It means you have hurt someones feelings. Just take a deep breathe and smell their pain. It’s the equivalent of that “new car” smell. Exhilarating!
Ditto about the ads. Or, use and ad blocker. However, I didn’t see any camel toe, just a gunt.
Uhh Kathy you might want to check your husband’s browser history, I think TB uses Google ads. You know, the service that tailors web ads to your search history.
I was wonder what “Kathy” was bitching about but you nailed it: I get ads for gun scopes, ammunition and the like, not anime porn.
It’s web tracking. Don’t blame the turtle. Have a serious discussion with somebody in your house. Or smell your own finger…
Banks should find out what type of camera’s this store uses and buy some. Banks always have the worst camera shots
Get off my website kathy s theres only room for one loser.
haha tb with his anime porn advertisments..i cant believe the nerve..anything for a dollar he might as be the one panhandling…fucking anime porn ..really…tbs just lost another follower and ill be letting people know what a pervert site this really is
Hey Kathy. Quick tip. Someone in your home is beating his meat to anime porn. The ads are tailored to your search history.
“Hey Kathy. Quick tip.”
Ya ok. Fiesty you are in zero position to give anybody any kind of tip. You are an idiot, a loser, the dumbest one on here, the biggest trouble maker and all you do is attack other commenters. It doesn’t take much to figure you out.
I had you fucking pegged 4 1/2 months ago. More and more people are getting on to you so get yourself ready. Let the games begin…