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So the Teamsters in Pawtucket organized a bunch of DHL employees to unionize, and their bosses aren’t having. Now Turtleboy is always an advocate for organized labor. We identify with the working man and we believe that unions are a major factor in the growth of the middle class. But there’s organized labor, and then there’s thuggery. And that’s exactly what is going on at the DHL in Pawtucket, where Teamsters 251 President Matthew Maini has organized a strike.
So a turtle rider, who happens to be a veteran, was hired by DHL to act as security for the drivers who elected not to join Matt Maini’s teamsters and go on strike. Specifically the turtle rider’s job was to record what happened in case anything bad happened. We are not taking a position in this matter since that’s not what we’re hear to discuss. I just wanna talk about the thug tactics that this walking cliche uses in the video. Watch:
“I bet he’ll fuck you up in like three moves.”
“You’re nothing but a bag of shit.”
“Why don’t you come to this side of the fence? I’ll take care of you myself. I’ll mop the fucking floor with you. What are you, 3 fat tall? Danny Devito height? You fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up. Go suck your mother’s cunt. Three seconds, he’d bang you the fuck out. He’d hit you with so many lefts you’d be begging for a right. You fucking twat.”
“Big fucking tough guy. You fucking racist Nazi fuck. You want the whole world to be white, and speak English, and build a wall around the border. Why don’t you go suck Donald Trump’s cock? Same mother fucker who hides in his house all day praying that we keep all the Mexicans out. I’ll mop the fucking floor with you.”
“Fucking Nazi. Fascist fucking pig. Yea you are buddy. A fascist fucking Nazi pig. Racist fuck. So my man Jerry over here, he’ll beat your ass down in a heart beat, no doubt. Send you home to your white momma crying.”
Come on man, you look like a slightly used eraser on a number 2 pencil.
And you’re shaped like a candy corn. You’re five foot nothing, two hundred nothing, and terribly out of shape. No one thinks you’d be able to punch anything except your spam javelin more than three times without having a heart attack.
Not once in that video does the turtle rider ever mention Trump either. These people are INSANE. Everyone who isn’t sucking his bologna baton is a Trump supporter. For all he knows this guy didn’t even vote. But naturally he’s being paid to film this, therefore he’s a Trump supporter, and thus he’s a Nazi/fascist/racist/white supremacist.
Did this guy not get the memo about the type of people who call everyone racist? It’s not the sausage eating blue collar goons he’s pretending to be. It’s a bunch of woke SJWs who look for things to be offended by. When a meathead like this starts spouting off about racism you can’t help but laugh. Because this mother fucker right here:
Has dropped the n word, many, many times. I’d bet my mortgage on it.
I never understood why these tough guy teamsters identified with democrats. I can’t remember the last time I heard democrats talk about the importance of organized labor anywhere. It’s like last on their list of things on the agenda. Comes way after free college, healthcare is a right, calling everyone you don’t like a racist, whining about Russians, pretending to be offended by consensual sex with a porn star, self victimization, and identity politics. After you get through all of that they might throw organized labor a bone.
Now I get why organized labor doesn’t want to align with the right. They’ve been trying to crush unions, especially public sector unions, for years. I just don’t get why these alleged tough guys identify with the party of pink pussy hats, safe spaces, feelings, cultural appropriation, trigger warnings, and race baiting, whose priority appears to be making sure men can take shits in the women’s room.
I mean, this is your peer group:
They all spoke at the DNC. These are the leaders.
Did you hear Matt Maini speak? Everything he says is offensive. Everything. Yet he’s with the party that finds EVERYTHING offensive, believes “hate speech” is a thing, and wants to censor pretty much everything that is fun. It makes absolutely no sense. This guy basically has the exact same diplomacy as Trump.
The problem is that these union thugs have been brainwashed the same way black people have, that no matter how insane the leaders get, they have to remain 1,000% loyal to the party. I don’t get it. Like I said, I’m pro-labor and I actually support the right of these workers to organize and strike and whatnot. So just keep it to that instead of jumping into the SJW pond.
The bottom line is, this whole “tough guy teamsters” thing should’ve been retired when they killed Jimmy Hoffa. It’s just such a tired cliche. You want more money? Maybe get behind someone who can actually speak to people instead of Butterball McMurphy.
