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Cancer sucks. I don’t care who you are or how much money you have, there’s no way you’re reading this right now if you haven’t personally been affected by a friend or loved one’s battle with this terrible affliction. A hundred years ago polio used to plague communities across the country. It could come anywhere at any time and there was no vaccine for it. Luckily this is America, and Americans don’t back down from anything, never mind stupid diseases like polio. And since we continually put out the best and the brightest, a blue-blooded American named Jonas Salk came up with the polio vaccine. Boom. No more polio.
Someday there will be a cure for cancer, but today is not that day. However, if we want to see a Jonas Salk-type breakthrough the only way to do that is by funding research and development for a cure. The American Cancer Society will one day produce someone who will go down in the history books as the guy or gal who cured cancer. The ACS has produced 47 Nobel Prize winners since their inception in 1946. Not too shabby. The cure will come. It’s really only a matter of time and money.
On that note, there is going to be an American Cancer Society Relay for Life at the Burncoat High School track on June 19 at 6 PM. The turn out was tremendous last year but we’d like to see how many turtle riders we can get to participate this year. As you know, the Turtleboy Sports Revolution has been a force for great things in this city recently. We raised over $4,000 for the family of Kelley Square accident victim Sarah Ewing. Then we raised another $2,000 for the South Worcester Sports League after they were robbed twice by local dooshnozzles.
I think we can continue to be a force for positive change in this city and the region as a whole. By donating, your money helps offer free services, such as rides to and from cancer treatment, lodging for cancer patients and their caregivers who must travel a great distance for a lifesaving treatment, health insurance assistance, financial services through the Patient Advocate Foundation, and live 24-hour expert cancer support at 1-800-227-2345 and cancer.org.
The society’s Hope Lodge, located on Oak Street, has been a home away from home for cancer patients and their caregivers who must travel a great distance to receive treatments at hospitals in Worcester and Boston.
You can help out and contribute to finding a cure in a number of ways. Here is a link to the website. We encourage you to form your own teams, make online donations, or even better, just stop by Burncoat on June 19, enjoy the atmosphere and make a donation in person. That way you don’t have to do anything before hand. Just show up and enjoy a community event. It’s a great cause, the weather should be good, and it counts for your exercise for the day. Either way you’re a winner.
I just wanna throw out this suggestion too. It would be pretty bad ass if someone started a “Turtleboy Nation” team to raise money for. That way we can see exactly how much money the Turtleboy Sports Revolution raised.
There is nothing in this world stronger than a cancer survivor. To be able to confront death in the face and kick its ass takes a strong mamma-jamma. The Relay for Life in Worcester encourages all cancer survivors to come down and participate in the special “Survivor’s Lap” towards the end of the event. There will also be a candlelit Luminaria ceremony at the end of the event to remember those who lost their battles with cancer.
There’s been a lot of bad news that we’ve reported out of Burncoat High School in the past month or so. This is our chance to create some good news. Cancer is a worldwide problem affecting millions. But there is a way that we can help fix this problem right here in Worcester. Hope to see you on June 19 at 6 PM at Burncoat High School track.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 500,000 people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
11 Comment(s)
Sorry, I gave all my extra cash this week to Widoff’s Bakery.
Always time in the future.
A worthwhile cause, for sure. But, I have to wonder if “He who shall not be named” will heed of his own call to form a Turtleboy Team, and stop by Burncoat on June 19. Will he really make a public Turtle appearance and show his face in association with TBS? Hopefully one of the actual news organizations in the city will have a photographer and a reporter on hand to capture the moment, in the unlikely event he does.
Give it a rest already. The only person you are informing or entertaining is yourself. It is altogether obnoxious, pathetic, sophomoric, and downright sad.
Just stop.
Hahahaha… No.
Lee, I believe you will be correct soon, TurtleBoySpurts will be a sophomore this fall at WSU.
Gees TBSpurts aka mini-Carlo I thought you were the “he-she who should not be named”. Shouldn’t you be forming a team to raise money in the name of your fallen idol Carlo Baldino?
The Telegram just cured itself of Baldino comment cancer. The tumor of his Carlo blog still remains but all his little diseased Telegram comments got vaporized by the anti-Carlo cancer squad.
C’mon Spurts… out yourself for the Carlo cause. Prove that Carlo has a real admirer while raising money for the worthwhile cause Turtleboy is supporting.
Stalking me through all of the old articles are you now, Stevie Hambone? Why don’t you do something more productive and go hit refresh a few times on the Wormtown Brown Star blog page? If you apply yourself you might hit 400 “readers” before lunchtime. Then you can spend the rest of the day marveling at your glorious achievement. Or go out and illegally fuck with a dam again. Your choice.
TurtleBoySpurts you’re as paranoid as you are stupid. I’m just responding to you when I happen across your response. Right now I have a little time, waiting to see how long it takes Baldino to notice that all my comments are gone from his bloggings and all the other Telegram places where I blasted the PC morons. I said my comments would likely follow the Baldino purge.
As for the dam, back on Professor Zamarro’s old Telegram blog there was a moron who was dumb enough to call me Stephen ‘Burdon Pond Beaver’ Gambone.
Your mentioning the dam puts you firmly on Worcester County’s top five idiots list.
Great great article. I will be there at my old Alma Mater! We are all Patriots!