57 Comment(s)
Organized labor is organized crime, flat-out extortion. Pay these sub-standard employees 3X what they are worth or we will ruin your business. By the way we take a cut of their paycheck, skimming other people’s labor. Unions are parasites on the employees.
Only a tiny handful of unions still offer ridiculous wages to their members and only where government contracts are in place.
3 miles of jersey barriers and orange barrels speed-limit set at 45mph where it was 65mph. The “job” con-job goes on for years. 3, 4, 5 or 6 years to complete a 2 to 6 month bridge or road project.
Unions cost everyone, taxpayers pay those exorbitant wages, traffic sits idling all-day so Commie politicians can hook-up Mafiosa wannabes in exchange for a cut off the employees check. Nurses are a prime example 2 year degree making 6 figures and want to be called Doctor. All day texting, minimum wage aids do the work. Nurses wages bankrupt the elderly, Cops bankrupting the state Troop E?? Shitty workmanship, concrete panels falling from the ceiling, walls breaking down and flooding tunnels. Thanks for nothing union greed.
*I never understood why these tough guy teamsters identified with democrats.
I can’t remember the last time I heard democrats talk about the importance of organized labor anywhere.*
It’s like last on their list of things on the agenda.
Oh, where to begin? Hello, unions are one the biggest donor groups to democrat candidates. That’s why the dems love them, sooo much $$$$$
Even as a dues paying union member I see the deduction from my paycheck every week which goes to line the pockets of do nothing thugs like “Tubby McFatfuck” who in turn donate my hard earned proceeds to Hillary Clinton’s, Elizabeth Warren’s, Jim McGovern’s, etc… campaigns. Of which I have absolutely no say. Fuck them
Unions could still be a good thing, but they’ve become nothing more than legalized extortionists.
Nailed it! Unions aren’t one of the biggest, they are THE BIGGEST donors to democratic politicians. Since politicians control public spending it’s pretty clear where the conflict of interest lies. It’s a legitimized racket.
No need for unions anymore. There’s plenty of laws to protect workers. Let market demand control wages. And there will be some retirees in for a surprise in 5-10 years when their pension funds are depleted. Just about every union pension fund is underfunded today.
Unions only protect the scumbags that are looking for a way to NOT work, but still collect a paycheck. What ever happened to merit based pay?
Holy crap, Turtleboy!! Can you please post some kind of warning before you throw up large photos of Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer in bikinis?!?
Now days union means over budget and behind schedule Look at the great work the unions did on the big dig Remember that commercial form the 70 s ” Look for the union label ” as that granite block crashes thru your windshield
We had a bunch of these Bolshies at work. They didn’t unnastan that managers couldn’t unionize. LOL!
A union painter with a GED makes more than his bosses boss and the foreman’s total comp is equal to the CFO’s salary.
Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.
I’d pound that little Fat Fuck into the ground him & his Faggot friend Jerry
how many of you Union haters are renting an apartment and driving a 10 year old car ? Hey join a trade union and buy a house and a new truck . Or keep hating and making $14 an hour . Been to Boston lately ? Take a good look at the vanishing middle class Union man making real money building one building after another . Pipe fitters , carpenters , plumbers roofers equipment operators . . The list goes on . We are the AFL-CIO New England building trades and we are strong .
I think the case of Mr. Ed’s missing teeth has been solved…….. although the wifey does have the nicest set of teeth I’ve ever cum across……
Sadly many of you are lazy, corrupt scum who tug off Democratic politicians in order to keep your perks that the vast majority of hardworking Americans don’t receive. Go eat a bag.
Yea, the union is the best. Except when your laid off half the year and have to sneak around trying to earn a living calling open shop guys like me for work. Almost all the guys I know in the union can’t stand the bullshit that comes along with it. Alao, no tradesman worth a flying fuck makes 14/hr either. Get your head out of your ass.
Union toadies make me laugh. You pay an organization to screw you over and brag about it. Companies and management are paying you to work, your leaders in the union are stealing your money while they are selling you out to illegals for more due paying members. Let’s see how strong you are when you’re sitting on the bench and some illegal is getting your paycheck and his kid is hooking your daughter on drugs and screwing her for laughs.
Typical Democrat lemming. Getting it at both ends and begging for more.
Just sayin
Amy is a pig, but yes, I would….
Unions were created to keep immigrants out of the workforce. White Americans didn’t want to compete with immigrants willing to do the same job for less. For this union thug to repeatedly accuse the guy with the camera of being racist when he is a ranking member of a historically racist organization is hilarious.
Unions brought the 40 hour work week , fair wages , the weekend , Safetey laws and finally OSHA’ . Your a bit confused as to the history of the labor movement in America . I’ll keep making $68 an hour and when I retire I’ll enjoy my Union Pension . Good luck with your social security .
I’ll continue using just as much Union labor as absolutely necessary when required but I’m sure that you can see the writing on the wall just as clearly as I do. I’m not always going to have to budget for shows and a third shift that literally sleeps on the job when putting bids together. Hope you enjoyed your run because you completely fucked over the Union guys coming up behind you.
Actually it was Henry Ford who gave us the week end not union thugs
I’ll take my 75.00/hr. and feel good when I retire that I earned every penny in my career without being a lazy fuck and a burden to taxpayers. I’m sure you have no shame because the level of salary you claim to earn indicates that you have been sleeping your way for decades through some job that a disabled chimpanzee can do. I hope you have pride in being a fucking uneducated corpse robbing taxpayers. You should show up to work in a ski mask. Having been on the other side of union negotiations, this behavior is not a surprise. I have negotiated with the MNA and SEIU in the past 5 years. Union workers on the whole are far less productive than non-union workers. Aside from that, many union morons decertify because unions frequently fail to deliver on their promises to members. The days of the Triangle Shirt Factory fire are over. Your stupid ass can google that so you learn something about the history of labor unions but you may be too lazy to type and read. In addition unions:
By forcing wages and pensions above competitive levels, unions directly raise the cost of labor. This results in fewer jobs available within the company.
Additionally, union laws make it extraordinarily difficult for companies to replace workers who do less work and yet earn higher wages.
The threat of strike pits unionized workers against not only the corporation, but consumers, stockholders, and other workers. One man’s profit is another man’s loss. And in this case, the union’s gains often hurt everyone else.
Take your 68.00/hr. welfare check. I hope you get rundown by a fork truck and are never able to become some fat, obnoxious snowbird sitting on a beach in FL while hardworking taxpayers foot the bill.
Amen, Sir. The days of 7 year olds working in coal mines for 16 hours a day ended around the same time as horse and buggies. Can anyone name one so-called “protection” that a modern day Union supplies its members that THE LAW doesn’t already provide?
The weekend actually derives from Medieval Church practices, in which it was custom for serfs and peasants to have one day a week off, to attend church and tend to their own plots.
Wow what a tough guy!
Where did he buy the Dom DeLuise mask…….. does Matty crave it up the ass too????
He sucked his own mothers dick.
She hit him to the left and he begged her to shove it up his ass to the right. He looks like a fat aids infected sodomite with bitch tits.
2018 unions are for losers who can’t hack it in life on their own, end of story.
The sad part is the dolphins he wears. That makes him a submarine sailor. He’s an embarrassment to those of us who served honorably. He displayed none of the characteristics of the elite.
Thank you for your service.
God bless you.
Three times, I tried to read this article, and three times, browser hijack to spam sites before I could finish. Not pop-ups, but actual hijack to spam shit.
I don’t want to be a whiny bitch. But c’mon. Don’t make me go to MassLive…at least I can FINISH an article there.
I WANT to remain a turtle rider, but when I can’t even read the really important articles…
Hard to scroll this page or click on anything. I don’t want to go to masslive either. Somebody should start a page summarizing TBS without all the hostile popups and aggressive add garbage.
Also you can use firefox with adblock, or your best bet for mobile is to open in safari and click the little horizontal lines on the address bar. They will open a “Reader View” which is just plain text and the story images. That works best.
But then I can’t read the comments!
I hear you… Try using an Ad Blocker with Google chrome. Takes care of the Viral stuff at least.
Same keeps happening to me…..only in the past few days, though. It is annoying as Hell. All the sudden hijacked to some shit that “is better than Social Security”
Still though, TB is SOOOOO superior to M/L. People can come here and voice their opinion without censorship from snowflake, offended, WOKE moderators. I have a target on my back over at Masslies (same username). There are several other regular commenters, most with conservative viewpoints, who are regularly subject to deletion. I have been referring to them as Sesame Street Live lately. I think they have hired Elmo as their moderator. The things they delete are ridiculous.
Don’t dare call a pedophile “escaping hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico” a scumbag. POOF! This asshole raped, and infected the nine year old daughter of the person who was kind enough
to house him, and gave her syphilis. NINE year old LITTLE GIRL…..SYPHILIS!!!! Derogatory comments from panzer? Deleted. No swears, no threats, …… compliments either….just voicing disgust. A big red “Content disabled”. No one can see it, except the poster.
It’s all rainbows, unicorns and sunshine at M/L….you know like in real life.
I still comment there……take it as a challenge.
Love being a new TURTLERIDER though!
It is refreshing to be able, not only say what the Hell I want, but to read others’ uncensored opinions as well. You know, free speech and all that. 🙂
Union activists, separate from Union Members who are often forced by regulation/law to become Members of a Union in order to pursue their career, are the lowest of the low. They demand that their jobs be protected at all costs, at the same that their demands make it impossible to preserve their jobs. This ain’t the Thirties, or the Fifties, motherfuckers get paid for work. No Snidely Whiplash is stealing from those whiny cuts, they’re just sad because Cheetos have gone up 50 cents since their last Strike, and how’s a man supposed to live without Cheetos?
Another pinky-ring wearing loudmouth thug. Who does this fatbody think he is ? Tony Soprano? I would have paid good money to see someone drill this fat fuck right in the chicklets. If fat boy “Guido” spoke about my mother like that, he’d be the recipient of a late night “South-end shoe-shine”. Guaranfuckateed !
I’m gonna do his wife, and send him a video of it
You are mentally ill. She is very ugly and has a smelly std pussy according to her union husband.
I’m willing to bet that Lizzie Warren in a bathing suit looks better than the other two. That’s a pretty low bar.
As a blank man in America, I’m gonna make it my job to take his daughter to the prom.
That fat ham-hock must have some great negotiating skills. What an ignorant slob……..and he’s their “president”?! Jesus.
I have to go pour some bleach in my eyeballs after seeing the photos of fat-ass Schumer and celulite legged Leah Dunham in bathing suits. I think I’m going to puke.
I think the only requirement to be a union boss is to be an over weight prick
Fat Woody Allen ran out of things to say and tries to walk off camera. The security guard filming must have made Fat Woody shit his pants to get such a good reaction. The other dork looks like Geniuses Ltc boyfriend.
DHL employees will still answer to DHL if the teamters come in but Fat Woody will get a cut of your paycheck and you will also have to answer to his big mouth.
That fat bastard would be crying for his mommy. Like the new ‘Fish” did on his first night at Shawshank.
Does Matthew Maini french kiss his mother with that mouth?
Massachusetts is a ‘at will’ state, and if DHL has any balls that have not been superglued to their thighs, they will have nothing to do with this group of thugs.
Hopefully it was a good day to test the irrigation system, oh look, the aim is off…
Maini is a fuckin tard. Union thuggery at its finest. I’d love to get the chance to rearrange his ugly face. He’s prob piss himself. What a total loser.
I’ve never had an interaction with the teamsters union where they did not threaten me with physical violence. 25 years of trade shows and events, we pay for everything, yet they insist they’ll beat me to a pulp if I carry in a box by myself. plenty of boxes, yet still no beatings, so I’m gonna go with TB on this one that they’re a bunch on windbags.
Fuck them
We had to upgrade our shipping containers to accommodate granit locks so that our insurance company wouldn’t drop us because we were loosing upwards of 30% of our gear when shipping to union (and only union) operated facilities. Police take reports but they don’t really investigate. The only other way was to ship to an alternate location nearby and arrange transportation after we were onsight. We have no problem using cardboard boxes and wooden crates when we aren’t dealing with unions.
If Maini’s physical condition is a testament to the kind of labor that he’s representing then he isn’t setting the bar very high.
have fun looking for new jobs because you decided to follow this fat fucker around DHL drivers
oh and why no Liz Warren bathing suit pic to go along with the other two fat ones?
hahahahah hahahaha OMG…..
I have no idea what the camera man looks like; but could you imagine if any fucken averaged in shape guy actually went on the other side of the fence when challenged by the blue hatted fucken wad of lard what that fat fucks reaction would be…..
haha even on the other side of the fence he needs to bald guy to be his “muscle man”…..
Man there are losers in this world….and then there are blue hatted, gray semen stained bearded fat fucks like this guy.
Gotta admit he sure duz havea purdy mouff………..jus sayin………
That’s just what Gimli wants him to do. So he can say he was attacked by a scab.